Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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Until the update to version 2.19.1_1on 08/19/2020, my 3 Arlo cameras, were working fine. I'm 68, so I don't often leave, but when I do, that is when I activate the cameras. But I left for an hour today, and for some reason,  I suppose I didn't activate it. I had no images that were taken. There should be at least a few of me coming and going, and of my cat activating the motion sensors, but I had ZERO IMAGES TAKEN. The display I noticed lately, has changed in the option icons, and I guess I don't understand them like I used to. After I ARM the cameras and they are then active, what if anything must I do, to be sure the cameras are working? Or is there a link to the upgrade that explains what the new icon options, are? Any help, I'd appreciate a lot. Thank you.   Cestmoila21


If you go to mode the two icons at the top I believe your are talking about. There is  "Arm all device" and "Disarm all device". That should be all you have to do to arm or disarm. That is new but simpler then before.  Not sure if you changed anything in your rules as regards to recording when motion is detected. Some more details could help.


@dcfox1 Thanks. But what I was trying to explain is that I have 3 cameras, and they each have their own smaller display windows, Living Room, BedRoom and Kitchen, so it picks up movements in each room, where the cameras are. It is those windows, after I ARM the cameras, the smaller icons at the bottom of each camera window, has changed from how they used to look. I used to click I believe, on the II icon, which would then activate each camera window, to be ready to monitor. Since the upgrade last month, the icons that I used to see are GONE, and replaced by another set of icons. and it is this set, I'm confused with. Each of the three camera windows, show a right hand arrow in each, after they are ARMED. Same thing happens now. But the icon II I used to click to activate each camera window, is gone, and if I don't click on anything, the arrow stays lit in each window, and it won't record motion. That was why I was asking if there was a data sheet for the new Arlo upgrade from last month, so I'd better understand what has changed. At 68 years of age, or any age at that, having expensive security equipment is nice, but I'm just trying to find out what I did wrong today, so that I can understand the new set of icons, better. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week, I happen to have Dr. visits, out of town. So, I'd like to try and understand things, so the days don't get wasted with no security when I'm not here. I'm not claiming to be a 'know-it-all', but until that upgrade was put into effect, I understood how to get the cameras to record, but the upgrade messed up the order of smaller icons, so after today, I know I need some type of better understanding on how to work the cameras. Thank you. Cestmoila21



Did the reply answer my question? No. It damn sure didn't. I had only ONE reply to my initial question, and it wasn't even a reply to what my question stated. I gave another explanation for the initial question I asked, and no one added anything. It's disappointing, that when you buy expensive equipment, such as the security cameras you handle, that when a problem occurs, you regret buying the equipment, because no one seems to care if you get help fixing it. The cameras are exceptionally good, and they take great videos, but when you're 68, on SS and ask a question, tech support doesn't appear. So, NO is my answer to your automated message you sent me today.

Guru Guru

First, it sounds like you created a case with official support (this is a user forum, not official). There would be no automated email from this forum asking if your question was answered.


Next, it sounds like you are confusing 2 issues - recording and live viewing. Use of live view automatically cancels motion detection recording - you have to manually start the recordings. If you want normal recordings according to your plan, don't use live view except when you're actively monitoring the scene.


The icons have changed recently in the live view display where the pause icon (||) is now a stop icon (square box). That can be confusing since the record icon is right next to this and is small enough to make the two look rather similar. Hopefully that will change in an app update.


Thanks @jguerdat for the head's up. Obviously, I need it. I got an inquiry if my question had been answered, and I mistook it as from this Forum. Perhaps if I better express myself I'll be easier to understand. Until the latest upgrade last month, I'd log in, go into Mode, and arm my cameras. This was only done when I was leaving, to have the security the cameras would record anything that activated them from motion. When the 3 cameras were armed, I'd go into Devices, and see three small windows, each showing a different camera view. Each small window, had a right hand pointing arrow > like this, and I THOUGHT I had to click on each arrow, to activate that camera. When I did, the windows went black for a moment, and returned again. I then clicked on the WiFi icon, and that would activate the camera in that window. When I did each camera window like that, they were armed. If I walked around and went into rooms where the cameras covered, I'd be recorded. But since the update, as you stated, the icons have been changed, and perhaps because of that, I'm confused now. If I did something I could have avoided the first times I used my cameras, I'm sorry for misunderstanding the process I should have used, and I apologize. But with the update in effect, after I arm the cameras in Mode, and returns to devices, what else is there I need to do? Since the update, I haven't been able to film anything on any of the three cameras. I changed nothing in settings after the update, so that can't be the reason I can't film anything from motion activation. What should I do, to get them Working? Better question is, is there an ACTUAL USERS MANUAL, i could use?


Another item, is since Hurricane Laura struck my area of South Louisiana, after 2 or 3 days, we got our electricity turned back on..., sort of. Weird, but the city I live in, uses TWO DIFFERENT TYPES OF ELECTRICITY. Been like that the last 50 years or so. Half the city uses one type, the other half the other type. And they are NOT COMPATIBLE with each other. The area I live in, had a Generator burn out, so has only one generator providing the power. For about $250,000 they bought a new generator from up North, just shy of the Canadian Border, but it's a real ordeal to ship it to us. Our hospital is on the same line as I am, and the city asked them to not use electricity from the city, but to use their back up generators, which they have two of. But as soon as they turned them on, one of them burned out also. So, on one generator, not enough power for the hospital, so they transferred some patients to other locations, until all this is fixed. I'm not asking for any pity because of this, but to finally get the power back on, and hope it stays on, they had spurts of actual electricity coming on and off, for a long time. I thought and prayed all this ON and OFF of the electricity, didn't cause any damage or burn something out. But that may be why, I now have another issue, that when I log in, my three camera windows all say, YOUR BASE STATION IS OFF LINE. I turned all my modem/router hookups off, and rebooted the router, and added them back on, one after the other. But looking at my base station, ALL THREE LIGHTS ARE GREEN, and only the middle light, actually blinks a few times, every now and then. So, the base station is on, but the software says it's off line. I suppose that means I have to re-introduce each camera to the base station, and hope that renewing them all, will cure the OFF LINE situation.


Does this help explain my issues, and if so, what can I hope to learn on all this? Again, I apologize for all my confusion, and hope this can now help me with this. Thank you.









Guru Guru

Well, that was a mouthful...  🙂


To be able to record activity normally, all you need to do is to arm the cameras, whether using the Arm All Cameras button in the Mode section or by going further and clicking on your base to be able to see and manipulate your modes (perhaps selecting Armed and Disarmed manually). When armed, the cameras will detect motion and record as needed. I think you were using live view after arming but when you leave the Devices screen, that viewing stops automatically - you would need to keep the app open and the Devices tab in view. There's no need to use live view except when you actually want to see what's going on at the moment. Just arm the cameras and go on.


As for your power situation (never heard of incompatible AC power in the same area), I would strongly suggest that you RACE out and buy an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) of at least 750VA. It's a battery backup for power that you can use to plug your modem, router and base into. That will not only allow you to get through most power outages (the battery should last many hours) but will also help protect that equipment from electrical surges and brownouts. Something around $100 should be available from Staples, Best Buy, and many other stores that sell electrical hardware. Here's a low-priced one at Staples:


Now that you've protected your equipment, let's attack the offline issue. There have been a number of complaints about this and it's not clear to me what's going on. The fact that all 3 LEDs are on and green on your base indicates the system is working (you can test by arming the cameras, walking in front of them and see if you get notifications and videos). When this sort of thing happens to me, in almost all cases I force close the app, reopen it, let the display stabilize and there's my cameras. You can also try the web client at using a web browser. You can use a mobile browser when you set it to use the desktop version of the site (it's in the browser settings). If that doesn't work, unplugging your router and base and then plugging them back in, in that order allowing the router to fully reboot before plugging in the base, may help. I can't be sure any of this will work since the various complaints and suggested fixes haven't been reported as successful - perhaps you can be the first.


Good luck and keep us posted.


@jguerdat, Been too busy for a couple days to reply back to you. The attachment, explains the trouble in the city over the differences in electrical connections, and it does a better job, of explaining it.  Seems the forum only allows one attachment, so I'll close this post, and return with another that has a snapshot of what my cameras display when I first sign in. Be right back.




jguerdat, This attachment displays what greets me right now when I sign in. With this type of situation, I have no access to anything in settings. Perhaps I need to reintroduce the cameras to the base station, but the base station still has three green lights showing. I hate to admit it, but the surge protector strips you speak of, I already have. But of the CHEAP QUALITY, and I must break down and upgrade at least the one for my electronics. As I tried to explain, when the power was TRYING to come back on, it was a battle between being on and being off, and if you think of a simple light switch, the on or off button, may just cause problems by shorting the switch out.


Because I was able to return all my router plug ins, it was only the Arlo that was not working as it should. So I did a classic reboot of everything, from removing all router plug ins, and even taking the router AC away from it. Then piece by piece, I started adding them back gradually, and the Arlo base station, came back on and eventually went to all green lights. But obviously, I think, each camera must be resynched to the base, one after the other, to try and remove the glitch that is affecting the system right now. Do you have any tips on how to place each camera, back on the base? Thank you.


I went back to the electrical trouble in town, and realized I didn't explain it all, correctly. Why is there two different volt or wattage set ups, that causes no connection between the two, you'd have had to be in the city council meeting 50 years back, to have an idea. But I apologize that I muddled up what the trouble was about.


I got another message yesterday from the forum, but I haven't had time to look at it yet. As I said, things got hectic around me for a couple days, but are better now. Thanks again.








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