Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras


Just recently, within the last 2 weeks the base unit (in 2 separate locations) keeps going offline. Is there a system issue that is not being addressed??? This is really frustrating.

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I got the connection working again, I had to close wifi from phone, then log out and log in using 4g connection, no reboot of the base was needed...

BASE STATION just went down again. That makes it 4 days in a row.


Well, I just had a good run. The BASE STATION didn't turn off for nearly 2 days.


I'd highly recommend to those that are considering buying an ARLO Security Camera, to thoroughly read through this thread & many others before buying....just to see the level of service you will receive after you buy into this company. This problem has now been around since the beginning of the new year & still no fix.


I've opened a "CASE" internally with Arlo and the list of demands they've requested looks more like a "POLICE-RAP-SHEET" (listed on pg1 of this thread) than a help list.


The time I've spent on this forums with problem after problem over the past 18 months is simply not worth the effort.


If you haven't already invested in them, my advice is to look elsewhere.


I have the same problem with trying to log in to Arlo on my Samsung phone with "You are not connected to the Internet". This happens whether I'm on 4G or Wi-Fi. I find Force Stop the Arlo App will then allow me to log on OK just once. If I log out I then have to Force Stop the app again.


Oddly , my friend with a Apple phone has no such problem. No problem on my desk computer either.


I wonder if it seems to be a problem with Samsung/Android phones? Can't see anything obvious in the App settings. 


@rxn wrote:

I have the same problem with trying to log in to Arlo on my Samsung phone with "You are not connected to the Internet". This happens whether I'm on 4G or Wi-Fi. I find Force Stop the Arlo App will then allow me to log on OK just once. If I log out I then have to Force Stop the app again.


Oddly , my friend with a Apple phone has no such problem. No problem on my desk computer either.


I wonder if it seems to be a problem with Samsung/Android phones? Can't see anything obvious in the App settings. 

I'm on a Pixel XL and this just started happening to me too. Something is wonky with the Arlo app and I can only assume there are more folks who are getting this but might not know about these forums or this thread.

Hmm, today arlo stopped working at home, usually it does that outside my own wifi. I did the following and the app started working again after inserting verification code and adding the device as trusted: force stopped app, then cleared all data. So, in my case, seem smoke there are several ways to recover (usually turning off wifi before starting arlo does the trick)...

I am having the same issue as original poster. App ver. 2.23_28305, Android 10. I am asked to sign in but I am unable to as red banner states I am not connected to the internet. If I turn off wifi I am able to sign in. I also never do sign out, I simply close the app routinely.


Rather than wasting my time on this forum on a daily basis, I've decided to make it a weekly update.


4 days this week the base-station has lost connection to the internet (as stated since Jan this year 2021).


A Red banner "Not connected to the internet" comes up.


Thank god I've now installed a SMART-SWITCH which enables me to turn the base-station off manually from anywhere in the world which then resets the base-station within a couple of minutes.


This is just a BAND-AID fix but it's better than nothing which is what ARLO is exactly doing.

This perticular thread has nothing to do with the base station. The initial post on this thread describes an issue with the Android app where the app itself displays a message that you are not connected to the internet.
hexrays says - displays a message that you are not connected to the internet.
Exactly. It's a similar problem where the same message gets displayed. That's why I & others have been expressing our situation on this thread. Why start another one, but thanks for your concern.

@hexrays wrote:
This perticular thread has nothing to do with the base station. The initial post on this thread describes an issue with the Android app where the app itself displays a message that you are not connected to the internet.

Well, hard rebooting my base station actually allowed me to do an initial login so I disagree. Also thanks for your super helpful reply (sarcasm).

I have to agree with you, that one time that I tried to login from my work computer since mobile app was not working, the login actually succeeded but connecting to cameras didn't. So either android app messes up the whole login system for some period of time or then it's the base station that has some compatibility issues... Hard to tell because there's lot's of errors and ways to recover and absolute no support from Arlo 😄 I hope this thread hits the top of Google so they realize it's a bad business to stick your head to the sand 🙂

It is possible you are on to something. I will try that the next time I get that message on the app.


This afternoon I opened the Arlo App on my Samsung Galaxy S9+ and it prompted me to "LOG BACK IN". I entered my user name and password to log in, then the RED BANNER appeared at the top "You Are Not Connected To The Internet Please Check Your Connection." I am in my home, I have full wifi and good cell data. I tried again taping on LOG OUT and then LOG IN, same read banner message appeared. I went upstairs and re-booted the base station and waited for three green solid lights. After a couple of attempts to log in without success I closed the app, then re-opened the app and was able to log in. Not sure if the reboot had anything to do with it or closing and re-opening the app is what did the trick or both. Very frustrating that's for sure! If someone rings my Arlo Video Doorbell there is no way I'd get through these issues to get the app to open to answer it live........


I urge EVERYONE who is having these RED BANNER issues (Not Connected) to buy yourself a SMART-SWITCH so you can at least reboot your base-station when you're not at home.

It's not the solution to this problem but since I've installed it 10 days ago, it's worked for me every time.

Mind you.....if somebody breaks into my house while the cameras have stopped, I'll have no footage of the thief. Make's this surveillance system pointless.

Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator

Hello everyone, 


Thank you for providing your feedback. Android version 3.0 should address this issue. Please make sure you have the latest version of the Arlo Android app v3.0. 

Thank you! Updated.

Im have the same problem too. Im using App ver 3.0.1_28335. App will not connect to internet. 


The latest APP & PC update has helped big time & I haven't had a problem in a week.


I'll keep updating over the coming months.

I an having the same issue. The internet connections is working for all of my other internet searches. I also unlimited data. I have unaucessfully deleted app twice. Also turned internet connection off and reconnected. Unplugged base station and unconnected and reconnected to router.

Did you update your app?


He says he deleted the app twice.  So he would have had to DL the app on store which i would think is the newest version. If it is not the newest version it could be all our problems....


I don't know what version of the Arlo app I had on my Samsung phone before, but it would not connect to the Internet unless I Forced Stop. It would then connect, but only once, so I had to keep forcing stop. I now have App version 3.0.1_28335 and it connects every time.

Just a side issue, I notice the Arlo icon looks different now.


Hello Admin.

This weeks update.


After a whole week basically of no interruptions.....last night while on the PC trying to watch the vision on the camera's, some camera's would turn on for a second and then go immediately blank for 10 seconds & then it would repeat that same fault all over again.

So I'd log out & then log back in & try it all over again & the same thing would happen.

I then reverted back to my back-up-plan & turn the power off with a smart-plug & do a full reset, but no luck for at least 2 hours & then things went back to normal.

Everything has been fine today until 6pm when the same pattern has raised it's ugly head.


Will Arlo ever be perfect?

Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator

HI @Steven_Martin


Can you try on a different browser to see if you are experiencing the same issue. This thread seems to be related to the Arlo Android app and not with the My Arlo web portal.