Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Arlo essential hub/no subsciption

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I have a VMV4540r3 hub and 6 essential came in total. 

Plan is to use for simple recording of people passing through doors. 

As my 3 month trial is ending I'm starting to connect these to the hub. But they won't record or give push notifications when there's movement. 

When re-adding the to the app it says I need a subscription to activate additional cameras. 

I got the hub specifically as I didn't want a subscription. 


The cam is connected to a wifi on the same LAN as the hub, not to the hubs wifi as the distances are too far for this to work.


Has arlo cheated me and I'm forced to pay up for a subscription, or is there a way for this to work?


Accepted Solutions

As jugerdat states the cameras need to be connected to the base station so that recordings can be backed up to it’s external storage device.


The method of connection is via the Base station closed wifi network hence the need for cameras to be in range of a Base.


The essential cameras are also able to connect directly to your local wifi network but they can only stream to the arlo cloud storage and not to the base station hence no recordings can be backed up.


View solution in original post


There is a five camera limit to the account without a subscription.


If you have pro2 or earlier model cameras they retain the 7days free cloud library  feature.


if you want to have in app viewing access to direct storage via the base station you will need the cameras installed to a compatible Base station. Read carefully about limitations. 


Don’t work for arlo so can’t comment on the ripoff comment, but you will require a multiple camera subscription to make it all work with the existing setup.


If they charge you for the hardware, and then require a subscription to use it as well.. that's a rip-off 🙂 


I have read that the subscription plan requirements are clearly printed on the box. I guess your like me and need a magi lamp.


You do have the option to purchase another Base station to allow you to extend the camera connection range by positioning it closer to the camera.


From the ease of operation and to have rapid viewing access to multiple users the subscription option would be best.


Have you considered the CVR subscription plan, again with the limitations. 

Guru Guru

First off, the Essential cameras all require subscriptions. The 5 camera plan is only for the Pro 2 and older.


I suspect since you deleted the cameras from WiFi and added a hub to connect to, the trial subscriptions were canceled. Check Settings, Subscription to see if the trials are still in effect. Also, with no sub, zones won't work unless the cameras are attached to AC power so the cameras can do the processing. If you have zones defined, remove them and the subscription message should disappear.


Without a sub, only local recordings are available. I believe notifications still work but not Smart notifications/animated previews. You would then have to use the app to view the recordings or safely eject the drive from the hub for viewing on a computer.


The cameras MUST be connected to the hub for local recordings since the recordings are "intercepted" in the hub for the local storage. If distance to the cams is an issue, you can either use multiple hubs so certain cameras connect to each and/or use a WiFi or powerline extender to allow useful locations for the hub(s).


According to the information I can find the subscription is only needed for cloud storage and "smart" functions.  
I got the Hub for local storage and I do not require any smart functions. Just simple movement detection and record. 
When you pay around 130$ for the hub, without storage, you expect it to have some functionality... 

Do the cameras need to be connected to the wifi from the hub? It's not enough for them to be on the same LAN? 
The Hub has no problems detecting and adding a cam when present on the same LAN.

Guru Guru

@Tttom wrote:

According to the information I can find the subscription is only needed for cloud storage and "smart" functions.  

Also Activity zones.


@Tttom wrote:

Do the cameras need to be connected to the wifi from the hub? It's not enough for them to be on the same LAN? 

Yes, they need to be connected to the hub for local storage to work.


@Tttom wrote:

I got the Hub for local storage and I do not require any smart functions. Just simple movement detection and record. 

That is available with some other limitations:

  • recordings only available in the app (not the web browser)
  • recordings only available from the primary account (not friend accounts)
  • No preview/thumbnails.  Recordings need to be downloaded to view them.
  • No manual recording or snapshots
  • Remote access requires router settings changes that some find difficult (and which don't work with some ISPs).

As jugerdat states the cameras need to be connected to the base station so that recordings can be backed up to it’s external storage device.


The method of connection is via the Base station closed wifi network hence the need for cameras to be in range of a Base.


The essential cameras are also able to connect directly to your local wifi network but they can only stream to the arlo cloud storage and not to the base station hence no recordings can be backed up.



Thanks for all the clarifications. 
I bought these in the hope of the Arlo team actually delivering a proper product for the price they charge. 
Too bad it's just another company with overpriced products desperate to suck more money out of you. 


Guess I'll have to return the cameras and get some cams that can stream to a nas/nvr instead.


It would have been excellent for arlo to have kept the 7days free cloud storage, I guess we will never know.