Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Hi. I have a problem integrating Smartthings and Arlo. I took a screen recording to show the problem: The biggest problem is that now Smarthings is not receiving information from the motion sensor in Arlo cameras and my automation no longer works.
Best answers
  • Arlbroke

    Mine started working yesterday.  I had to unlink and relink the Arlo account to Smartthings.  I also had to redo the smartlighting automations in Smartthings.

  • ShayneS
    Arlo Moderator
    Arlo Moderator

    Thank you for providing your feedback, I have notified the Development team & we are working on a release for early next week. I will be sure to update you as soon as I hear more!

  • ShayneS
    Arlo Moderator
    Arlo Moderator

    Thank you for your patience while we worked to resolve this issue. The issue with the Arlo SmartThings integration and not receiving alerts should now be resolved. You do not need to relink your devices, you should now be receiving your automation alerts.

464 REPLIES 464

Arlo Support,


Ref:  Interface to SmartThings, not reporting Motion, or Battery Level to SmartThings - Arlo Case 42930589



After reviewing your link to:  How do I integrate my Arlo cameras into the Samsung SmartThings app?


It was found that your information / steps are associated with the OLD Classic Version of SmartThings which was discontinued over 2 years.

Your steps were close enough that an experienced user, like me, could figure out the correct steps within the “current version”.


However, the steps you currently show are only associated in installing a NEW User Integration, which does not fix the issue.



The correct and missing steps are:


NEW User, How to Integrate my Arlo into SmartThings App.


  • In SmartThings App…….
    1. Click on “Adding a New Device”
    2. Click on “Device”
    3. On the Add Device Window, Scroll down to “Select from List of Devices”
    4. Click on “ By Brand”
    5. Click on “Arlo” then “Camera”
    6. Click on “Arlo”, then Next
    7. A List of the Arlo Devices/Cameras will appear
    8. Click on “Done” and Arlo will require you to Lon Into your Arlo Account, name and Password.




EXISTING Integration Users, How to reestablish a NEW Integrate Link my Arlo into SmartThings App.


  • If your SmartThings Account is currently Linked to Arlo, you must:
    1. Delete all Arlo Cameras from SmartThings.
    2. Delete the Arlo Hub from Smartthings.
    3. When you do this, and both are required, it Breaks the Link, between SmartThings and Arlo.


  • Once that Integration Link is Broken.  Using the SmartThings App…….
    1. Click on “Adding a New Device”
    2. Click on “Device”
    3. On the Add Device Window, Scroll down to “Select from List of Devices”
    4. Click on “ By Brand”
    5. Click on “Arlo” then “Camera”
    6. Click on “Arlo”, then Next
    7. A List of the Arlo Devices/Cameras will appear
    8. Click on “Done” and Arlo will require you to Lon Into your Arlo Account, name and Password.
    9. This creates a New Link and fixes the problem.


Note:  The existing SmartThings Link to Arlo must be broken First, otherwise it will not fix the issue.

             Also, if you have several Accounts, or multiple locations using 2 Arlo Integrations, you have to duplicate these steps for the other locations.




Shane, you responded to this issue below (copied and pasted). I am having this issue now. Based on your response, do I have to remove the devices from the Arlo base station and re-add them, or do I drop them from Smartthings and re-add?





Arlo Moderator


This issue should now be resolved. If you have previously removed your Devices, please try adding them back to SmartThings and test again.


Thank you!

Mine quit working in middle to end of December. I only ever tried un-linking and re-linking periodically. Prior to the announcement here that a fix had been issued, a random re-link had motion events showing up in Smartthings. I'm still seeing motion events being sent to Smartthings, but have yet to add any automation triggers. I've now created a test one to see if continuous triggers are somehow breaking the integration.

I had been un-linking by going to Menu/Setup(top right wheel)/Linked services. Re-linking via normal add device, and finding Arlo in the brands section.

Un-Linking / Breaking the Integration Like between Arlo and SmartThings is the Key.

You need not make any changes to Arlo Hub, only in SmartThings.

All NEW Automations need to be created.

Mine has been working as before with no problems for several day.




Thanks for the informaiton.  I will try breaking the link and re-establishing.  Hopefully that works.  

I had been seeing motion events for about two weeks in Smartthings. I created a test automation of having 1 (out of 6) camera motion trigger a ZigBee plug. It worked for almost exactly 12-hrs. All cameras have now stopped sending motion events from Arlo to Smartthings. Sounds events are still being passed from Arlo to Smartthings. Appears that the issue still remains, and it may be tied to the automations in Smartthings.


After I created the new Link 3 days ago, it work flawlessly.
Now, this morning after 3 days, I see that it is not working again.
SmartThings and Arlo needs to work together and fix this.



@ShayneS I confirm! Everything stopped working again this morning!


Arlo what's wrong with your product? Why did you solve the problem for two months and in the end did not solve anything! Everything is not working again!!!


Same situation with me. I have dropped and re-added all my cameras and base station multiple times with Smartthings. Cannot get motion detection to work. Below are screen shots from Smartthings IDE. I just did a reset. I'm getting push notifications on motion and sound from the camera below. The log in IDE is showing nothing. Not sure why current states is showing Camera: Off and Motion: Inactive? The community yard crew has been constantly triggering where I get the push notifications, but nothing is being sent to Smartthings.Arlo2.JPGArlo1.JPG


I'm about ready to rip out my Arlo System and purchase a more stable system.

Confirming my smartthings:Arlo integration is broken again. Sometime in the past 6 hours.

Yep.  Same here.  Was working great for a few weeks.  Now…nothing. 

Guess I’ll have to re-enable my Alexa motion routines until I can replace my Arlo system with something that works.  Even if it is a ST issue, it is easier for me to replace my cameras than my ST hub and have to redo all of my home automation setup.



I just re-activated my Alexa routines as well.  

Its a shame we have to do that.


I have a question for you ....

I have found that I have to set up 2 rules for each camera.  1 to detect motion, and 1 to turn if of after 1 minute of no motion.

Have you found the same thing  ?   


Yes, I have 2 SmartThings Systems, at 2 different Houses, and love all the Automations.

I hope Arlo and SmartThings get their heads together, or ........ SmartThings develops their own outdoor Camera.



I have 1 routine per camera (definitely nicer in Smartthings there).

When: Camera detected motion
Action: #1-Turn on switches/lights
#2-"wait" action, add preferred amount of time
#3-Turn off switches/lights

So after a couple smarthings updates previously, I was able to uninstall both ST and Arlo apps, reinstall them and then relink and the motion and battery level issue was resolved and everything worked as usual.  Today at 6 am there was another ST update that broke the MFing Arlo and ST integration such that ST does not receive Arlo camera motion events.  This once again renders all my automations that use camera motion in them as useless again.  Called into ST and was told it was never fixed since they broke it on Dec 24th.  I told them it was fixed, they said no.  Two things, ST customer phone support are unknowledgeable fools and WTF, how can you continue to fix and then break things in this app.  These people as foolish....

I have exactly them same routines using Arlo motion in ST. It is now picking up the initial camera motion, and then firing the ST routine to turn on the lights which should auto- turn off after 4 minutes. The problem I now have is ST is still seeing the camera in a motion state... even though the camera itself has returned to no motion. This causes the routine to continuously retrigger even though their is no longer motion being reported from the camera.
@ShayneS we need a message from you that support is already investigating this problem

This didn't seem to solve my issues at all. I'm about to throw these camera's out and go with something that actually works. 

Despite the listed best answer that this is fixed as of Feb 7, my system is still not registering and responding to motion events. Is something required to update to make it work again?
Had something new happen when I tried linking again last night. I received an email from Arlo saying that a third party service had been linked to my account. I've never received that in the many linkings I've done over the last couple months. It didn't magically start working, but possibly they are trying something to fix it. I also had a Smartthings update that I ran before trying to link again.

Well, I finally took the plunge and removed the Arlo linked service from SmartThings, logged into the SmartThings IDE and deleted any residue of Arlo that I saw. I then reconnected Arlo in SmartThings app, and tested the integrating. It worked, however motion notifications to SmartThings stopped working again a while later. OH WELL!


Funny thing is, even though Motion detection stops coming over to SmartThings soon after break/fixing the Arlo Linked Service re-integration, Sound detection notifications from my Arlo Cameras is still making it over to SmartThings even after Motion detection stops coming over to SmartThings.

Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator

Thank you for all the feedback regarding this issue with the SmartThings integration. The development team is aware and investigating the root cause. I will continue to provide you all updates as soon as possible.




Thank You Shayne S,


Its been down since Dec 22nd.


You can fix it by breaking and creating a NEW Link, where SmartThings asks you to log into Arlo, authorizing your Account.


What I think is happening is, the Trust (authorization) created when adding a link between is being forgotten, or dropped, after a couple of days then it fails to send Motion and Battery status information.




I have verified this 3 times, and all 3 times it fails after 2 or 3 days.


I bought Arlo Doorbell camera expecting it to work but unfortunately it never worked for me and motion sensor is not triggering automations. Any ideo if it woll work anytime soon or should i buy a different motion sensor to run my automations?