Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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Hi, please add this feature.
For me it is essential. Not for security problems but for confidentiality reason...




I will second that as well, it would be nice to have it hidden.

I agree as well you should be able to hide SSID from view.
Arlo please hide the SSID.

There is no reason to broadcast to everyone what type of security cameras I have.

The support page says "Arlo does not hide the Arlo base station SSID because it provides very little security. "

That means, hiding SSID would provide a little more security than not hiding. We all agree it would provide a little more security if it was hidden.

So why is Arlo decided against providing the MOST security possible? You are deliberately providing slightly less security.

Why can't the cameras sync to a hidden SSID? You are also telling us that you don't hide the SSID because it's easy for people to find/connect if the SSID is hidden. So why don't you do that? Please provide your customers with what they are asking for. More security.

Obscurity is NOT security.  An SSID is a "name" of a network, not the foundation of security for that network.  Authentication and encryption are security mechanisms in a wireless network.  The "name" of the network provides NO security.  In fact, hiding an SSID is a security risk.  The way a client machine behaves when searching for broadcast versus non-broadcast SSIDs is very different.

Non-broadcasting SSIDs are a security risk as the name is included in the beacon packets.  Those beacons can be captured in clear text over the air and can be exploited by someone who creates an access point with the same name, attempting you to connect to their bogus AP.  There are numerous other security risks with broadcasting your SSID but I'm not going to bother taking the time trying to explain them all.

Just know that hidding an SSID decreases your security.  Leave the wireless security implementations to the experts.  You're not it.

The Wraith
For me it's not security problem, it's neightbor problem. My crazy neightbor keeps complaining me that my "multiple" WiFi signals is affecting his Wifi signal. I explained him many times that it's my Arlo that i have no control over its Wifi and to fix his router but he won't listen and threating me. So I have no choice but to remove my Arlo to avoid further problems from my neightbor Smiley Sad Please do something and hide SSID no matter what. Other devices can hide SSID
Not applicable

Please stop broadcasting the Arlo SSID. 


Please can you stop broadcasting the ssid! I work with networking and to have a unit on my network broadcasting a generic ssid telling everyone im running arlo just feels bad. What if all devices did the same lame **bleep**ing idiot thing? Id have 10+ ssids broadcasting… Why is it broadcasting in the first place? If its for setup just disable it after first setup. 


@The_Wraith He said its not for security reasons, are you able to read and respond on an adult level? If not please dont respond.

Kind sir. If not hiding the SSID is more secure, then how about allowing the few or many with an option to at least change the name as to possibly keep my camera system incognito. Or maybe from someone putting on a ski mask or paper bag on and taking off with some very expensive magnetic cameras to go sell on eBay, Craigslist or offer-up. I purposely have the cameras at a lower level because I have to resynchronize them far to often. If I got out the 30ft ladder and had them out of reach, I could not press the synchronize button without a large hassle. At least we would have options. A choice would make so many happy and I bet repeat buyers. Thanks for hearing me out.

The issue is not SECURITY, but PRIVACY.   As a practitioner in the concerns of HIPAA privacy one learns that they are not the same.   Most of the requests in this thread are about privacy and it has been my observation in over half a decade of practice that many security wonks don't understand the distinction between these important factors.


I have had many clients that at least do not want to advertise that ARLO is on the premises, particularly if they are attempting to trap a violator. 


At least provide a means to change the SSID...


I have the same issue Arlo Pro 2 Needs some kind of update.Having your Arlo SSID displayed along with all the other networks no matter what the name it's vulnerable to all who seek access. If you cannot hide the SSID anyone can logon with little effort once they've installed the app and are in range say 100 yards almost depending how strong your signal is, but yes this is a huge security issue. Rendering them useless until an update or fix ,,maybe they could allow owners of Arlo owner systems trade in the base stations for a new one. That's what a reputable Corporation would do . That's what my Corporation would do. Just the act alone will put Arlo a big step above the rest...BEWARE I KNOW THIS FOR SURE. I wish they would contact me @ or 401-954-3271 Thanks guys...Good Luck and stay safe. The life you save may be your own or a loved one..Practice Social Distancing ..until there is a vaccine...God Bless!