Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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Any solutions to all or some of the issues posted since de new upgrade?


I am very concerned.




No solutions but give it a day or two and you will be happy with the new look and feel. 


I love it. Smiley Wink




The new apps just plain sucks,

I cant control my scheduling. Something is wrong.

I have it set to record from 11pm to 12am, the from 12 am to 5am.

Its still recording now @ 7:40am?

Doesnt make sense.

If this doesnt get fixed I will return this, and go with Lorex like I should have done.

The new app is recording all the time even on my mode I created. Its burnning my batteries up.

This crap needs to be fixed. Seriously.





Hey There..

Couldn´t agree with you more.. Theres no doubt in my mind that the new app update is a change for the worse - less logical, less user friendly and overall a worse layout.. - and i´m pretty sure that i will get use to it but i still think its a step back - the old layout was excellent!


Dear Arlo.. rethink the update..




Bad product and bad customer service


No, I have not received a response yet. How long does it usually take? After sending my email, I was able to change the video quality via my computer only, still not on myu Iphone 5s.. While doing so, I saw what appeared to be people on property and drove back from LA to Palm Springs to secure house. As I drove, I checked in on my phone a number of times. As the video quality was then set on optimized, and as the new upgrade STILL DENIES my attempts to change quality settings via my Iphone (still crashes app when I try), I was unable to record clear faces or images. Nothing conclusive to give authorities. NOTHING!

In addition to the inabilty of the video quality to be changed via my Iphone, the motion sensitivity is also inoperable by Iphone. Also, although I changed the duration of clips to 16 seconds (via my computer), the clips are mostly all 20 seconds in length, causing additional drainage of the batteries.

Today, I found 2 new problems. All of my December favorites have been deleted or are now inaccessible to me. The recycle bin, which I heavily rely on, is now gone or inaccessible to me. I need both things restored so that I may download all favorites, and so that I may have access to my recycle bin for the next 30 days to retrieve any necessary video clips.

As I became a victim of stalking back in May, I purchased the Arlo system for ease of use, accessibility, and the various functions promoted by Arlo. It had worked with mixed results for proving continued harrassment . Continued analyzing of repeat patterns of people, events, times, days, and vehicles has proven beneficial. This was all legally accomplished through the use of the ARLO system, which required extensive use of the recycle bin (by matching up current individuals and vehicles shown in videos to earlier video clips that were put into recycle bin), and through the ability to adjust the cameras on my Iphone. Now, not only have I lost the ability to change many functions via my Iphone, I lost critical FAVORITE footage along with my footage that was in the RECYCLE bin.

The current situation has cost me invaluable time, wasted money on batteries, and now prevents me from accessing invaluable footage. On top of that, the lack of a response or any other follow up from ARLO convinces me that NETGEAR has no interest in resolving these problems any time soon.

Please let me know where can I return my ARLO remote camera system for a full refund, including the cost of a full set of batteries (approximately $100).

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Community Manager



What OS version is your iphone running? Make sure it is on the latest version and consider reinstalling the Arlo app to further isolate the issue.


The Arlo development team is currently investigating an issue with recordings being a few seconds longer than what they are set to be within the rules. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, we hope to have a resolution as soon as possible.


The recycle bin has been removed with the latest update to the Arlo UI. The favorites feature is a filtering tool for the library and does not prevent content from being automatically deleted. Any content that you wish to keep past your allocated subscription limit (7 days for basic, 30 for premier, 60 for elite) we advise you download and store locally. 


You can find more information on the most recent UI changes here: New Arlo App: A Quick Guide to New Features






Hi James,


some things are definitely harder in the new app, but overall I think it's a vast improvement.  I have noticed a few issues though:


- The rules that were brought over from the old app are all linked.  That is, if I had a rule in multiple modes under the old app, then although it gets copied into each mode in the new app, changing the settings on any one copy of that rule affects them all.  This was actually extremely useful (it let me disable all push notifications for cameras that are triggered by motions on other cameras without having to go into every single mode), but I gather that this is not how it's supposed to work.  I certainly can't get the same behavior from newly created rules, even if I give them the same name (the rules are fully independent)


- When you create a new rule, the flow is something like this: Set detection camera -> Set recording camera -> Set action.  Clearly setting what you want to do should come before setting what camera you want to record on, as that is not applicable if you set it to do nothing.  It's a small thing, but as the new app potentially requires the creation of many rules, having this flow as straightforward as possible is helpful


- The Mode tab takes a few seconds to appear after logging in sometimes, and when selected, Getting information will appear for at least another few seconds beside the base station.  I've also seen that never go away once, and I had to quite the app and restart it, and then it worked fine (iOS).  Also, if I only have one base station, couldn't the app take me straight to the mode selection screen (again iOS, but it doesn't get automatically selected on the browser either).  Again that probably seems like a small thing, but it makes disabling/enabling Arlo slow and frustrating, and this is likely to be something most users will won't to do fairly often


- On a similar note, why is the cameras page the landing page?  I could be wrong, but I suspect that page is rarely used by most users, because Arlo isn't really designed for live viewing.  90% of the time I want the Library, and the other 10% Modes.  Having an option to set this would be great.


There's plenty of other small things that I think would make the app and Arlo much more useful as well, but I'll find the feature request section and raise those there.





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Community Manager



What issues are you having with the new app? I would be happy to assist.


Take a look at this article for a list of the other changes made with the update: New Arlo App: A Quick Guide to New Features



I had purchased the Arlo 4 cam kit Boxing Day and the iPhone app changed shortly after. The library has changed so that the recordings no longer tell you which cam the recording is from. Not a big problem but why remove that information? Makes the scan of the library easier and quicker
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Community Manager



You can view content for a specific camera within the library by applying a filter for the desired camera. Take a look at this article outlining how to use the library filter: How do I use the Arlo library filter?

