Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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Guru Guru


Answers many questions; KUDOS to Christine !



 From Netgear

  1. Where did my Modes and Rules go?

The Modes and Rules are now in Modes. Each mode now has its own set of Rules. Rules are no longer reusable in other Modes.


  1. How do I change the rule's camera sensitivity?

Go to Modes > Device > Edit Mode > Edit Rule > Edit Motion Sensitivity


  1. How do I change the rule's recording length?

Go to Modes > Device > Edit Mode > Edit Rule > Edit Recording Length


  1. Where did the Recycle Bin go?

We have prioritized our customers' privacy concerns. Recycle Bin is no more. Files are now automatically deleted from the system  when recordings are manually deleted. They are also automatically deleted when the date of the recording is older than the account's plan limits.


  1. What is the new Storage limit?

The limits are now by DAYS of storage based on the account's service level.


  1. Why were the Camera icons' colors changed?

There were several Usability issues addressed in the latest release. One is visual consistency. Green is for actionable items and since the status icons are not actionable, its active colors have changed to Black. Grey still represents disabled or not available. Orange represents warnings such as low battery and low signal strength.


  1.  Where did my older recordings go?

The limits are now by DAYS of storage based on the account's service level. If you have recordings older than your service level's limits, they are no longer available.


  1. What are known issues? 

* Android battery level is not available. An app update will be released soon.


  1. Do I need to upgrade from Basic to add another Base Station to my account?

Service Levels no longer limits the number of Base Stations. It is now possible for one account to have multiple Locations. The limits to the number of Cameras are still in pace.


  1. Why is the rule-based push notification not working as expected?

The app requires the base station to be updated to firmware version 1.7 or newer.


  1. How do I get the latest base station firmware?

The automatic updates happen overnight. This can be manually triggered by restarting an activated base station.

Morse is faster than texting!

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Guru Guru

As per the FAQ posted by Netgear , I read it as no limits on data only days of service level.  This is prob a "needed choice" as the new Q cam is a 24/7 cam.


  1. What is the new Storage limit?

The limits are now by DAYS of storage based on the account's service level.


For the rules re keeping recordings, maybe I don't understand what you want, but other than the lost of a recycle bin ( so delete is really delete ) the rules haven't changed , just relocated ( if you mean something else plse let me know and I'll try to help you ) All of my prior rules came over in custom modes and I lost nothing.



"I feel your pain, trying to make changes that were beyond your control sound good when they probably won't be viewed that way by most of the community."


Again, maybe I don't understand , but I'm an end user like you, I've had the system since the start and Vuezone before that... I like the new s/w and other than the pain of relearning where everything is... In the same boat as you.  Overall I like the changes better than dislike...many did come from prev complaints and the request area, Still wish the running man was green when on tho 🙂

Morse is faster than texting!

View solution in original post


As a new user, I wish to protest vehemently about the recent changes made by Netgear to the Arlo users capabilities. I bought myself the Arlo cameras for Christmas based on the information provided on the Netgear site. Now only days after that purchase, Netgear has implemented "major" changes that significantly degrade the capability of the system that I thought I was purchasing. Netgear knew of these changes but took no steps to make the information available to potential buyers so it could be evaluated during the purchase decision. This is an inappropriate step to take.

Guru Guru

ArloLG wrote:

 Netgear has implemented "major" changes that significantly degrade the capability of the system that I thought I was purchasing.

In what way did they "degrade" the system?


I see it as a plus !

They gave unlimited storage for free base on days only (service level) , added pushes on a per cam basis, along with a few others items.. are examples, ... most of the changes reflected some of the complaints posted in the request/change area.

Morse is faster than texting!

FYI, the storage is now only 7 days but still limited to 1 gb. Now I don't see how that is  an improvement over the 1 gb covering more days. Also, there is no ability to set rules for keeping recordings and before there was. I don't see that as an improvement either.


I feel your pain, trying to make changes that were beyond your control sound good when they probably won't be viewed that way by most of the community.


To make matters worse, they has been "no word" from Arlo support regarding these changes or the availability of a new manual detailing the new capabilities or lack thereof. In addition, the community is now full of errant information which make it difficult to know if one is finding a "new" answer or an "old" answer to a question.

Guru Guru

As per the FAQ posted by Netgear , I read it as no limits on data only days of service level.  This is prob a "needed choice" as the new Q cam is a 24/7 cam.


  1. What is the new Storage limit?

The limits are now by DAYS of storage based on the account's service level.


For the rules re keeping recordings, maybe I don't understand what you want, but other than the lost of a recycle bin ( so delete is really delete ) the rules haven't changed , just relocated ( if you mean something else plse let me know and I'll try to help you ) All of my prior rules came over in custom modes and I lost nothing.



"I feel your pain, trying to make changes that were beyond your control sound good when they probably won't be viewed that way by most of the community."


Again, maybe I don't understand , but I'm an end user like you, I've had the system since the start and Vuezone before that... I like the new s/w and other than the pain of relearning where everything is... In the same boat as you.  Overall I like the changes better than dislike...many did come from prev complaints and the request area, Still wish the running man was green when on tho 🙂

Morse is faster than texting!

Does anyone know when the user guide will be udated to reflect the recent changes?  I'd like to see a "one stop" place to go to find information instead of trying to navigate all of the recent threads here.


Thanks for the reply but I think we are still far apart. I will try to explain more clearly.

1. Regarding storage. If you go to the "subscriptions" tab on "settings" and look at them, the basic is now described as 7 days with limit of 1 gb. Before it was 1 gb over a much high limit of days and gave the user the options of what to do if the limit was reached, ie, delete the earliest recorded video to make space for new video, not record new video. This allowed a user to make those choices or enter the library and delete the videos they did not want to make more storage available. All such choices are now gone.

2. Regarding rules, I believe since I have only been a user since Christmas Day, the old rules allowed for each camera to have it own schedule or when to be armed or not, ie, not record the front of the house but record the back of the house at one time of day but record both at another time. Now it appears that there is only one schedule for all cameras. I do not see anywhere how to do otherwise. OF COURSE, it would be helpful if Netgear support would supply some detailed info regarding the operating process BUT I guess that is asking too much.

3. With all of the changes made in recent days, it is not possible to rely on any FAQs because they could be out of date. Since the community has not been scrubbed of such old information, the community is no longer very useful.

4. Now, there is a problem with viewing the cameras from my computer. I can view from my ipod but the computer gives a message of "waiting". Members on the community have related the same problem in post of the last couple of days. RESPONSE from Netgear, NOTHING.

5. I specifically purchased the Arlo cameras because of the free service and wireless. I relied on the information published by Netgear prior to Christmas and then they make "major" changes. They easily could have had a notice saying changes were coming in near future. 

6. You may not think the changes are major because you either don't use them or have not discovered them yet. Over the last two days I have found numerous issues and have forwarded my disappointment  and dissatisfaction to Netgear and all I have I received is "Sorry". 


No I idea. The response I have received from Customer Support is a "sorry" with no promise of detail or when anything will be fixed or if it will be fixed. 


My advice to the community is make your voice be heard by writing directly to customer support, numerous time if necessary. It does not seem that Netgear cares about the customer as much as they would like you to believe.

Guru Guru

Look in the Mode tab for rules and modes. It's different,not gone. Also, if using a web browser, make sure you at least refresh or clear the cache so the current web site appears properly.

This new upgrade sucks. Rules settings are impossible to find and where is "select all" for deleting mass recordings?
Guru Guru

These have been answered many times here. Rules are now in the Mode tab. Choose or create a mode and edit the rule(s).


Multiple selections depend on browser or app. Browser uses the Select option at the top, app uses press and hold to activate so you add check marks.

Guru Guru


Morse is faster than texting!

It's been more than 4 weeks since the apps and web site changed, plenty of time to write a nice, detailed, refreshed user guide.  Where is it?  Do you really expect people that are buying this camera system to be able to run it using the old one?  I respectfully predict that the frustrated traffic to this user-to-user forum would go down if there was an update available.

Community Manager
Community Manager



An updated user manual is currently being worked on and will be available soon. You will be able to find it here when it is available: Where can I find the user manuals for the Arlo Wire-Free camera and Arlo Q?



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