Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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  I have 3 ARLO Wireless cams, and 2 ARLO Q's.

   I just updated the Arlo App (to version 2.4.7, dated March 7, 2018), on thankfully only one of my 3 iOS devices (my Apple iPad), because unless I know a new version works on one device, I wait to upgrade on my other devices.
  Can NOT view LIVE on any of my 3 ARLO wireless cams!  The little cog wheel spins when I click the LIVE button, and then the icons appear across the bottom and the little man icon gets greyed out as usual, but NO LIVE viewing!  My husband and I stood like fools testing each wireless cam, dancing around and waving, and NOTHING!!!
   It works on my desktop/Windows browser if I view live there, but not on the updated app at all! (the ARLO Q's are working live, just not on any of the wireless cams.
 - I restarted the base station, to no avail.

 - I restarted my iPad, to no avail.
 - I then uninstalled the app on my iPad and re-downloaded/re-reinstalled it on my iPad, to no avail.  It's only working on my 2 iPhones because I didn't update their apps!
   Besides not being able to view LIVE with this new app version, if I tried to enlarge the screen, it goes totally black!!!!

   Help please!  TIA.


123 REPLIES 123

Parsrgood.. Well said.. I couldn't of said it better.

I find this amazing! SO many of us having the same issue and NetGear / Arlo not helping. Why we haven't been reverted back to the previous version until this update is fixed is staggering! I've done all the check and reboots mentioned before. I've removed all devices and setup again as if from new.... Guess what still no live streaming! Only advice I have been given is to update my iOS from current version 9.3.5 which I refuse to do. All was working fine before this update was released!
So I've just been on the phone for nearly an hour to NetGear / Arlo trying to get them to understand that since the recent update my system that was without issue now can't live stream!
- have I tried a different network
- what's my internet speeds
- who is my ISB
- have I tried android
- iOS version
DRESS THIS UP HOW YOU LIKE THE FACTS REMAIN "IT WORKED UNTIL THIS RECENT FAULTY UPDATE WAS RELEASED" three weeks later I still cannot stream. To keep being told to update my iOS this is NOT ACCEPTABLE!

My case has been escalated to the next level support! Wish me luck I will keep you all updated with my progress if any....

Thanks for the heads up. I filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. I have requested to be fully refunded for 5 cameras and a base station. I'm tired of Netgears lack of interest in this matter. They seem to think that if the app works on some devices that all is well. That kind of thinking is unacceptable to the rest of us who basically have very expensive camera decoys. I encourage everyone to file with the BBB. Because so far, complaining to Netgear is a waste of time. 

Is anyone running latest iOS revision (and having the same streaming problem???? Running 10.3.3 with same live streaming/black screen issue.

Yes, I am running iOS 10.3.3. On Generation 4 iPad. App has been faulty since arlo upgrade 2.4.7. On 3/4/18. I know your frustration. But everyone needs to file with BBB. All complaints that go no further than this forum on Arlo site will not help you to recover your monetary loss due to a faulty product. 

Thanks much. Know arlo app says version 9 or higher so 10.3..3 should work. Have you tried to use iOS 11 to see if this solves issue ... again understand this should not be required but trying to isolate root cause before I escalate issue

4th generation iPad will never update to iOS 11. iOS 11 is 64 bit. 4th generation is 32. Regardless of this info the fact remains that everything was running smooth until the 2.4.7. Update. So...... you can continue to jump through all of netgears hoops and drive yourself crazy. Or you can make a complaint to a neutral organization that might just get you a resolution. Filing a complaint with the Better Business Bureau will definitely get their attention. Eventually hitting them in their pockets.  Just sayin'


Is anyone running latest iOS revision (and having the same streaming problem???? Running 10.3.3 with same live streaming/black screen issue.



     The ARLO iOS version app specifically states in the iOS App Store:
"Compatibility: Requires iOS 9.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch"
     I'm also running iOS version 10.3.3 on my iPad, and lost Live Streaming when I updated to app version 2.4.7, over a couple of WEEKS ago...
   It appears there is no rhyme or reason as to why app version 2.4.7 works for some running iOS 10.3.3 or the latest 11 version (11.2.6), but yet does NOT work for others (here's just one post about it: )
   I also have a friend who indeed HAS the latest version of iOS 11.2.6, YET, just like me, she lost her Live Streaming as soon as she updated her brand new iPhone 8 with iOS 11.2.6 . She HAS the LATEST updated version of the iOS and still cannot stream live!!  Since she lives alone and works all day, has only one device (iPhone 8), she had NO other choice after not being able to Live stream her 4 outside wireless ARLO cams, but to buy new cams to replace ARLO after waiting and waiting and waiting for Netgear to fix the broken app going on 3 weeks now.  
   As I said above and many other times in various thread on this board - There are many here who have lost their Live Stream with iOS version 11.x and lower.  And there are many who have older devices who are not able to update their iOS any longer because their devices do not support it.  And they shouldn't have to, since the app is desgined for iOS 9.0 and higher!!

  I am more shocked at the point that Netgear has not addressed this officially, nor have they put out a fixed update to the app as of yet.  Also can't believe we have no way of rolling back the app to the previous version that did work! (2.4.6)


Thanks Susan,

Agree totally. Was responsible for all product for a $20B company in my past life. No way we would have allowed an issue like this to happen let alone go without a formal response. Have not even seen anything from JamesC who I had assumed was paid by Netgear to monitor this board and respond.
Thanks parsrgood,

BBB may help. Being an old product guy what really gets attention is "class action." Just surprised Arlo is not even acknowledging problem. Could cut them a break if they at least acknowledged they have a problem. And, unfortunately their off shore customer service seems the last folks to know about issues.
Hello All, to everyone that is having the same issue, I am as well. I just want to know if anyone has my exact problem. I am running iOS 10.3.3 on an iPhone 6s. I don't have a black screen when the picture is small. I have an actual picture but it's an old frozen picture. When I tap the live button, I just get a circle that spins for a while and then it disappears and then my picture just stays still. It's a picture from the day before. And when I try to zoom in, I can see the numbers zooming in but the picture doesn't zoom in. It's just a frozen picture. It's been like this for almost a month now. When I try to make the picture bigger, then the screen just goes black. If I press the record button for about 20 seconds and play it back, it plays live footage but just won't show me live footage when I want to see something right at this moment. I feel like the live feed is never going to work on my phone again. I am afraid update to iOS 11. I should not have to do that because everything else on my phone works just fine except for this. I was thinking about getting the iPhone 8. But if I go through all of that just to get Arlo working again and then it doesn't, I am really going to be upset. Does anyone know what we can do about this?

The app is faulty. It's not your phone. It's so screwed up that not everyone is experiencing the same faults, although my iPads problems mirror yours. In my opinion you would be making a mistake by upgrading your phone if you don't need one. This app is buggy and there's no explanation as to why it works on some devices and not others. As far as what you can do about it, you've made your first step by posting on this forum. I took it further by posting negative reviews on Amazon and I have filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. 

Thank you Parsrgood for your response. I am not going to upgrade my phone. I will just sit here patiently going on Arlo every day hoping that they fix it and one day it just works. It's so frustrating. I have to go back to stepping up on the couch just to look out my windows. That's the reason I got Arlo so I don't have to keep doing that. All my windows are so high up that I can't see out of them and less I jump up on something. It's so easy just to turn on Arlo and see what's going on outside.
Hi Sweet1211,
That is the exact same situation I am in thanks to this stupid faulty update! The only response I am getting from Arlo is to update my iOS which I refuse to do. As you said everything else works. This issue is thanks to ARLO update plain and simple. Keep fighting! I am! I have called ARLO three times over the past month demanding answers and will not stop until it is fixed!

Both of my devices, iPhone 6s and iPad 4 are up to date. 10.3.3 and 11.2.6. As I mentioned earlier My iPad received its final update in November of 2017. It won't update again because iOS 11 is for devices which are 64bit, iPad 4 is 32bit. With that said Arlo support is asking you to update even though their app clearly states it supports iOS 9 and above. They won't admit to a problem,they are wasting our time and insulting our intelligence by giving us the generic response of boot, reboot, uninstall, reinstall etc. They released a faulty app and they won't admit it. 


Same set up as u. IPhone 6s running 10.3..3. Same symptoms as you with old snapshot that goes black if I expand. If I hit record it actually captures live stream ... so hardware is working. Did spend an hour with customer service. Sent screenshots and after a lot of waiting they did admit they had a problem and it had been escalated to engr .... no eta on fix. Same response from JamesC. I do not believe this problem is only some systems. Believe it is on all iOS systems at least with this version of iOS. Problem is intermittent and some may not even know they have the issue because the either don't use live streaming, when they did it happened to work, or they didn't realize what was actually on screen was an old image. Like you I refuse to upgrade to iOS 11. Unfortunately I don't think this is the only bug with the new release so it may take a while. We need to stay after them until it is resolved. Number of folks pushing for resolution does matter in this case!
iPad with IOS 9.2 and Arlo 2.4.7 has live streaming issue as described. iPhone 6s with 11.2.1 and 2.4.7 live streaming works. Push to talk does not work on IOS 9.2 but does work on 11.2.1.
Thank you for your responses everyone! I am glad to know that you are all in my same shoes. I agree to keep on Arlo for engineering to fix this. I'm really getting tired of waiting, but I am hoping with all of the phone calls to them and bringing this to the better business beauro, that soon we can all tap the live button and it finally works! I have had 3 instances where I got live footage and I was excited. But as soon as I get out of it and go back in, it's back to being frozen again. It keeps getting my hopes up.

If anyone hears back from Arlo or has any updates, please let us know!

I keep reading posts where they say Netgear wants people to update their phones.  I have had my friends who have Iphone X, Iphone 8,  Iphone 6s, Iphone 7 and some android phones with lots of different versions of  ios11 and the live streaming still does not work.  I don't understand why they cannot go back to the previous app version until they get the bugs out.  To have paid this much money for cameras that will not work because of an app undate is bad.  I hope it really has been bumped to the engineers and they get on the stick


Ya we own the most expensive decoy cameras in the world now. Total BS. I want my money back.



Thanks for posting. Please encourage your friends to join this thread. Let netgear know you'd prefer to have a product that works. Strength in numbers. 


I have exactly the same problem after I upgraded the app to the latest version ios 2.4.7 on my Iphone 5 running ios 10.3.3. My wifes Iphone 5s with the same app however works fine with live streaming. I had purchased the newer Arlo Pro as a camera system upgrade before this problem occurred. After installing and setting it up I was surprised to find that my Iphone 5 app could now livestream without any problem. Obviously the latest ios 2.4.7 update does not work with the original Arlo camera system wrt live streaming. Hope this throws some light on the problem for  Arlo to fix this backward compatibility issue asap 







I own a Netgear Arlo VMS3330 Kit with three cameras. Since the update to app version 2.4.7 the live streaming on my ipad 4th generation on ios 10.3.3 does not work anymore. Any suggestions to update to a newer ios is use,ess as 4gen ipads are not eligible for an ios version beyond 10.3.3!

My other ipad, an ipad pro 10.5, is running ios 11.2.6. There the 2.4.7 app works okay.

So the 2.4.7 app has a flaw with iOS 10.3.3! Netgear, do you listen?!


@heypresto. Thanks for feedback. Many folks with you same symptom but not linked to hardware version. I have same issue with Jan/18 hardware. Issue is the 2.4.7 iOS app update and compatibility to iOS version level. ... not working with any iOS version greater that 9.0 as stated by Arlo in App Store. Hopefully with this thread continuing to grow they will get this app issue resolved with new release. Continues to work ok with prior release. Some indication it also works with iOS 11+.