Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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  I have 3 ARLO Wireless cams, and 2 ARLO Q's.

   I just updated the Arlo App (to version 2.4.7, dated March 7, 2018), on thankfully only one of my 3 iOS devices (my Apple iPad), because unless I know a new version works on one device, I wait to upgrade on my other devices.
  Can NOT view LIVE on any of my 3 ARLO wireless cams!  The little cog wheel spins when I click the LIVE button, and then the icons appear across the bottom and the little man icon gets greyed out as usual, but NO LIVE viewing!  My husband and I stood like fools testing each wireless cam, dancing around and waving, and NOTHING!!!
   It works on my desktop/Windows browser if I view live there, but not on the updated app at all! (the ARLO Q's are working live, just not on any of the wireless cams.
 - I restarted the base station, to no avail.

 - I restarted my iPad, to no avail.
 - I then uninstalled the app on my iPad and re-downloaded/re-reinstalled it on my iPad, to no avail.  It's only working on my 2 iPhones because I didn't update their apps!
   Besides not being able to view LIVE with this new app version, if I tried to enlarge the screen, it goes totally black!!!!

   Help please!  TIA.


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Suddenly over the past day or so the base station is offline, was working fine without any hassles with the exact same setup and now nothing... Could be a coincidence but i did update my ios app 4 days ago, any connection??

Anyway, tried all the highly techincal IT advice like powering it down and on again... still 1 amber light

It's not the modem or cables because I can connect the same cable feeding the arlo station to my laptop and ethernet supply is solid.

Tried the rest switch at the back in conjunction with the sync (as suggested) and it doesn't matter how long I leave it depressed, no lights change...just the single amber remains. Every so often all lights go out for a second and all green appear for a second before back to 1 amber which I assume is just some internal refresh.


Anyway the device is only 6 months old so I guess I can get a replacement unit as this one sounds dead to me?


Any help would be appreciated


My model is the Arlo Pro VMB4000 and SN 4RE1737WA0677



Which light is solid amber?




Just the power led... ie left side



The solid amber power light means that the base is booting up. That should only last a couple of minutes. It may be stuck in a loop. Try again to unplug the power cable to the base, wait for one minute then plug it back in. It should start booting up for a couple of minutes. If, after 5 or so minutes, if the light is still amber, your base may be defective. You can contact Support at the green banner near the bottom of the page.

The only other thing I can think of is to do a full factory reset with a paper clip.




Thanks mate, tried but still the same result... I still think it's suspicious this happening after a ios update. Tried the factory reset button but nothing changed (even after 20secs) the single amber power led didn't change.





Yes, it sounds like it is dead to me too.



I am having the exact same issue! Went offline AGAIN March 15th and hasn’t been back up since. Also was down March 8th all day long. No email notification from Arlo/Netgear for the outage either! Really upset me that we all spend our money for this system to help us feel safe and more secure but then it’s always going down now. How can we all have a feeling of safety when our cameras are never working.?!?!?! It’s frustrating because I really enjoyed the cameras at first but now they are just starting to become a hassle going down all the time.


I'm having an issue veiwing a live feed on my Iphone. All it shows is a frozen pic or if you got to fuul screen it's only a black screen. Any ideas?




  I'm going to guess you just upgraded to the iOS 2.4.7 version app?

   I upgraded exactly one week ago on my iPad, and it killed my LIVE stream since then. Thankfully, I did not upgrade the app on the two iPhones I also have (they are running the previous app version 2.4.6 with no problems).  See my thread about this which I posted 3/9/18 here:



Arlo Pro 3-camera system till down--2nd day, no access. It's currently useless as a security system.

I can get temporary access to the app via the browser app -- Live view only, no recording. No access via Android apps ("getting status..." messages then nothing.) 

I deleted and reinstalled the Android apps, changed browsers, deleted cache/cookies, used private browsing, unplugged and restarted base station. (Base stations indicator lights are all green. It appears to be communicating with the WAN.)

I used the browser app to remove one of the cameras and resynched it (tried with Android app and with browser on PC) Indicator lights appeared to show successful resynching but the camera does not appear in the app(s). 

Cameras are recording to local USB storage but not the the Netgear server--so nothing in the Library. Now I've lost even that capability on one camera because I tried to re-sych it and the system doesn't see the camera. 



Arlo Pro 3-camera system still down--2nd day, no access. It's currently useless as a security system.

I can get temporary access to the app via the browser app -- Live view only, no recording. No access via Android apps ("getting status..." messages then nothing.) 

I deleted and reinstalled the Android apps, changed browsers, deleted cache/cookies, used private browsing, unplugged and restarted base station. (Base stations indicator lights are all green. It appears to be communicating with the WAN.)

I used the browser app to remove one of the cameras and resynched it (tried with Android app and with browser on PC) Indicator lights appeared to show successful resynching but the camera does not appear in the app(s). 

Cameras are recording to local USB storage but not the the Netgear server--so nothing in the Library. Now I've lost even that capability on one camera because I tried to re-sych it and the system doesn't see the camera. 



Yes, I'm getting a black screen on my Arlo 1st Gen. when live streaming. Please fix it Arlo... 


Ya arlo.. I didn't pay almost $600 dollars for what are now useless tree ornaments.. 

The update screwed me. I will never update right away again or even at all..



 Solved -- here's what finally worked for me.

My problems with everything failing except local USB recording evidently started when my system got a software upgrade on 3/14/2018. After trying everything else including resetting the base station, I finally went to Settings > Base station > remove device and removed my device (base station).

That meant I had to retrieve and re-synch all of my cameras and rewrite all of my custom modes but everything appears to be working once again. 

I'm assuming that the base station lost its registration with the server as a result of the system software update. That meant that everything still showed up in my apps/browser but nothing was actually connected to the Netgear server; which is probably why the only thing I could do was occasionally go to Live view but not record or access devices in any other fashion. It would also explain why the cameras were still recording to USB storage and why I would generally see "checking status" on all of my devices.






All cameras appear offline after app update.  Any solution?


Both Iphone and Macbooks are stating that Base Station is off line, when checking the base station all lights are green.

I've turned the base station on and off numerious times to no avail, thei started about a week back and the would start up again but it's happened again it has been off line for nearlt 2 day.

This is not what I payed good money for and would like this to be resolves ASAP, security and peace of mind have been blown out the window by this situation of non complience.

I've tried everything at my end which clearly point to some glitch in the ARLO servers, fix it ARLO!



I've tried everything without any luck. Netgear Australia contact details just forward you to the worldwide support service and I was told I'd be contacted within 24hrs but also warned my support my not be valid (more than 3 months) eventhough the product is under warranty. To be honest I think this has deeper roots. It seems to have happened after an app update, It seems an worldwide occurance which seems to indicate someone or something has failed and caused our systems to fry... I will visit the retail store tomorrow and see where I stand with them as the device is only 6 months old.


I just tested on latest updated iOS on my iphone 5s with the recent updated Arlo App and yes, it works. I tested also on my bros 5s iphone with iOS 10.3.3 and recent updated Arlo App and it did NOT work. It still having black screen but it records fine in the background.. I hope there's a fix on this for people who are still using the previous versions of iOS if not then we all be forced to update our iOS to the latest version.  


If it still not working, You prolly' need to re-install the latest Arlo App in order for it to populate the fix in your latest updated iOS.. Goodluck.. 


The arlo app updated to 2.4.7 on 3/4/18 on my iPad, and ever since the update it's a crapshoot whether I get the live feed on my five cameras. And if I happen to get lucky with a live view it goes to a blank screen when you try to expand the image. I have commented on several other forums related to this issue. Netgear's moderators continue to ignore they have a problem and advise us to jump through all the familiar hoops. Uninstall the app, reinstall, click your heals while crossing your eyes, boot, and reboot everything that's involved in the operation of their their broken product. They refuse to acknowledge that most of their customers who have spent hard earned money on their product and are now commenting on the forums have indeed performed these tasks repeatedly. So.... I'm suggesting that if Netgear does not acknowledge our complaint and fix what they have broken, that we all PLACE NEGATIVE REVIEWS on this product. They have made millions $ on this product but they don't seem to give a rip that their product is broken. What's the use of having Customer Service if you don't care about the customer. Fix it Netgear. Or at the least, acknowledge that you have a problem and you're working on it.

Since the update of the app to 2.4.7 I am experiencing a similar problem with Live View. I can’t see a live view button or any of the player buttons. I am using iPhone 8 with 11.2.6
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This issue has been escalated and is currently under investigation by the development team. I will post an update when I have more information.




I appreciate the feedback,but instead of insulting your customers intelligence with the same generic message you posted nine days ago, let us know Netgear is aware that there's a problem with app update 2.4.7. and you're working on it. 

What's the latest status on the live streaming issue with latest app release 2.4.7 on iOS devices???? Still have same issue!!!!

I can no longer stream live either since updating to 2.4.7.  Running on IPad with IOS 9.2   I guess the simple answer would be to update iPad IOS however this app clearly shows compatible with IOS 9 and above in the App Store and it is not. If it is not compatible with 9.2 then it should not have allowed the update to 2.4.7. Other apps do this all the time. Now these expensive cameras are useless. Arlo, please fix or provide option to roll back to 2.4.6. 


This has been going on for almost 3 weeks now. Netgear continues to insult our intelligence by instructing us to jump through all the usual hoops. Boot, reboot, uninstall, install etc. The moderater of these forums has repeatedly said that the issue has been escalated to netgears engineers. In the meantime their customers have expensive security cameras that do not work. I will be reporting this to the Better Business Bureau. In the meantime I suggest everyone place negative reviews on this product. I have read that people that have recently purchased new cameras and have the same issues. Netgear should stop all sales of their cameras until they figure this out. Or ar the very least, make the 2.4.7 App unavailable and reissue their previous version.