Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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I know that there are a million posts about this issue but I thought I would list my situation and devices. I purchased the 5 camera pack and base station many years ago. The cameras have been in the same locations since day 1. I only regularly use 4/5 cameras, 3 in the front of the house and 1 in the back yard.


I originally had the base station in the middle of the house but years ago started having issues with the front of the house cameras. About 1 year ago I move the base station upstairs at the front of the house so it would be close to those cameras. I don't know exactly what the distances are but I would guess initially the distance from base station to front cameras was 50 feet and now it's 10-15 feet.


Cameras show hardware version H7, firmware 1.3.314

Base Station shows VMB3010r2, firmware


Now the backyard camera is maybe 80 feet away from the base station and shows only 1 bar on the WiFi signal when you view the camera. I think over the last year or so I have NEVER had the backyard camera go offline. The front of the house cameras go offline AT LEAST once per month. Sometimes just one, sometimes 2, sometimes 3.


SOMETIMES if I restart the base station (using the button on the web page or in the app) that brings the cameras online. Many times that does not work. Today I had 1 camera off line and when I did the restart all 3 of the front of the house cameras dropped off line. I tried the restart 3 times with the same result. I then went upstairs, pulled the power cord on the base station and all 3 cameras came back on line. I would say that works 1/5 times.


Sometimes (many times) I have to pull out my ladder and climb up and push the button on the camera. About 50% of the time this works, the other 50% I have to pull the batteries.


I have a Philips Hue system which has lights in very close proximity to the cameras and I don't have the amount of troubles that I do with the Arlo cameras. I have a Samsung Smartthings hub with a light switch connected to it and I don't have the trouble that I do with the Arlo cameras.


I could be wrong but my hunch is if for some reason the WiFi connection drops the Arlo cameras have a very hard time connecting back up. I also have ESP8266 WiFi devices and they have no trouble connecting back to WiFi.


I just don't understand why with a company as large as Netgear and with so many people buying their cameras that they could be so troublesome for me. I wish there was some log file that we could access to see what is going wrong when cameras don't connect. Maybe I've missed it but is there a setting that I can change so that the base station will alert me when a camera is offline?


Maybe someone has some helpful information besides follow the troubleshooting guide. These are supposed to be security cameras but if I can't rely on them to be functioning they certainly don't give me piece of mind.


Same issue with my original cameras.  My Pros do not do this.  I have to open and close the battery compartment for 3-4 cameras each time


Well true to form I just happened to check and 2/4 of the cameras are offline again. I have one on either side of the garage door and 1 is still connected but the other isn't. The one that is connected shows 4 signal bars and has a 23% battery. When I posted last week this camera was low but the others all had more than 50%.


The backyard camera is still live and only shows 1 signal bar. 


Is this an issue because I purchased the first version cameras and they just aren't reliable? These are supposed to be security cameras so I would expect that the firmware written is rather robust and if it disconnects it attempts to reconnect but it certainly does not seem to be case.

Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator

Hi @GI


Has there been any changes to your network or placement of the base station/router? It sounds like there might possibly be some interference. What firmware version is your base station & cameras running?


Hi @ShayneS 


I listed the details of my equipment and firmware versions in the original post. I also described the placement of the devices but to answer your question, no, nothing has changed, and this happens all the time and rather randomly. This is not just 1 camera dropping out, it is any of the front 3 cameras or any combination of the front 3.


Last week when I had this issue I went into the web login and had it restart the base, and as reported that caused more cameras to drop off. After 3 times restarting the base I did get the cameras back online but many times I have to pull out the ladder and climb up and either reset the camera or pull the batteries.


The base station has been in the front of the house for over 1 year now. It is in the bedroom over the garage. It is near a window but not directly in front of the window. All 3 front yard cameras are within 15 feet of the base station with only 1 exterior wall to get the signal outside. When the cameras are connected they show full signal strength.


I seriously doubt this is just an interference issue because it randomly happens to the front 3 cameras. Even if it is some interference why don't the cameras reconnect? As I explained above I've worked with many different WiFi products and they all seem to connect just fine and are able to reconnect to the router if I happen to reboot the router or Xfinity has an issue.


I would think that it would be extremely helpful if the base station and or cameras could be put into debug mode to see what is happening.