Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Latest App Runs Slow

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On noticed on the Dec 5th release (v2.12) that it runs incredibly slower on my iPhone than the previous version. I timed more than 10 seconds from start to when it is actual up and running. I'm running it on my iPhone 8. This is definitely not a thing that i would expect to see on a new version of any app.

Is anyone else experiencing this startup lag time?


Accepted Solutions

It would appear the latest version of the APP (IOS 2.12.2) has resolved the issue of slow load times with badges off. I have turned off the badges and sound notifications and it's working fine.



View solution in original post


Yes, 2.12 runs really slow on my iPad as well. 
WHY do App developers invariably make at least some things worse when they release updates?

What happened to the concept of testing things properly before release!


What I find amazing is that in their own description as part of their additional bug fixes and performance improvements for v2.12 they say “Geofencing should function more reliably for most users”.

This implies that geofencing STILL doesn’t work completely. 


Same with my iPhone X.  With Arlo, it is always one step forward (if that) and two steps back.  I've never been more infuriated with a piece of "smart" consumer tech than my Arlo Baby.  Prior to the iOS 2.12 update, it was running good enough.  The slow start to the app is yet another startling issue, but sadly it doesn't rise to the level of other mindblowing software issues that I've experienced with Arlo Baby (no sound at all, no "always listening", etc.).


Bottom line: every time I see an Arlo update in the App Store, I wonder what will be broken this time around.

Arlo Employee Retired

Hey all - slower startup is not something we observed in our testing. It sounds like the app is ALWAYS slow to open for you all, right? Not just after opening the first time after it is installed?  And everyone is on a sufficiently strong/fast network connection?


If so - when you observe this, it would be very helpful if you could create a support ticket ( ) and attach your app log (no personally identifiable information or images/recordings will be sent). Please reference the URL of this thread and note that Alex sent you. At minimum, your logs will help us to identify where there is an issue; at most, we may reach out to you with some additional clarifying questions. 



@ArloAlex, how do you attach the app log to a support case?


I am also experiencing slow app performance since the last update. To answer your questions, yes the app is always slow to open and slow to load the library once in the app. Both the app open and library loads take over 10 seconds since the app update. Previously, both loads were almost instant. And yes, I am on a strong and fast network connection. I have Comcast Gigabit that regularly speed tests at 150+ mbps download and 11+ mbps upload.


Regarding customer support, I had a terrible experience a few months ago when a previous app update degraded app features unexpectedly. Here's the community thread ( for what happened in the app after the previous update, and my case was #41229747. I was asked the same set of questions multiple times. The offshore support team acts as if the onshore team is a different company. Arlo support did not let me know the fix was coming and never reached back out to me. After a month, the issues were just fixed in the app one day.


So, Alex I appreciate your willingness to help, but you've got an uphill battle to fight internally with how I've experienced Arlo support processes, and I wish you the best of luck because improvement is quite needed. I'm happy to create a case for this issue and send you an app log if you tell me how to. Thank you.


I recently upgraded to Arlo App version 2.12 (IOS), and now everytime I open the app it takes AGES to load. I sit at the signin page for at least 30 seconds before I can see my cameras, then if I click on library,  I'm waiting a good 10 seconds before I see any recordings.  I deleted the app, downloaded it again, and the first time I launch it its fast and works normally. However, once I launch it again, it's again dog slow.  This is a huge step back from the previous version.  I've had to resort to using the "no longer supported" app just to get any decent amount of response time out of it.  I'm running an iPhone 11 PRO, on IOS 13.3.  I've already rebooted my phone, I've reinstalled the app multiple times (again, it works perfectly fine the first launch but future launches, forget about it), and I've rebooted my base, etc.  It's not my internet connection, it only happens on this app. The website login works fine and I can see my recordings quickly.  What is going on here? I can't be waiting up this long when I get a potentially emergency alert just to see what's going on.  Any one else having issues like this with this version?



I’m having the same issue since the recent app update. It’s pretty annoying.

So here's an interesting discovery. I had reinstalled it, again, and it was launching quick every time. I went in to my phone's notifications, and turned off SOUND and BADGES because I don't use those. After I did that, I noticed the app slowed to a crawl again.  Curious, I went back into notifications and turned on SOUND and BADGES for the arlo app again, and now it launches quickly again. Very odd. I'd be curious to know what your settings are.



Odd. I had badges off, sounds on. Turned badges on and now the app flies again. Crazy good find.
Arlo Employee Retired

Hi @Dan-M - first, send yourself your app log (triple tap on the "arlo" name at the top of the Devices screen). Then, go to the link I provided and fill in the information on that page. To attach your log to the ticket:

  • On PC/Mac - simply download the log from your email to yourself and attach it as you normally would.
  • On iOS - save the log file to the iOS Files app. After clicking "Choose File", click "Browse" and select the log from your iOS Files location


(And, yes, streamlining the above is something I have been looking into 🙂 )


In the description field, please note your issue and indicate that you chatted with me. (Please also DM me your support case #)


And, thanks for the added clarity on your experience with our support teammates. I'll provide this feedback too.



In the last week my Arlo pro2 system takes from 10-20 seconds to log on and allow me full access to my recorded history and/or watch live through my cameras. Does anybody have a clue why this is happening? My WiFi is super fast, XFINITY. And nothing else is bogged down as my Arlo is. HELP! PKEASE! (I’ve done everything possible to correct it) Thank you, Scott

I am running an iPhone 6 with IOS 12.4.4.  Ever since I downloaded this updated app (2.12) I have had nothing but problems with my security lights. The cameras appear to be working fine, however I cannot get my Security Lights to show up on the app's dashboard. Additionally, the lights appear to be working intermittently, but always in motion detection any manual mode has not been enabled. Again, the lights do not appear on the app, so there is no way to manually control the lights. Is there anyway in the world that we can retro back to 2.11 or 2.10? Everything was working fine with those versions of the app, but now not so much. Tech support has been unable to solve this problem...that is 3 different Arlo Tech Support Techs have not been able to resolve this issue. So, as it stands now I have two 'bricks' from Arlo that are non-functional in their fullest set of capability. Thanks Arlo! At this point in time I would have a hard time recommending this system to anyone.


Go to this site and type in Arlo in the search and download it. Uninstall the app first on your phone then download the new one. I rolled back to the 2.10.0_26060 app to have it working good. I pm'ed you in case they delete this reply. 


While I appreciate your trying to help, that site is for android devices and this thread is for IOS (Apple) devices. That site is not applicable for IOS users.  I've discovered a bug that when you allow badges, the app loads normally.  You turn badges off, and its dog slow.  I'm hoping that one of the mods will forward this bug to the developers, @JamesC  

I have done all of those steps and the app is still essentially unusable. It takes forever to load, then you have to wait for the videos to load, then you wait for your selected video to load, then it buffers, then it plays some, then it loads again. It’s useless and completely unacceptable.

This is going go sound werid, but go into your notification settings on your iPhone go to arlo, make sure "badges" is turned ON. There is a bug I've discovered that when badges are turned off, the app is slow as crap. I posted this in another thread, I'm hoping that it will be addressed but it might help you out as well. 



Anyone having issues with the Arlo app? I have iPhone 8plus, for the last week the Arlo app has been very slow acting to my commands. Lags cuts off etc. I’ve powered down all cameras and base units, still having big issues. Batteries in cameras are fine. I’ve also deleted the app then reinstalled it. Nothing seems to work.

It not my phone as rest of apps work fine.
Thank you
Same problem with an Android after update. Could it be demand on the Server from all the Thanksgiving - Christmas sales & installs? I'm even getting logged out sometimes as the app struggles to load. Going on for 2 days, since I updated app.
Hey ArloAlex, been discussing exact same thing on a different thread. New app slow but on an Android (Galaxy Note 8). Any way to capture those logs on an Android?

I sent my log under Case No. 41338468 but have not heard anything from Arlo yet!

I had same issues with slow performance. Sounds and badges worked on my iPhone.
Arlo Employee Retired

@ScottMc1 , please see my Dec 20 post; if you are able to log a support ticket with those attributes, it could help to give us some insight here. (Please feel free to DM me your support ticket number so I can give the team a heads up here)


@75H , please check your DMs - the logout issue you describe is one I've been trying to get more detail on, and I'd really appreciate your help here! (To your other item - to pull the app log on Android today, go to Settings > About > 5x tap on "Version")


@Foxman4 , I've forwarded your case number on to our support team - thanks again for taking the time to submit this ticket. 


Same here...Google Pixel. And I even did a factory reset this weekend so please Arlo employees stop trying to blame your customers. App was fine and last week suddenly being erractic and timing out. There's something wrong on the Arlo servers (shocker!).


Tired of the instability and lack of reliability, @ArloAlex 

I can replicate, turning on badge and sound alerts makes the App fly. This is a big fat bug! Off with the QA’s heads!