Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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Well ... it's been a long battle but I now give up. My arlo system is essentially useless since firmware 1.2.21616. I rebuilt my system multiple times and completed numerous controlled tests; Arlo is no longer reliable or consistent in its behavior,


 The only reliable thing I can do is manually start a camera and view the stream in real-time. 


 Arlo is no longer a reliable security system. Motion sensing is at best less than 50% reliable. Daily intervention of resetting cameras required for this minimal reliability.


I am now actively looking to replace Arlo.


So for now it is a race between me finding a replacement system and Arlo sending out a fix.


Good luck everyone


Guru Guru

Before I would throw it all in the pail... I would remove all cameras and factory reset the base, then bring back all as new.

All you have to loose is time.


Been running for over 3 yrs now, and while I will admit the last couple of FWs have screwed the pooch , I don't have many major issues with 3 bases and 15 cameras running ( all types ).  ( of course not counting multi phones with geozone and cvr of which I use neither )


The sense levels ( all about 90-94% ) work fine and haven;t changed... the biggest issue for me lately is the battery packs on the Pro/Pro2 used to run 2 months are more like a month+ with the FW changes ( and only some cameras, not all )... Original Arlos with 123 cells run 3-4 months as normal.


Hopefully, now that Arlo has split from Netgear AND I believe they will soon get the act together again after this summer, all will be fine again and the FWs fixed

Morse is faster than texting!

I have already reset base to factory default. Removed/Re-added all cameras. Changed all motion sensitity to 100. Still my system is no where near where it was prior prior to 1.2.21616

Guru Guru

got nothing then, good luck

Morse is faster than texting!

thanks and good luck to you also.


The only work-aound I know is to open/close battery compartment on all cameras that are not recording on motion. 


Once I do that the cameras work as expected but only for a while. Some time over the next several hours I am back to where I was with a system not recording motion.  






I am having the exact same problem. My system will not update and I've tried everything that has been suggested in previous posts. SIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH


as frank gorshin would say to adam west ... riddle me this batman (sorry showing my age and how tired I am)


Not wanting to give up I have done another test. I have limited myself to a 5 camera system (this way I can save $10/mo on subscription for >5 cameras.)


The 5-camera system (dare I say) is perfect. (Maybe not perfect but it is behaving as Arlo did out of the box when I originally bought a 2-camera system).


So over the next 5 days I will add one camera a day to see when it fails. And when it fails pull that camera out of the line up and use the next one.


Question - Anyone else having a similar expeience since the infamous firmware 1.2.21616 release?



Guru Guru

Do you have at least a Premier account so the extra cameras can be used? If not, that's likely your problem. You can only have 5 cameras active although more can be synced on the basic free plan. You would need to deactivate one camera so you can activate another, especially if the currently deactivated camera is the one that isn't updating.


Yes I have Arlo Smart Primeir that I pay $10 a month for. I have had this since April 20 2017


All 10 cameras were working fine until firmware 1.2.21616. At that point it all went  downhill overnight






Here are two updates


1 - I opened a support call and have been doing the due-diligence of explaining my situations, defining testcases, defining my environments and so one
Support has now escalated my call to engineering since the trouble shooting to-date has not resolved my issues.

Here is a promising comment they made

Upon checking our system, it seems that we have received similar reports and this concern has been forwarded to our Engineering department.

The team has identified the issue and our Engineering team is diligently working for a fix. We'll keep you posted via email once we received updates from them.


2 - I tested a 5-camera system for a few days with good results. Some outages and glitches but not the severity of my 10-camera system.
I added two cameras last night and all went to HE-double hockey sticks overnight. All of the problems returned. I tested all cameras before I went to bed but nothing recorded overnight when I know there was activity

Will keep you posted


I'm in the same boat . But because of a pending urgent situation, I could no longer wait. I replaced or supplemented my failed arlo system with a 4 camera wired extreme HD night owl system , just set it up yesterday
I know what you are talking about. My cameras are very unreliable at this point. I have spent a lot of time try to figure it out and have done everything you can possibly do. Cameras work half the time. I'm constantly resetting them hoping it gets better but it never do. Something is terribly wrong. It use to work fine, now it's become a headache. I give up too. Feels like I'm being hacked every day! Motion comes on nothing there. Cameras stop catching motion all the time. Reset, works for a second then haywire again. And where I stay, i need some good security cameras. This not going to get it.
I just gave up. It pisses me off that you get ABSOLUTELY no response from Arlo. I am now looking at other systems.
Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator



What exactly is the issue you are experiencing with your system?

The camera keeps saying update Firmware, Ive tried EVERYTHING including resetting and once I did that, I can no longer get the camera to sync with the base.
Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator



I have created a case for you based on the details you have provided. I will send you a pm with further information.




Hi Shayne,

Just wanted to let you know that I was contacted by tech support yesterday (10/3) and they are working to get my issue resolved. THANK YOU so much for your assistance in getting me connected with tech support.