Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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Anyone else having issues with geofencing since the last update it seems? I am not getting push notification when I leave but seems to set cameras in my away mode but takes 10 minutes or so when I arrive home to change to my home setting but does eventually send the push for home mode. Already restarted the base station and no luck. Also selected of my phone as a device and then set it back on with the same results.
Well I have news that will only worsen our feelings. I just upgraded to a 5 camera arlo pro from the old arlo base. After an hour, I can confirm 4 geofencing mode changes while the phone has sat 3 feet from the base (not moved). This issue persists and I'm telling everyone that can hear since they've gotten about $2,000 After both setups. Someone had reported better luck with the newer base but I am here to say that is not the case for me. Good luck to all who dare to buy it. Remember that if it won't arm or disarm automatically, you'll have to do it manually. If you forget, these cameras become expensive paper weights.
I'm beyond pleased with everything about the system...except geofencing and its such a huge part of it.
Was really hoping this latest app update was going to remedy these issues. I just don't understand why this isn't a priority. I have three other apps that continuously perform geofencing actions without any issues. Hopefully netgear will see these posts like yours and get this fixed. I am very disappointed that all other aspects of this set up work really good and then there is this problem!!!
Hold the phone!!! I can't figure out how to edit my post but my first issues may have been user related. Since my post I have reset my range to medium and completely disconnected the old base. I havent experienced any problems since but I am leaving for a quick trip in a couple hours. We shall see what happens then. For me, even a delayed recognition of returning home would be progress. Before, mine was randomly disconnecting and reconnecting constantly. I will report back with results and I realize this isn't a solution everyone will try, but I'm hoping it gives Netgear an idea of whats happening.
After owning several other devices with geofencing apps. I've come to realize just how bad this one is. It's almost a deal breaker and may cross that line soon.
Official results are in and its ugly. With new arlo pro base and 5 cameras, my base turned on and off all night and I awoke to my cameras being offline. I have closed and opened the app, checked all permissions, and tinkered with all settings for hours. The bottom line is that this is an arlo/netgear issue. It's not user, or settings related. I'm afraid only the programmers at Netgear can fix this major issue. Any one willing to try an advanced fearure like arlo smart when simple geofencing feature doesn't work? I'll ask again, stop making new products and get the ones you've made to work properly.
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If after exhausting the troubleshooting mentioned in this thread above you are still experiencing an issue with Geofencing, I encourage you to contact the Arlo Support team and log a case. You will find several options for contacting support in the provided link: Arlo Support Team



I have personally contacted support and after a lengthy phone conversation the final decision was that it must be an issue with the app and that I was reminded that geofencing was still in beta status. That was quite awhile ago.

I was told softwear issue as well. my geofencing seems to give notification im away when i go down the street but! does not go to armed mode . and camaras will detect motionat this point but there is no recordings? this is the one feature I wanted !!! as i work at home dont want to hear my phone blowing up all day long and im absent minded to arm and disarm all the time

Anybody else noticing a vast improvement with geofencing? I just stopped using it a few months back and tried it again yesterday to find it working pretty well. It hasn't made an error in 24 hours. I hope i dont jinx it.
I've noticed an improvement and was just about to turn the alarm back on, then it started misbehaving again. The geofencing issues stop a good product from being great.

Nope.  Not at all.  Just today, after returning home (Yes, my phone has high-accuracy location turned on) the system failed to disarm and began to waste battery life recording me.  This geofencing is truly a joke still.  I have about 4 other devices that geofence, and they operate absolutely flawlessly.  Those companies obviously have better engineers.

I'm by no means a techie but I have to believe there are multiple ways this problem could be solved in short order. The fact that it is taking so long is bothersome to put it mildly.
I didn't want to give any potential buyers a lie so I'm back to say geo fencing has changed since I left it a few months back but there are new issues that I see others having as well. Such as, messages saying arlo needs internet connection when arlo remains connected, and delayed triggering upon return to the zone. See you in 3 months or so. If I deal with this I'll end up breaking the cameras so I'm taking time to arm and disarm using an alexa skill.
It looks like you're having no trouble detecting motion or sending notifications. It's odd that those criminals stayed in y our house that long while you were away?
I am also experiencing the "Geofencing Requires An Internet Connection" error when I always have a connection. Everything works when I open the app, but that defeats the purpose of a self-regulated, reliable security system. I am an Android app developer for a lage household-name company. My hunch is that the developers are not using an Android service. Instead, they are relying on the app being open or in memory. This does not work. In Android, a service is required. The UI app can be garbage collected at any time when its not actively open. This is likely causing most of the issues mentioned on this page

This issue with Geofencing has gone on long enough. I am considered a tech goto person within my family and friends. This holiday season I will not recommend Arlo. 

My system has my family's phones perpetually in a state of unavailable. What use is a security system if it won't use Geofencing? Are you listening Netgear? With today's competition you will lose if this doesn't get fixed yesterday.


Unfortunately, I am going to have to agree with Barmat. I am a software/systems engineer, resident family tech support expert, and very dissastified Arlo customer. I have the same issues: phones not being available, not being detected in zone, not being detected out-of-zone, and generally not arming/disarming the system correctly. I've done all of the suggestions (uninstall/reinstall app, deregister and reregister cameras, reboot base station, keep app running in background, background update enabled, updaing applications, disabled power saving mode, etc.), but it just doesn't work, at least not with the iOS devices I am using (two iPhones).


After all of the above, went to straight scheduled mode. Just tried geofencing again this past week, still same problems... back to scheduled mode.


Yes, the cameras are great, but the overall system needs geofencing to be useful. I'm forced to either a) leave the system armed even when I'm home and get a lot of "noise" in motion detection alerts; or b) limit the time when the system is armed, and therefore possibly miss the kinds of events I'm trying to catch. The battery life is a concern, but of more concern is becoming innoculated against all Arlo messages such that the ones I should be looking at are ignored along with all of the other false positives.


Until geofencing actually works without me having to fight it, I am recommending against the purchase of an Arlo system.



I second, third, or fifty-ninth it! Im no tech whiz but i am the one who dkes all the research and makes recommendations to family and friends. Sold off 4 arlo cameras. 4 left. Get on it or I'm gone.
I'm only jumping in this thread since I can't find a better one. My Motorola Turbo 2 was actually using Geofencing pretty well. Only issue was sometimes it'd fail to disarm getting home. Now as of a week or two ago, geo has quit completely. It's there but won't arm or disarm and no longer sends the familiar notification when I switch to it. Have to arm or disarm manually every time. I'm really disappointed that a company like Netgear has let this get so bad. After being a HUGE sales and PR guy for Arlo I've had to stop. Sad... Opening a support ticket sounds like a big waste of time. Am I wrong?
No! You're exactly right. I have a support experience thread on here somewhere that is actually documented as it occurred. I wouldn't believe it if it hadn't happened to me.
Well, thank you for taking the time to confirm my worst suspicions. With an elderly parent living with me it's been incredible. But when we're both away I'd love to be able to use this system for what it really was intended. I know the geo is clearly marked as "beta" etc... But after reading others in this thread that have thermostats that geofence without issues? Come on, Netgear! It's not like you came to the Internet party yesterday!
My app is currently telling me the phone that I am using is at home in the zone. When I’m not at home.