Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Arlo iOS app showing "Getting Status" for 10-60 secs. Sometimes it'll show offline.

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For about a month when I open the app after not looking at it for a while it is in a "Getting Status" mode on the devices page. If I go to the "Mode" page it says "offline". If you go back to the devices page each camera live stream picture will say getting status. When it comes back, one by one the live feed pictures will appear and they all clear but takes about a minute worst case. The issue is I want to leave the house and I need to wait for it. I don't believe this happened before the March 1st app update but am not sure of the start date. Anyone else having this issue? Maybe associated is a up to 30 second delay to shut individual cameras off when it is not in the getting status problem. If you don't stay on the device setting page and wait for the text to change to off it will not change. Sometime you can leave a little early and the camera will switch off, but others if you leave too early you will need to go back to device settings and switch it and wait for it to react. App version 3.2 iPhone.

I believe your problem us related to the base station.

I've started a conversation about that - see my other post about the base station going offline.
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You could be right about it being the base station. Like Tom Mac says, the videos still record during the getting status time. I'm not sure what that is telling us either, but it makes me think it was more the app.

We are having the same issue on both phones. I reset the base station deleted and reinstalled the app and nada. I think it might be the app too.
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Thanks for the feedback. Maybe if enough people talk about it they'll put it on the list of things to fix. Are you using a base station? Do you have an iPhone?

In this case, I'd encourage you all to raise a ticket with Support, as if very few do, then Arlo will think it's an isolated case.
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I will open a case on it. But I am waiting for them to fix the freezing videos first. And want to know how widespread the issue is. Maybe rule out it being my internet connection, my router, my modem, my phone, or my memory stick a little. But thanks for the advice. Arlo techs have always been polite and helpful when I call. And I was happy to hear tech service does not expire with the warranty, it's lifetime.

I was unable to edit the original statement, there is one thing I see that is incorrect. When you view the devices page it does not say getting status, it just has a circle spinning on each live stream screen. When you go to the base station is where is says "getting status".


Same issues.  Wish they would fix


Ensure that you contact the support, as they'll not know that there's a problem unless you let them know. 

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Arlo? Anybody home? Can you add this to your long list of "known issues"? Or send me a check for time spent on the phone with tech support? 50 minutes today on "known issues". I asked a supervisor to look at how many time I have called with issues, plus the unsolved issues, and to please take the system back. I offered to pay a restocking fee or a time used fee but she told me Arlo does not do that under any circumstances. She was very nice about it.