Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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Cameras not detecting motion when someone is in range, but when I do the motion test on the app I get the yellow blinking light indicating motion is detected. Any suggestions from anyone who has dealt with this issue.

Accepted Solutions
Guru Guru

What mode is selected? What are the various cameras' motion indicators showing? They should be black, not gray.

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Guru Guru

What mode is selected? What are the various cameras' motion indicators showing? They should be black, not gray.

Got the motion indicator to change from gray to black now working, thanks.

Camera has been working fine.  Charged it yesterday and replaced but now it is not detecting motion.  I didn't change any of the settings.  Any suggestions?  Thanks

Guru Guru

Did you check your active mode?


Sorry, not sure where Active mode is located.  I ended up having to remove  the battery, delete the device and start over.  After doing this, it worked on the 3rd try.

Guru Guru

Read the FAQs here on checking, changing and ceating modes. There's lots of information available for the reading. It's all in your Mode tab after clicking on your base.


4/23/2019 USA EST 4:00 pm

RE:  Camera(s) not detecting motion - In my over a year of using these cameras, my experience with my 10 Arlo Pro & Arlo Pro2 cameras, that any camera at any time decides to not show any new activity while others around it ar.  In my experience, the camera has somehow on its own turned off the Night Vision and the camera's view is zoomed 100% to the top left corner where of course it's not going to detect any motion…maybe sound, but certainly not motion.  When t his happens, the camera is USELESS.  You get cameras to SEE things happening, and they are not catching movement when this "fault" happens.  This  happens almost every day to one or more of my cameras for no known reason.   And not receiving alerts form a particular camera (sometimes too late after it missed plenty of movement for a long length of time then the retrigger time is not even adjustable.).  So when you're cameras are not detecting motion, try checking that devices setting…scroll down to Video Settings….and  see what view your camera has.  If it's something super blurry that you don't even know what it is a photo of, then you will have to unzoom it by pinching or unpinching the photo, and adjust it to full view again, what you see on that snapshot is what the camera's actual view is.  Anyway, mine frequently (3 different cameras today) somehow reset or default that view for some reason.  It's not me, it's something to do with Arlo's program or software or something, and there is no rhyme or reason to these faults when they happen most of the time.

I have had a camera go off line for a few days now, finally decided to delete it, and I'll attempt to add it back onto the base station, which is always a problem if you have your cameras (as I do) plugged in and at various heights and awkwardness to reach.  Even the fact that you have to do this  now and then is very unacceptable and ends up being a waste of time in the long run, because it always screws up again, on it's own.  When these devices go off line there's nothing you can do to find out what the problem is except unplug it and reinstall it and hope for the best….because you can't click on anything…it won't let you, so  you have no idea what the cause of it going off line is even after 3 days, while the other 9 cameras (fingers crossed) have not had that problem…..right now…..they have certainly all had that problem, and the entire system had to be deleted and redone, with Arlo's help with me on the phone, after I was on the phone on HOLD for 1 ½ hours!  Yes, HOURS!  Glad I still have a land line and it was a toll free #.

Arlo Pro/2 is the most unreliable system I have.  And the amount of wasted time that you spend on these cameras is so unfair to us since these cameras and system are NOT CHEAP by any means.

Also, another flaw with the Arlo system is all of my cameras are all set to record for a fixed amount of time, the maximum amount of time being 120 seconds, and most of the time they will record various times, sometimes 10 second , sometimes 25, sometimes 11/2 minutes, all various amounts of times. Some days they do great, but that is few and far between that any of them work like they should.


Thank you for all the help.  All is resolved, by removing it/deleting it and adding back on as a new camera.

Thanks again.

How do you change the mode from grey to black??
Guru Guru

It's a matter of setting the proper mode. Mode tab, click on your base and select the Armed mode.

As stated, not detecting until right under camera as it is in the armed status. I think it is the situation of people walking twords the camera as opposed to across.

One of my wireless Arlo Pro cameras went offline.  Need help to get it back online.

Guru Guru

Reboot the base. Verify that the batteries are good.


I've had no issues for almost a year, then suddenly one of my 2 cameras decided to quit detecting motion/recording.  Three days ago I removed the battery, removed it from the system and resynced it.  That worked for a couple of days.  Today, I followed info from this community and did it in the order recommended.  The camera is now detecting motion, but it is not recording.  I have verified the rule is accurate (I am getting notified of motion, but nothing in the library).  What now?

Guru Guru

Is a filter set in the library? The funnel icon at the top should be empty.


You keep mentioning gray and black.  I have a Pro2  and when I look in the "mode" section, the only gray portion I see is when it's geofencing area.....I can't choose it, but I dont see a gray/black area for choosing motion dectecting .


S. Lee


UPDATE:  All is working fine for the moment.  It is detecting motion and recording again.  I did nothing further than what I wrote ton 5/17, so maybe it just took a bit for it to all sync up.


I know I should have tried harder the other day, but I couldn't get the battery out.  But today I pushed the lever, took it out, put it back in ..........AND IT WORKS for now!! IT DETECTED MOTION AND EMAILED ME!!  Thank you so much for this! It made me go back and retry on taking out the battery!!   


S. Lee

I had a similar problem all of a sudden with all 4 of my cameras that, until recently, had been working fine for the past 3 years. I could watch live video on any of them and if I performed a motion test their orange lights would blink indicating that each camera saw my motion. But when I armed the system and waved at any of my cameras I wouldn't receive a notification and no video was recorded. After exploring many options and beating my head against the wall several times I finally stumbled on a solution that worked for me. I went into the Armed Mode settings (the green pencil) and then in the 'Do the following' section I went into the record video settings (green pencil). I changed the recording settings from 'record until activity stops' to 'record for a fixed length of time' (30 seconds or something). I hit save and presto-problem solved! It should be noted that I didn't originally select the 'record until activity stops' setting when setting up the cameras a few years ago. This must have been changed by the app during some recent update and might have been the source of the problem. Double check all settings like this before giving up and doing a reset on the base station or deleting all your cameras. You might save yourself some time!