Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras


My Arlo has all the sudden stopped working and has a message saying it’s not connected to the internet! My internet is connected and on my hub the lights are lite up saying it’s connected but the app still says it’s not! Can anyone help me with this please?

314 REPLIES 314
That's how it started. I was experiencing this to a point I checked arlo community and found it may be a firmware problem. I went online to see if updates were available, but I couldn't get it to update. I called arlo support and they told me it would cost me $149 for 5 cameras because my unit was old and beyond service. I felt I this was gamble especially when the service representative was very difficult to understand. Since then I performed a hard reset to original but now Arlo cannot find my base station. I even created another account but to no avail, I'm unsuccessful. Right now, I'm stuck with 4 cameras and a base station that doesn't work. There's many more wireless devices available and I'm checking with due diligence. Sorry for troubles.

I also did a hard reset back to the default status and was able to re-connect the base station and all 4 cameras.  But, that only lasts for a short time, maybe 4 or 5 days and then everything goes offline.  This has been a consistent battle for almost a year.  I have upgraded the cable modem and wireless router in this process and Arlo still goes offline.  

My units are the first generation work fine, if they can stay online.  If Arlo tell me I have to upgrade/purchase new equipment it will not be with them.  

Thanks for your reply. 

Wow, thanks Holly. That is a bummer! I was looking at the Amazon brand cameras since It looks like I’ll have to get a new system. No need in paying $100 for a new camera.
Thanks for the reply. Such a bummer

What the hell has been going on with this system of late?  I don't know if just limited to the older wireless cams (of which I have had 5 for years now), but endless issues.  Again, all of my cameras offline.  Endless problems and more so of late.


As I indicated earlier, most of us have considerable $$'s in this and that is perhaps the only reason we persist with the public statements else simply toss and replace.  And I'll be damned if I'll pay for tech support after having tech issues most of the time I've owned these cameras.


Just restarted the base and beginning the every so common series and f time consuming process of 'trying' to get things back working.  I couldn't count how many times in ownership I've had to do this.  No exaggeration there; I wouldn't be surprised if its over 100 . . . . .


So I have an Arlo Pro 2 system and was having this same issue.  It finally dawned on me that it happened when I added 3 of the original Arlo cameras that a friend gifted me to my system.  I removed them 4 days ago and have had no further issues with camera going offline.  FYI, even my Arlo Pro 2 cameras had been going offline.  So it is definitely something with the older Arlo hardware/firmware causing this issue.


How often do you have to remove your batteries?  I am at about twice per week.  I keep thinking there must be an update, still not update available.  I don't know what else to do?  they work fine for a couple days to four, sometimes five days.  then i have to get back out the ladder and start over again...multiple times per month, sometimes multiple times per week. 


does anyone at Arlo read this?  Question after question about constant resetting.  this is aggravating!


It's been a month and my cameras still work since upgrading to the VMB3500.  I know it's ** to have to buy something to keep a system going that should just have worked anyways, but VMB3500's are pretty cheap on ebay and after I removed everything and re-added it with the new base it's worked fine for the last month without intervention.  Using rechargeable batteries I'm still over 50% on even the busiest camera.


Hi. Yes they are read but for some reason Arlo hides behind people that care. It’s like taking a survey and suddenly your email is “shared” with many others. You’re in the same pickle as others who want answers to why Arlo would release a system then ignore the problems. For me I gave up once I got the system stable. I turned on the hours of operation to night only and use the recommended battery charger found on Amazon. It’s not what I need but I’m not going to spend more and get the same results. 


I have a similar problem where cameras keep going off line.


I have a standard Arlo wireless kit with 3 cameras.


HW Version - VMB4000r3

Firmware -


The system has worked pretty well ok however the last month or so its been very erratic.

I keep having to re-sync the cameras, pretty much once a week.


Is there a fix for this yet????


I purchased the system from Amazon and its just under 10months old !!!!


I am so frustrated with it. Does anyone know if i can get a full refund as a fix seems to be no where near coming !!!!!


Same here. About twice a month. Such a pain getting the ladder out.
Thanks for the tip Mike! I just looked and they are fairly inexpensive. So basically, just swap out the bases and re synch the cameras to the new base station? I have the arlo pro cameras, I believe.

Yeah I just removed the VMB3000 from my account and replaced it with the VMB3500 and added all the cameras again, everything has worked fine since.  I had just the basic original 720p Arlos, not sure if that makes any difference, I know the VMB3500 has less features than the pro bases other than they were selling some cheaper pro kits with the 3500 base instead of the 4000 series.

Thanks so much!

Glad to hear a positive resolution to this freq. offline issue, Thanks



My rechargeable batteries last about 3 weeks.  I have converted 3 of my 5 cameras to plugged in power so no batteries needed





You are right, its complete and utter to have to purchase a different base station to keep a system running. A system that should be running anyway !!!!


Its like buying a new car and after 10 months, through no fault of your own, it goes kaput and you have to buy a new engine.


The silence from Arlo on this issue is deafening.....

Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator

If you are experiencing an offline camera issue, please find the following troubleshooting steps here:  My Arlo wire-free camera is offline; how can I troubleshoot it?

Wow, I’m just in awe how many posts specially this one mirror my exact problem ! Had my Arlo WFS for 2+years working pretty good besides one of my Cameras. One Camera was constantly offline, wanted to be re-synced constantly. Since the new app and the lates update, I’m constantly replacing batteries, re-sync cameras, restarting the base station. I got lucky a few times and the system came back on, but since about two weeks it’s steady base station is offline. I recommended Arlo to several of my friends, they also purchased it and I so deeply regret I ever did. I have called Arlo CSR and it is the worse, either they want you to pay a lot of money or purchase new equipment.

The running theory is that Arlo is intentionally crippling/killing off old systems to force people onto newer subscription-fee based plans -- but they're picking a really bad time to do it with so many competitors on the market now. Who are their marketing geniuses that think by screwing over current customers, we'll just funnel them more money? It's too easy to save money and hop to another brand now. 2 or so years ago Arlo was really the only choice. Sad to watch what they've become.

Thank you for the link, however would you not agree that once you purchased an item like the Arlo WSS and payed a good amount of money. I should not be expected to have the system down 99% of the time after 2+ years! And yes, I’ve done ALL the troubleshooting and replaced the Batteries so often I’m about to purchase stock in them, since we spend a small fortune here lately replacing them in the cameras! And your outsourced Customer Service is just as bad.

I am about done with these cameras. The base station keeps disconnecting and this usually happens at the worst times. Like today. I have a kid home alone and was relying on my cameras to keep me updated, but yet again they have disconnected and there is nothing I can do remotely. I even called "tech support", if you can call it that, and they have zero empathy or anything. They could not help one bit and told me to call back when I am at the base station. If I was at the base station, I would be relying on the cameras to protect my family. I think its about time to trash this system and get a different brand. I hope someone reads this before they make their purchase of these cameras. 


When I made my first post, I was running three systems at different locations. All three locations were having the mentioned problem. We have shut down one location and moved the cameras. We now have two systems running and one of those I changed to the VMB3500 base station as suggested by some on this board. The VMB3500 just dropped a camera today. The other location is doing fine so far. It has the original Arlo base station.

Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator

Hi @cjbrown23


Is there a chance the base station might have been unplugged?