Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Videos Not Available on Base Station


I recently started to experience the error, “Videos stored on Base Station are not available. Please check connection settings.” when trying to access locally stored videos in the Library (I have a VMB5000r5 base station recording to a microSD card). 

I have previously been able to access videos with Port Forwarding enabled and also without Port Forwarding when connected to my home network. 

I have again disabled Port Forwarding and am connected on my home network, but still receive the same error.


i can see from the storage setting info that my microSD card appears to be saving videos as the amount of space used is increasing.


Anyone else experiencing this error recently? Thanks. 

Best answers
  • ShayneS
    Arlo Moderator
    Arlo Moderator

    Thank you for the feedback, the development team is investing these reports and I will be updating the thread with more information as soon as I receive it. 

187 REPLIES 187

I have tried everything I can to have my cameras record to the home base hub.  I have reformatted the USB drive and also exchanged it for a new. I cannot connect to the base hub. I reset it, and reset my modem!! Nothing works.  What are the steps to evaluate?  Dan

Guru Guru

@NYC-DanR wrote:

I cannot connect to the base hub. 

What do you mean by this???



  • what hub model do you have?
  • Do you have Pro 3 cameras, or do you have a different camera model?

One of my 4 cameras stopped saving clips to the SD card on my base station. I get the alerts on my phone but when I check the SD card through the app there are no clips. I see the files from all of my other cameras. I power cycled the camera. Didn't help. Any know how to fix it?


Product: 4MC4040P

Base station: VMB4540

Guru Guru

You selected the VMB4500 which doesn't have the ability to show recordings via the app - only the 4540 and 5000 hubs support this. You must safely Eject the drive from your base for viewing on a computer.

Guru Guru

@jguerdat wrote:

You selected the VMB4500 which doesn't have the ability to show recordings via the app - only the 4540 and 5000 hubs support this. You must safely Eject the drive from your base for viewing on a computer.

FWIW, the text in @yemi_del_este's post says

  • Product: VMC4040P
  • Base station: VMB4540

But the only base with an SD slot is the VMB5000.


@yemi_del_este - please do check the model of the camera and the base, and confirm what you have.


I'd first eject the storage and connect it to a PC. Then confirm that there are no recordings for the problem camera, but there are for the others.


Assuming that is the case, then I suggest doing a hardware reset on the camera.  

  1. remove it from the account
  2. remove the camera from the housing and press sync until the LED flashes amber (about 15 seconds)
  3. add the camera back to the account.

Step 2 assumes a Pro 3/Pro 4/Pro 5 or Ultra camera.



I have the 4540. (It wasn't available in the dropdown list when I created the post and I was required to put something, so I chose the closest option). 




Oh, I see the confusion. I meant to say USB drive not SD card. Thanks. 


Yes, I have a 4540. 

I'll try removing the device and reinstalling. Thanks. 


Woke up this morning to find one of my yard flags has been stolen and when I went to check the cameras, other than a single IFTT scheduled recording, nothing had been saved to my library since yesterday afternoon. IFTT is supposed to record every 30-minutes, but only a single run worked. None of the motion triggered cameras worked, even though they normally record every few minutes. I've restarted all of the cameras multiple times this morning, but only the doorbell records motion. I can manually view and record from any of the other cameras, but they won't detect and record motion. So frustrating to pay the steep subscription to only have the system fail exactly when you need it to.


I am having the same problem. No recordings or notifications since two days ago. I have tried everything, reseting the camera, testing motion sensor (which works), can access the camera and the feed but no recording whatsoever or motion detection with push notification.


Pretty obvious that Arlo made a server side update that broke their system again, and now all of us users get to play the testing game with their first line support who are kept in the dark about the real issue. Given that they broke it on Friday before Memorial Day weekend, it won't get an engineer to look at it until Tuesday, if we are lucky.



Meanwhile we are unprotected... but yes, this is something on their side. 


I discovered that my cameras were not working while trying to investigate a probable theft from my yard, so yeah, not protected 



Removed the device then tried to re-sync it however the app is not detecting it. I am not able to re-add it. 


I also started another thread because after I started this one I encountered more issues. 3 of my 4 cams are now "offline". First they were flashing blue, now they are flashing amber.

Guru Guru

During the same time period of these posts, my system continues to work normally. Where are you guys located since location may be an issue? Are all of you using the Pro 4 the OP shows he's using?


It's both of my Pro4 and Pro3 Floodlight cameras, and I'm in Utah


PRO4. I am located in Portugal, European Union. It was working fine until Friday. It still does not work, just tested it.

Guru Guru

So it's an issue not just in the US or EU. I don't have a Pro 4 but my Pro 3, Pro 5 and Pro 3 floodlight continue to work properly. Try removing one camera and add it back as a test - any improvement?


I've actually removed all of my cameras (except the doorbell which continues to work) and readded the Pro4's multiple times. It's really weird because locally the camera acts normal. It passes the movement tests, I can connect to it live and record manually. The spotlights on both Pro4's turn on at night when there's motion. They just won't record automatically when there is motion, nor does the one setup to record hourly via IFTT do so, other than three widely separated instances on Sunday. All I am getting from support is to repeatedly remove and readd the cameras and they keep telling me that the cameras show as offline from their end, while I am actively watching a live feed. I'm just about done with Arlo.


I am having the exact same problem. Readding cameras does not solve the problem. I also noticed that push notifications from Arlo App on iOS stopped working as well. While trying to login with a new PC it asked me a code that was sent to my phone by push. I did not received it... So, it's clearly an Arlo problem...


Good luck to you. I hope you are able to get your security system working again. As for me, I've given up on Arlo being able to fix this issue and have decided to move on to a different platform. Customer service just keeps having me do the same thing over and over again, asking the same questions with no regard for my time. I recommend to anyone considering using Arlo products to reconsider as they are not as reliable as one would expect. 

Guru Guru

@JasonKing wrote:

nor does the one setup to record hourly via IFTT do so, other than three widely separated instances on Sunday..

Try removing Arlo from IFTTT (I've never used that so don't know the right words) to see if that makes a difference. Other folks over time have found the interaction with a 3rd party automation has caused issues. Whether reconnecting the system to that automation then works I have no idea.


Same thing happening here. VMB4540r3 and Arlo Pro 4s seem to be just restarting all the time. No recordings, no notifications. Tried doing a turning off and On trick with the base station however still experiencing disconnection issues. Maybe this is server side?


How annoying...after updating to version 4.14 (iOS)I can no longer access my videos on my Ultra Hub from outside my local wifi, no connection through firewall, ...But strangely there is no problem accessing with another device that is not yet updated and is on version 4.13 (iOS and Android)

Guru Guru

@eneny wrote:

How annoying...after updating to version 4.14 (iOS)I can no longer access my videos on my Ultra Hub from outside my local wifi, no connection through firewall,

Do you mean access to local storage?


Are you using a VPN?  Or are you using port forwarding?