Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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I bough my Arlo last year on July and I believe I installed it in August. Since then, I had to call arlo support about 8-10 time different problem. My previous problem one of my arlo ultra camera just went black and white not way to fix it, thanks arlo for replacing that camera for me. Now the problem I have and had it before I have 8 cameras connected to one Hub and randomly some of the camera stop recording. Every time I called support they tell me the only last option to try is resetting the hub and adding all the camera back again. This is very painful because I have to climb to get 7 of the cameras off the top corners of my house to sync them back with the hub. , so I had done this about 5 times during the year already. Today I noted the new camera they replaced for me it’s not recording. I restarted the hub. I even added a SD card to see if it will record locally but not it won’t. I get notification of movement when something its passing, walking in front of the camera but it doesn’t get record. Is there a solution to this problem? My friend who does surveillance camera install for living had told me many times not to use wireless camera. and to invest in wires camera. he even told me it will be cheaper and with much better quality thank what I have. I am looking for Arlo solution. I paid over $1,500.00 for my devices and expect them to work. If anybody has recommendation please I will appreciate it.

I wish I had talked with your friend about wired vs. wireless before I bought my Arlo Ultra system. Buying the Arlo Ultra 4 camera setup has turned out to be one of the worst purchase decisions I've ever made. While the hardware works somewhat ok (some of the time) the software, cloud services, and customer support has been terrible for me.


One of the most frustrating examples is that my hub is suspended in mid air between my living room and dining room with wires running to it. It's in that ridiculous location because it's the only place that I can get a (somewhat) decent signal from cameras on four sides of my house. I could go on and on with other examples but they've all been discussed over and over on this forum. As they say YMMV.

I’m telling you the. Arlo idea it’s ok but having a hub as the source to connect to the internet is the worst idea. I have the same problem. My hub its in between the kitchen and living room. And two of my cameras barely get signal. Battery wont last 2 days on those camera. I bough a solar charger pay around $85 for it and that did not help as not too much sun hit that side of the house. I ended up running wires to keep them charging 24/7. If I cannot find a solution to this problem I may end up selling them and ask my friend to help me install regular Ipcameras

@Juans16  How far away are your cameras from the hub?  My hub is actually at the one end of my house and three of four get 3 bars . The farthest at the other end still gets 2 bars. 

I tried to set up the hub in the middle of the house but we gotta take in consideration the walls. But the further camera its getting 2 bars and it is about 35-45 feet away but they is constantly movement on that side of the house. The street is there so every car person plus a palm tree leaves moving cause the camera to record video every 3-5 minutes during the day I usually keep it disable. But the one that is giving me problem recording its about 15-20 feet with 4-5 bars connection
Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator

Hi @Juans16


Are you still experiencing this issue with one of your cameras?

I had the same issue. Today I got a hold of the CEO of Arlo and was able to message him and he caught his highest level of engineers to do a conference call with me. We figured out that when you go into settings and trigger one camera to record when it has motion And or sound To have another camera record at the same time this is what causes that issue of non-recording. I would recommend you to have the same camera record when it sees emotion and not to trigger other cameras to record when a specific camera is catching motion. Also I would advise to turn off the sound detection And only leave motion. They have taking logs and other information from my cameras to hopefully fix this issue. This is a temporary fix. I hope this helps please let me know if it worked for you.
Thank you for your replied. Ok I’m a little confuse. You said ( We figured out that when you go into settings and trigger one camera to record when it has motion And or sound To have another camera record at the same time this is what causes that issue of non-recording) I’m not clear what you are trying to say. When you have one camera to record motion and sound To have another camera to record at the same time? What do you mena to have another camera record at the same time? Are you trying to say if one camera has motion and sound on and it is recording and another camera catch motion or sound it will cause and issues ? That is really bad because if you have people braking to your home from two different location the one of the camera will stop recording and wont record again. My camera has not being recording for over two weeks now. I will try to disable the sound option and see if that work.
Sry I was using siri and didn’t go back to read it. So basically under rules when you edit them just make sure when your camera sees motion just have it record on that same camera only. Where it says add device make sure there is nothing there... It’s a temporary fix but this way all the cameras will start recording normally and detecting motion normally. I have uploaded a screenshot of one of my camera rules.

I have been in constant contact directly with the engineer team through text messages all day. They are working on a fix... I’m just really surprised at how they knew nothing about this and all the tickets that were created never reached the engineers. I will definitely tell them tomorrow to look into why they didn’t get these tickets or problems everyone is experiencing escalated to them.
Right as I was writing this to you I realized my cameras were doing the same thing still. I just notified engineering team. Whatever they told me to do definitely was not a fix.
Thank you for keeping in touch with them and with us. I appreciate your time to with us to go over with details about your troubleshooting with the engineering team. To add more so I had installed and sd car to my hub. Last night as I was reading your replied and changing the setting I noted that my sd card recording were not turn on or activate on my device. I activated and found out some local recording on the camera that is having issues recording to the cloud. So to isolate the problem a little bit. I believe this has to do with the cloud account or maybe multiple problem. Right now I’m going to remove that camera from my account and add it again, restart my hub and see what happen after. Indefinitely donno want to reset my hub to factory default and then add all my cameras again like alway. It is a pain to get all my camera down.
It’s no worries. I was talking to them today they got some logs and information from my cameras. They advised me that they are already working on some fixes from the problems they found plus I gave them more information on other problems like choppy video on 4K and choppy audio. They are also still working on the motion and recording issue. They told me it’s an issue on their end and it should be fixed. I do have one question on 4K video does anybody have issues with live streaming or if you guys have a 4K cloud plan if you guys have any issues with choppiness a video or audio or both on recordings are alive because 1080 P does not have any issues but 4K does certain cameras have choppiness certain cameras don’t have choppiness. I do have one question on 4K video does anybody have issues with live streaming or if you guys have a 4K cloud plan if you guys have any issues with choppiness a video or audio or both on recordings or live because 1080 P does not have any issues but 4K does certain cameras have choppiness certain cameras don’t have choppiness
Yes audio very choppy when streaming in 4k. I have not check on recorded clip just live streaming at home

Your best bet is to cut your losses with Arlo and move on to a product that can perform Basic Functions like Recording Video as well as stand by their Warranty.


I’m within Warranty, my Base Station hasn’t worked for 3+ Months.  Arlo agreed to send me a New Base Station after 30 Days but has never sent it.  They also haven’t provided me with an update in over. 2+ Months even though I provide 1-2 updates to them each week just to keep my case number open.  


Complete and utter from top to bottom with this “Company”.  My money says they’re getting ready for a lawsuit.


Google Search:  This TV company was spying on you until it was called out


It’s about a company called Vizio Spying on it’s Customers.  They had to payout $2.2 Million in fines and wouldn’t you know…..  Matthew McRae, Arlo’s CEO is pictured front and center.  The trouble didn’t stop there, in addition to the $2.2 Million in fines Vizio also lost a $17 Million Class Action Lawsuit because of their actions.  


Matthews Linkedin Page shows he worked for Vizio for 9 years 1 month and left in Aug 2017.  Where did he go next?  ARLO, starting in Sept. 2017.


So the person who was part of a spying scheme is now head of a “Video Security System Company”…..  Hmmmmmm.


Thankfully my 1 year Warranty is up this month.  I’ve documented all the BS and look forward to Arlo’s not so bright future.   

Wow that is crazy. @GrantLeffler. I wish I knew this before I purchase my $2k plus Arlo system. Yes I bough the 4 cameras pack plus 4 extra camera
Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator

Hi @GrantLeffler


I have escalated your case and someone from support will be reaching out to you as soon as possible, I have provided your new escalations number here. 41816446 


Wow….  Aren’t you a Genius.


You disabled the previous Case Number so I can’t provide any updates.  You’re a real POS but I’d expect nothing less from an Arlo employee.

WHAT !! They disabled your case ? @GrantLeffler That’s crazy. How can you give them feedback if the case is disabled or closed?
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