Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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First I will say there are many great features on the new Ultra cameras. I purchased a 4 pack yesterday on the day of release, very excited. I have owned and loved the previous 3 generations of cameras (original Arlo, Arlo Pro and Arlo Pro2). 


Here is my issue:

* I am unable to connect my camera in one of the locations. The odd thing is, it worked fine on all other 3 generations of Arlo cameras in this exact same location. The signal strength shows weak and it simply won't connect.

* Since my original Arlo, Arlo Pro and Arlo Pro2's all worked in this location, why is the new Ultra NOT working here???

* Is it possible the new Ultra has less range than the previous versions? Can I have a bad base station? I have tried 3 different cameras and none of them will connect here. 


I see a number of posts about connection issues with the new Ultra's. Could I be experiencing something similar? Will a firmware update fix this at some point?


I don't want to return these, but I need a camera working in this location.


Any feedback would be appreciated. 


Thank you!

Master Master


The reported signal strength on the Ultra does seem to be less than prior Arlo cameras at the same distance.  Perhaps a firmware update will improve this.  In any case, higher image quality and 4K resolution will require greater bandwidth, which will require the camera to be closer to the base station than earlier cameras.


Guru Guru

It's not clear to me as to what base you're using. You mention a 4 pack of cameras but not a base. Right now, the Ultra will only sync to an Ultra base, not an older one. A firmware update for the older ones is apparently in the works but not available yet.


The Ultra cameras are being used with the Arlo Ultra base station. I purchased a complete 4 camera pack set from Best Buy. To the gentlemans earlier reply that states he expects the Ultra to have less camera to base station range than previous generations, I would see this as a serious design flaw. If customers can't use cameras due to this limited range, it will limit sales. My home and property is not large and I cannot use the Ultra in a location that worked with the first generation Arlo camera, the Arlo Pro and the Arlo Pro2. All cameras worked in this location but the Ultra does not. 


Hope fully this is a firmware fix and not a hardware issue. 


So the new SmartHub base station and the Ultra Cameras are able to support both 2.4 and 5Ghz streams.   My theory is that the Ultra cams are defaulting to 5Ghz which would lessen the range.   Hopefully any firmware update will help this switching.  

Master Master


@adammiarka wrote:

So the new SmartHub base station and the Ultra Cameras are able to support both 2.4 and 5Ghz streams.  

True. Based on a WiFi scan, mine seem to be using only 2.4 at the moment. Things may change with future updates.


Interesting.  What are you using to scan?  And you can see that the cameras are connecting at 2.4?

Master Master


@ba1070 wrote:

To the gentlemans earlier reply that states he expects the Ultra to have less camera to base station range than previous generations, I would see this as a serious design flaw.

This is just physics and how WiFi devices work. For a fixed bandwidth, higher data rates require a higher signal-to-noise ratio.  The signal drops off with distance. Not much can be done about that, other than putting a directional antenna on the camera.


I am not using anything to scan. I simply connect the cameras when near the base station. But when I walk to the location to hang the camera, the signal strength in the app shows very low and loses connection. 


I don't know how to tell (or switch) from 2.4 to 5.0 ghz. If you knwo how to do this, I can check.


Thank you!

Master Master


MacBook Pro with inSSIDer. You can see the SSID from Arlo base stations.


Unfortunately I am a PC person. If you know how I can do check this/switch this another way, please let me know. I am not that technical BTW. Thanks

Master Master

@ba1070 wrote:

Unfortunately I am a PC person. If you know how I can do check this/switch this another way, please let me know. I am not that technical BTW. Thanks

I don't believe there is any setting you can change.  I think we'll just need to wait for a firmware update to improve things.

Inssider is available for Windows
And WiFi analyser for phones

I have the exact same problem. The signal strength is terrible making these new Arlo Ultra cams unusable. I pre-ordered on Best Buy’s website and was like a kid on Christmas opening the box only to be insanely disappointed. 


Like you, I have owned Arlo original, Arlo Pro, Arlo Pro 2 and now the Ultra. So far, Pro 2 is the best... until the kinks are worked out on the Ultra. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

A new firmware update for the SmartHub was released that may help with the issues being discussed here. Please make sure your SmartHub is up to date with the latest firmware ( and let us know if you continue experiencing issues.


A note about signal strength: Poor connectivity and offline issues can be caused by environmental issues like WiFi interference or poor signal due to range. If you're experiencing this, you might try elevating your SmartHub and moving it away from any other devices that emit a wireless signal (routers, baby monitors, telephones, etc.).




@JamesC wrote:

A new firmware update for the SmartHub was released that may hep with the issues being discussed here. Please make sure your SmartHub is up to date with the latest firmware ( and let us know if you continue experiencing issues.


A note about signal strength: Poor connectivity and offline issues can be caused by environmental issues like WiFi interference or poor signal due to range. If you're experiencing this, you might try elevating your SmartHub and moving it away from any other devices that emit a wireless signal (routers, baby monitors, telephones, etc.).



My system is down therefore unable to update the firmware. I guess I could go and reset the system and start all over. It’s a pain to go and pull all the cameras down, back inside to sync, rename, edit settings to my preferences already set... 


environmental issues i understand. I’ve tested Ultra base compared to Pro 2 base with identical placement. Ultra base/Ultra cams experience significant signal loss where the Pro 2 base / Pro 2 cams do not. 


I have been a huge fan of Arlo historically. I want the Ultra cams to work, believe me. I purchased Pro 2 right away, bugs were tolerable and once situated, the Pro 2’s were awesome.  I knew there would be bugs with Ultra. It’s the nature of a new product launch. I had no clue it would be this bad this soon and I would be this frustrated. 

I just got my Arlo Ultra tonight. It was really fast to setup and get updates on the base and the cameras.

They were terribly slow until I was able to get into my router setttings and adjust my longer range 2.4 Ghz from 20 to 40 MHz. My 5 GHz is set to 80 MHz if that helps any one.

No lag now! Range could still be an issue. I’ll know more in the next few days.
Hi, is the range better now after the firmware? I have Arlo pro and want to buy Ultra, but if the range is worse than on the Pro I will not upgrade.
Guru Guru

@j1980mac wrote:

They were terribly slow until I was able to get into my router setttings and adjust my longer range 2.4 Ghz from 20 to 40 MHz. My 5 GHz is set to 80 MHz if that helps any one.

Just to clarify - was this change just in your router? 


If so, those settings would only affect your connection from the apps (or browser) to the Arlo Cloud.   The camera connection to the base station doesn't use your router wifi, and the base station itself connects to the router with ethernet.


So disappointed...just returned the Arlo Ultra 2 pack. Bought to upgrade and  augment  the existing Arlo I have . Waited to make sure that the issue described elsewhere may have been corrected in the hardware or software. Here in Australia, they were kept back from launch until last week. But they just didn't connect to WiFi when can actually watch the wifi connect metered drop on the app as you move the camera... 4 to 5 metres and the video is spluttering...beyond that that freezes. The current Arlo's have no problem , 2 of them outside ..few walls in between. The camera itself has great vision, but no value if they cannot connect effectively where that needed.  Why would Arlo release hardware without testing...why wreck the brand after a second try at getting them to market?

Guru Guru

Maybe it's not an Arlo problem but an environmental one. They work fine here. It can be interference with the signal, not having th elatest firmware installed, home construction (from your description, I'll wager that's the issue - stucco? Brick?), etc. Without taking the time to find out, you'll never know.


From an acolyte of arlo, would expect such deflection. I expected much more from the new hub and camera...dissapointed that the older camera appears to have better connectivity . Understand I can move the base station to a different location, but surely arlo could have a better solution other than moving or a second base station?...can't they just improve there ongoing Connctvity issue?.....boost the output of the base ?...some kind of arlo range extender or something?. There are many more alternative products coming to market . Contemptuous treatment of customers raising legitimate issues will only reduce their numbers.

Just swapped the entire Pro 2 system for the Ultra. Updated all firmware of course during setup.

New Ultra Router in the EXACT same place as the Pro 2 router was just earlier today. No environmental changes.

Camera placement is identical between the 2 systems.

Tested both the Ultra and Pro 2 cameras with the new router and the camera that previously connected DO NOT connect now.

Likely will return the Ultra system and go back to the Pro 2. Such a shame unless there is a fix imminent.
Guru Guru

It can be due to the base switching to use the 5GHz band for the cameras which will reduce range. Some have found that moving the base away from the router has improved the signal strength noticeably.

Not sure how moving the base from the router will change the there another way of selecting the band. But for me it's too late , I've returned my set and reverted to older Arlo, and assessing other products in the market. They really should have got this right , it shouldn't be that hard for customers to at least achieve equal connectivity of older cameras .