Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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I had to update my settings for smart alerts now that there is an option to opt in/out of “animal” alerts. I did the changes and opted only to get person alerts at my front door. Now I’m getting motion alerts every time a car passes by which is out of the activity zones that I set for a person. It was not doing this until the requirement to update the alert settings.

Please address so that we do not continue to get needless alerts for activity that is not part of the user’s preferrence.
This is probably the worst app update yet. I have REMOVED arlo smart from every camera i have, or tried to at least, because it has never worked properly for me. All my cameras are "inactive" in the smart settings, but i am still getting animal, person, and vehicle alerts constantly (none of which show a still image on my lock screen either). And i am getting notifications for cameras which are not supposed to send alerts per my modes, they are only supposed to record when another camera detects motion. I am so fed up with this system. I would take reliability over horribly implemented bells and whistles any day. It is total crap. Android user here btw.
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Just upgraded to Arlo Smart for 1 month free, but it doesn’t work.
I can set up what notifications I want, but I still only get the normal with movement detected. It will not tell me if a person or car is clearly in the picture as I thought.
Don’t want to waste money on this after the free month if it’s that poor...

Any help would be appreciated.

It's funny that you mentioned that you're getting alerts even when it's disabled. I'm having the opposite issue. I have everything enabled and can't get any alerts at all with one of my cameras. I have everything enabled and sensitivity to 80. I just walked right up to the camera with a chair in my hand, set the chair down on the ground and adjusted the camera expecting an alert and nothing. Nothing at all. Everything worked great up until a few days ago.

Same problem here, no response yet either.

I've started getting multiple notifications for a single event again. I followed the instructions on another thread, and it fixed my problem last month. Arlo updated the app again recently, and I've gotten the multiple notifications back. I've tried several times and performed the same steps as before, and it doesn't fix the issue now. Anyone else having this problem? I'm running Android 8.0 on my phone.


Master Master

Yep. I think it's part of Arlo Smart but my notification is now quite delayed (presumably while the servers analyse the video) but then I get what must be 4-5 notifications in a row that are so close together that the skyline chime doesn't even get to finish each time. This is on my S7 Edge


My notifications are very delayed as well. I used to have the Arlo Smart option, but cancelled it after a few months. I went back to the free-bee. I get delayed notifications, and when the notification comes in, I get 5 or 6 very rapid audible notices. Strangely, it sounds the default notification and not the one I chose. Very starnge. Arlo needs to get this fixed. As it is, the system is useless to me.


How delayed is delayed? 


For me it can be as much as 10 minutes at times.

Master Master

I guess the next step is for all of us to open a support ticket about the problem. The more people that report it, the quicker they'll get on to fixing it

Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator

Hello Everybody,


What devices/Model/OS/App Version are you experiencing this issue with?

Master Master

I've just seen they released Android app version 2.6.4_23200 recently. I've turned my sound back on for my notifications but I'm not at home so I guess we'll see when a camera gets triggered if they've fixed this


That's the version the screwed everything up for me. I had it working great with the previous version.

Master Master

@Nighthawk11 wrote:

That's the version the screwed everything up for me. I had it working great with the previous version.

Oh. Maybe it was for me too. Bugger. I didn't pay attention to which version it was previously


I woke up a couple weeks ago and found that the app had updated overnight. That's when the issues started again. If someone has the latest version, and Android 8, tell me how it's working for you. 

Guru Guru

The previous version was 2.6.3 which caused lots of problems. The new one is 2.6.4 and seems to be sorting out the issues although not all are fixed (custom notifications, for instance).


I'm using 2.6.4 now, and it's causing me headaches. On the previous version, I was able to get the notifications back to one, but can't do that with this version. Not sure why. With every alert, I get 4 notifications. 


More of a statement then a question, but really guys? WTH? Netgear is begging for issues over the dumb "smart" subscriptions.


I have had the camera system for about a week. Loved it. Instant notifications, easy to use app, good quality. I figured hey- Im going to throw some more cash at Arlo and get a smart premier membership because I really like these cameras.


Camera system with basic plan = 5 stars

Camera system with smart premier = 0 stars.


It is horrible. The second smart is enabled for a camera, notifications times go from near instant to somewhere between a few minutes and infinity apparently. Also I will get like 10 notifications in a big burst like 30-40 minutes after an event occurs. Real useful. So you want me to pay to completely break the camera system?! My god I cant believe the downright stupid things giant companys do these days.


I cancelled my free trial after 5 days and now i have a good system again. SO much for your paid plan. What a joke. i tried to chat, but that doesnt work either.


It’s so frustrating!  The Activity Zones and Smart Notifications simply don’t work.  I’ve tried everything that Netgear advises and there appears to be no solutions.  


The Activity Zones don’t at all influence what my cameras react to.  Hard stop. Period!  


And, the Smart filters have zero impact.  I set each of my four cameras to react to People only, but my dog, the trees, etc. trigger alarms all day and night.


I’ve read all of the advice from Netgear and tried everything advised with no improvement.  I’ll be canceling my subscription to Smart as soon as my introductory period expires.  I’m so disappointed!


If anyone has a “fix” beyond rebooting the Base Station and ratcheting down motion sensitivity to zero, please let me know...!

Master Master

I'm having the same problem. Can you please go to the bottom of the page and click "Contact Support" and open a ticket with support? The more people who let them know they are having this problem, the sooner it'll get fixed


Smart notifcations are set to notifiy only on Vehicle and Person.  I still get all notifications for animals and motion even though those smart notifications are turned off.  The local barn cat seems content circling our house several times a night.  How do you get those alerts to quit notifying me?


So its' great having this Arlo Smart.  However the one feature that I need most and it's supposed to provide does not work.  I need animal detection notifications turned off on 1 camera I have.  And I do have it chosen to be off yet I still get a metric ton of alerts that my dogs are out in the backyard having a good time.  Why does this feature not work correctly?


I am curious what other issues you are having.I would elaborate on my issues from today alone but Arlo is sensoring me and keeps deleting my text. But bottom line, its a peice of junk at this point.....


I get the odd notification with our dog wandering around the house/garden also, but they tend to be a miss-categorisation. (person or "motion") 


But for the most part, it does work as intended.