Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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I can't move my cameras in my Arlo Smart settings in my Android app.  I want to move them from Inactive to Active but all six cameras do not move.  I cannot drag them anywhere.  They are all in the inactive section.


However, although they are all "inactive" I am still getting Smart-style notifications (i.e. "Person detected") with the redundancy and delay. 


I am a Premier subscriber, but I do not have any Person/Vehicle/Animal settings available on any of my camera settings.



Settings -> Arlo Smart (Manage and Notifications) -> Edit -> "Manage Arlo Smart" : no cameras can be dragged anywhere


VMB4000 Base Station



The original post was a year ago. I just installed my new system and have one camera in this situation. Calling support tomorrow. Hopefully there is an answer to this year old defect. Wish me luck. 

If you get a answer please let me know. I still have the problem a year later. It changes in the way it doesn’t allow me to make use of the feature but it is still the same result - no smart alerts. Lately it says I’m not subscribed when I try to move it active on the smart setting screen even though I clearly have the correct subscription. So I gave up. If there were a better cell connected camera I would dump this thing in a heart beat. I wasted so much time with support and it’s like they never even understood the problem with all their stupid “go to the camera and pull out the battery” etc. which has nothing to do with the problem as it’s on their end. They either don’t care or are incompetent. I’m so frustrated by it. If you get it working please let me know.


OK.... After over 45 minutes on the phone with support the problem was resolved. I'm not sure exactly what fixed it, but here is what we did. 


In Settings - Subscription - Manage Cameras I dragged the inactive camera from Arlo Smart Premier to No Plan

Removed the device (inactive camera) within the Devices window

Disconnected the ethernet and power cables from the Base Unit for 20 seconds

Reconnected the ethernet cable and power cable to the base unit

Back in Devices I clicked Add Device to add/sync the camera back in

Added the camera. I did this from the MyArlo webpage after I logged in. (not sure how it would work from a smart phone)

The camera came back in with the same name I had given it and now is in the Active state, and I can manage smart notifications. 


I'll post another thread about this, but the support guy said something about the Premier Plan I have is expiring and I was going to have to pay more for my six cameras. I explained that I paid for the Premeir Plan to get 10 cameras on, and the agreed cost was $9.95 a month. He insisted that the plan was expiring and I would have to move to a more expensive plan(s). I explained that I hope this isn't blatant Bait and Switch.  


Hope this fixes for you. 


Thank you for taking the time to post the result and procedures given to you during your tech support call. I will save this and give it a try when I get to the location again and will update with the results.

Thank you again for taking the time to detail your support interactions. Very helpful and I’m sure it will be to others with the same problem.

Well, I got my issue fixed, but I did have to upgrade my plan again to whatever their newest offering of arlo smart is.  I had previously tried changing my account from smart to basic and back to smart in May of 2019 and that did not fix it.  After trying the last post of going into settings and managing cameras, that link didn't do anything.  So in desperation, I click on the the change plan link again and changed my plan AGAIN to Arlo Elite - Single Camera (1).  And magically it fixed my issue.  So I feel like this is some type of bait and switch from Arlo 😞  But at this point it is working, with 0 help from Arlo support.  If there was a better competitor on the market, I would drop Arlo in a heartbeat.