Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Arlo Security light just stopped working, new issue in a long line of different problems.

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Today I brought in one of my Arlo Security Lights to charge the battery.  After it completed its charge, I swapped out the battery to recharge another battery in the same unit (I do this frequently).  However when I put the battery into the same unit that was just charging, it didn't start to charge and the device showed as disconnected in the app!  My first thought was the battery had died (which would have been the 3rd battery of mine that has died!).  However I brought in one of my other Arlo Security Lights and tried the same battery in that one, and it started charging!  So after switching out my battery, the unit has somehow stopped working.  I can’t see anything wrong with the connection in the back, so I have no idea what is wrong. These things are so poorly made, it's unreal. 


Anyone else experienced something like this? Anytime I try to talk with support, they make me run through a ridiculous set of troubleshooting steps, including having to remove and re-add devices to my system, which is so painful.


I’m pretty much done with this company and its products, but I’ve just spent so much money it’s hard to walk away just yet. To summarize the issues I’ve had with Arlo:

  • The Arlo security light that has just stopped working for no reason.
  • Incredibly difficult setup with almost every device. Setup timing out, random errors, silently freezing etc. I usually get setup to complete after about 15 tries. Painful. I should point out, I’m technical by trade so this setup should be easy. I couldn’t imagine a less savvy user trying to install their equipment.  I simply cannot recommend them to a friend.
  • 2 batteries have died. After they lost a charge they just simply wouldn’t re-charge anymore. Problem appears to happen once the batteries were completely drained. To battle this, I now try to re-charge them before they were completely drained. What a pain.
  • One of my Arlo Pro camera’s continuously stops working when it’s turned upside down! It happens if I unscrew the camera at the front of my house (to take out the battery for charging), this action of turning it upside down makes it stop working!  If I put the battery back into the same unit without turning it upside down, it works fine.  I guess there is a lose connection inside the unit somewhere. Now I take the battery out without unscrewing it/turning it upside down. Another huge pain.
  • Several months ago, one of my Arlo security lights turned itself on and didn’t turn itself off again. This was a problem I posted about a while back.  Even taking the battery out didn’t stop the light from coming back on every time.  Eventually the problem went away when I charged the device.
  • Several months ago, my Chime doorbell started to record via the attached camera for 5 minutes every time the doorbell was pressed. This was despite the setting to record only for as long as someone was in video shot. Customer support wanted me to add/remove the device from my system, which I just gave up on.  I don’t have time to spend hours messing with this setup. I just changed the setting to record only a fixed amount of time now.

My devices have never been wet, never been dropped. I have always cared for them well.


Equipment I own:

  • 1x Arlo Pro camera
  • 1x Arlo camera
  • 3x Arlo Security Lights
  • 1x Doorbell
  • 1x Chime
  • 1x Base
  • 1x Bridge


Very disappointed and frustrated

Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator

Hi @fordhamg


  Have you tried contacting customer support regarding this issue? I have attached the link here for you - Arlo Tech Support


As mentioned above, if I contact support, they will ask me to run through a super time consuming and problematic set of troubleshooting steps.  Removing the lights from my system and then re-adding them back in will take forever and I am just fed up of the waste of time.  I'm returning these to Costco and will sell of my other equipment before moving to another product.


I know this has been several months, but thought I should chime in.


I have 7 x Arlo Pro cameras, 6 x Arlo Security Lights, several base stations (for range), etc.  I have now had this same issue with TWO of my Arlo lights.  First one happened about 4 months ago.  Several lights were complaining of low battery (with so many devices I keep three charged extra batteries on hand).  Sure enough, the light was working (actually lit when I went up to it to take off the back cover), but after putting the new battery in, one light lit briefly as expected, but one light did not.  Just dead.  And all I did was the same thing -- swap the battery.  Plugging it in to power, another charged battery for testing, etc. did no good.  


Called Arlo support and after a rediculously long time troubleshooting (the "support" person is just reading a script, and even though I already went through the troubleshooting steps, they asked me to repeat them all again), they finally RMA'd the unit. 


Fast forward a few more months (I'm now at 11 months since I bought them all), and a SECOND Arlo Security Light has done the same thing.  Took out the old battery which was low, put in a charged one, and the light is now DEAD.  The same charged battery works in other lights and cameras, no issue.  Now I'm afraid to change my batteries, especially since the warranty is about to be up.


Arlo, what gives!?!?!?

Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator

Hi @ejtt7ciia


I would suggest contacting support & informing them of the updated issue. Arlo Tech Support

I have had the exact same issue. One of my lights (3 pack from Costco) needed the battery charged. I always have a spare on hand so i swapped the dead battery for a fully charged battery. The light came on briefly when the battery cover was removed but never again. I tried multiple batteries. I tried charging it with the battery plugged in for 8 hrs. The light never reconnected or turned on. I have 4 pros and 3 lights. This is my second set of lights because the first set had a faulty charger. This set will also go back to Costco.

Same thing just happened to me.  I have 3 security lights that I purchased from Costco.  Changed batteries yesterday with no issues on 2 of the 3 security lights.  The 3rd light blinked once when the new battery was inserted but showed offline.  I removed it and reinserted it and it NEVER blinked again.  I tried other batteries and plugged it in.  Nothing.  EXTREMELY disappointing.  I own a lot of Arlo cameras and the audio doorbell, and overall I am happy with the system.  These security lights are another story.  Waste of money.

Guru Guru

Stuff happens. Why not just swap at the store?

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