Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

geofencing isnt working anymore

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Hello everyone, my geofencing doesn't seem to be working anymore. I've already tried everything (rebooting the base station, camera, and smartphone) - no success.


Does anyone know who can help with this, or if there's a solution for it?

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  • BrookeN
    Arlo Moderator
    Arlo Moderator

    I have reached out to the development team with the information you provided. Can I get the app version you all are using as well please. Thank you and I will update as soon as possible. 


After last App update Geofence quit working well looking into the reason I found out that under  

available Geofence devices

it added the IPhones that we deleted a long time ago back in.  so now I have to get users to delete their IPhones again I’m hoping this will fix the Geofencing issue.  


NO it didn’t fix the problem I still have no Geofencing function.    Everything was working like a champ and after this last update it hasn’t worked at all. About tired of messing with it and I’ll go to a schedule for right now.  

Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator

Can you explain more what you are experiencing, we would be more than happy to help you. 


Well Aug 25 I updated the App then I started noticing that Geofencing quit working so I looked into it a little more and found the old devices that where in Geofencing Devices were back so asked everyone to please go back and delete this devices again.  Still didn’t change so the. I deleted the automation and added them back still didn’t change anything.  So gave up and went to a schedule for right now.

Well yesterday I was starting to get happy because all of a sudden Geofencing was working.    BUT   It went into Standby  BUT it was still record motion while in Standby.   I have it setup to turn off all camera in Standby     But I kinda figured that I’ll work on that later I was just happy that it was Geofencing right.     Then this morning I have NO live feed to cameras and it says the base is offline.  Walking in to the spare bedroom all LED are green and everything else is connected to the internet is working. and here the kicker it’s gone back to NOT Geofencing and it’s still recording motion and sending me notifications about the motion and I can view the video in Feed I can’t get live feed still.     I just don’t know what’s going on

Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator

Try rebooting the basestation. It is appearing offline when I check it. The duplicates in Geofencing we are aware of and it is currently being looked into by our development team. 


Yes.  I lied after I got to work I noticed that none of the Pro 2 are recording.   The only reason I thought they’re working is it caught me and recorded me as I walked out to my truck so I thought it was still working even thought I have no live feed to the cameras.       I’ll work on base as soon as I get home and try to figure out what’s going on.       Thanx    I’ll keep you informed of what’s going on.  


K.  Rebooted the base and I have live camera feed now so that’s fixed    I’ll move on to the Geofencing tomorrow morning when I leave to go to breakfast.   I did notice that even with the base offline that I was still getting Standby Mode popping up on the feed when someone entered the Geofencing area 


ok live feed is working right again.  
Now back to the Geofencing is half working.   Another words every time a person come to the house in goes into standby which should happen BUT it will never go into Away Mode.  There has to be a way to see who is holding it in StandBy Mode.  Another words who’s phone is at or showing at home still.     Also the interesting thing is the StandBy Mode pops up even though it was in StandBy mode to begin with it never got out of StandBy Mode BUT it pops up and let you know it’s in StandBy Mode.


I have the exact same issue (using latest iPhone operating system).  Arlo geofenced fine for years and then won't after this software update.  I have deleted then reinstalled the app, restarted my phone, checked to see that my phone is listed as the geofencing device in the app, and added my home address.  The Away Mode is noted as "active" and all cameras are enabled.  Despite this, every camera records any movement whether I am in the house or not.  In fact, I don't get notifications about being "away" or not, which I used to get each time I got close to the house when arriving and half a block away when leaving. 


I just restarted the base station and it didn't help at all. 


Anything else that I can try?  Please hep. 


Huh, looks like rather than fixing the bugs, Arlo have just rolled out the same bad version to everyone now.


Good luck, you're in for a bumpy ride, it's been 3 months with the issue for me, and 10 weeks with a ticket open where the only thing they can provide is "have you tried deleting and setting up from scratch the geofencing?" I've been asked that at least once a week for the last 10 weeks! 


Sorry, and good luck! Please do raise a ticket with support, everyone needs to do this, to show it's a big issue.


Yes I have tried deleting and adding the automation twice.   Yes the first time it started working right then I lost the live feed to the cameras so rebooted the base got the live feed back BUT lost the Geofencing so deleted them again and started over and didn’t fix it.   If I wanted them in Standby Mode all the time it works great.   BECAUSE the only way I can get them in Away Mode is by manually or by scheduling them to change. 


K.  Yesterday I had everybody log out of Arlo then reboot their phone and then log back in to Arlo.    

so this morning my wife left to go to work and then I left to go to work and it armed it self.   So we’ll see if it goes into Standby when I wife gets home. 


The answer to that question is NO.  BUT we’re making progress because soon as I came home it went into Standby so now I’m going to delete my wife account and redo it and see if that works.  


Unfortunately this is exactly what I'm suffering with, do all that, then it looks like it will work, and every now and then it will, four a couple of days once, then it would just stop again. 


It would also sometimes just arm/disarm etc whenever it liked or there would be delay of some hours at times as well.


They insisted it was a config issue, but it can't be, otherwise it wouldn't work at all. 


Do raise a ticket, and do continue to engage, and don't let them close it until the issue is definitely resolved. the numbers of tickets and length of time they're open will show on their stats, the more of us that do this, will add to the stats, and the higher the numbers of long term open tickets to do with this issue, the more likely it will get focus to get the stats down and they might put time in to fixing it. (I have worked on many IT support help desks over the years)


My family and friends are having issues with geofencing when we leave the house. It doesn’t activate. Location services are on and settings are right. Anyone have a fix. Arlo support is non-existent. Thank you!

Guru Guru

Every user must see the same thing when using the app. The current app supports 2 different user interfaces (UI) - the old that uses Library to view recordings and the new one that uses Feed. It seems you may be seeing Library while the others see Feed. Check that out and let us know.


I’ve been using the same app since I bought them in 2020. Up until August the second I left my property they went into away mode. Now it never leaves home mode. Using the same Arlo secure app

Guru Guru

Who else is set up to be included in your geofencing? Are they still logged into the app? They need to open the app at least every 2 weeks to stay logged in and be able to participate in GF.


My wife and mother are both granted access to but don’t have admin rights to the account. So I’d assume GF is only basing off my location. Both log in and use the app daily

Guru Guru

@Ramsey86 wrote:

My wife and mother are both granted access to but don’t have admin rights to the account. So I’d assume GF is only basing off my location. 

They need to enable location services for Arlo in their own phones.  You should then see their phones in the available geofencing devices in your account.  


But I don’t want or need the geofencing based on their locations. Settings have been the same and nothings changed since I installed them in 2019

Guru Guru

@Ramsey86 wrote:

But I don’t want or need the geofencing based on their locations. Settings have been the same and nothings changed since I installed them in 2019



Are you seeing "Feed" and "Dashboard" in the app?  Or are you seeing "Library" instead?


Also, are you using an iPhone?  Or do you have an Android phone?


Sorry I wasn’t trying to sound mean or angry, I see library at the bottom and I use an iPhone


Guru Guru

@Ramsey86 wrote:

I use an iPhone

I'm wondering if other iPhone users are having issues with geofencing not triggering when they leave/arrive at their location.


This isn't working on my own iPhone (though I am running the "Feed" interface, and not "Library").  I still have some more troubleshooting I want to do, but it would be useful to hear from some other posters.