Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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I recently clicked the prompt to ugrade my Arlo App and was more than disappointed with the result. 
Under the old app i could set and schedule different modes on two different base station i have at two different locations. This was all under the one Arlo Secure subscription. I could change the mode on either base station to different modes and create custom modes depending on my needs.
In the new app Arlo has limited the number of modes to just Arm Away, Arm Home and Standby, which does not give you any ability to customise modes or create modes that would work for multiple locations. I understand that Arlo are now saying you need an additional subscription for two locations, however I bought the second base station and cameras for my second site before this upgrade and only needed the one Arlo Secure subscription. Only requiring one subscription factored heavily into my decision to buying the Base station and cameras for the second location. Paying for two whole subscriptions for two sites I think is unreasonable. A small extra fee for a second site might be fair, but not doubling the whole subscription fee.
I assume there are many customers now facing this problem and are unhappy. Having invested in multiple base stations and cameras and using them under one subscription, it is not reasonable that Arlo takes away this capability that was already being delivered. I would suggest Arlo look after existing customers with multiple sites by either enabling multpile sites under their one subscription, or offering a small extra fee per additional site. Technically there is no change in storage costs for Arlo for two sites as the number of cameras is the same as I had under the old app.
Additionally the limitation of 3 modes in the new app version means you can only create two effective armed camera groupings as the standby group is really only good for disarming all cameras. If i wanted to have more than two different Cameras combinations armed at different times of day this is now no longer possible as there are only two armed modes. Arlo should allow any number of customisable modes, giving users the flexibility to arm/disarm multiple various camera combinations as needed.
Be interested to know how many other customers are facing these issues and if Arlo can do the right thing and look after their existing long term customers.

Accepted Solutions

Ask support to downgrade your app to the old version. i just refused to accept the reduction in features with their support team and they eventually agreed to change my app back to the old version. They can do it easily and it solved all my issues.  
I will now only upgrade once the new app version supports the same feature set as the product I paid for.

View solution in original post


The new Arlo app is a big disappointment indeed.

Fair point about not needing two subscriptions before the update, and not being able to opt out of the update, certainly I didn't see it when mine ran. I suppose a legal action is the way forward in this case and all others, but you'd need to consult a legal professional about it.

There have been many requests about the new app and its bugs to be addressed, but Arlo's priorities are elsewhere, it seems.


I, too, am very disappointed in this new update.  I’ve had 4 cameras for years and they worked beautifully for me!  This new update is making me work for it with extremely frustrating results.  It’s hard to understand and navigate.  I am at a loss as to how to undo this change or if even that being a possibility..  having stood by and recommended Arlos for years, at this point I can’t recommend it in good consciousness.  


I agree that to take away capabilities that were already in the app and people made purchasing decisions on probably breaches  consumer law in Aus. I purchased the full second base station and cameras for over $1200 on the proviso I only needed the one subscription so am not happy about this. 

Arlo need to resolve this and not keep trying to fob this off as just ‘the way it is’.


The inability to create custom modes makes this a pretty weak product now. Only two mode grouping is ridiculous for people with more advanced security needs. I have 6 cameras and need flexibility on when they should be on based on time of day, location and activity. I definitely have more than two camera group states that I want to change to during a day.

Also them stopping customers being able to set modes for individual base stations to support two sites without now having to pay an additional subscription is really just a money grab as far as I can see. The functionality was there and they took it away, which really means the product I paid for no longer delivers what it was capable of when I bought it. I will be asking they refund the entire camera and base station bundle if they cannot resolve this quickly. 


I've been going through the same debacle with customer support, trying to work out how to reinstate my schedules. After two days of compromised security on my two base stations and seven cameras, they finally told me I can no longer independently schedule each base station/camera set. However, I didn't receive any advice that a separate subscription would be necessary to operate the systems individually, just a hard 'No, the app can't do what it used to'.

I also agree with your comment below regarding Australian consumer law, this is very likely illegal in Oz.


I also had multiple scheduled modes which were just deleted on the upgrade. Whoever thought this through as an acceptable upgrade should be fired. These are the root failures;
1. Loss of customer configurations 

2. Loss of support for control of multiple base stations at different sites

3. Lack of customisation of security modes leaving people homes unprotected in a satisfactory way.

4. Trying to force loyal long term customers into doubling their subscription fees whilst providing less functionality and value than the old version.

I told support I’d be maybe ok if there was a small fee associated with two sites, but considering that it was already supported in the old version any increase would have to be minor. If they had a third plan level for people with multiple sites that was an additional 10% maybe that would be acceptable. Still the facts are they took away functionality and capability without notification and really broke a few rules covered under Aus consumer law. 


As an update, Arlo have offered me 6 months of free subscription for the second site but this does not solve the issues and only delays the second subscription fees which I had no need to pay under the old software.

I gave checked with Consumer Affairs in my state and companies are obliged to deliver no less functionality on upgrades than what were already included at the original purchase price.

Arlo should do the right thing and look after their loyal customers rather than trying for a money grab.


Good news. Arlo after some back and forward has contacted me and downgraded my app version to the previous version. So all functionality is now restored and i am able to support both base station locations and my custom modes on the one subscription.


Yes upgrade is Arlo standard POS.

Obviously never bench tested totally screwed up my Arlo ultra 2 .

How not to run a company seems to be run by 🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒


+1, I'am very disappointed in this new update. 

I have 10 cameras on a single site (4 ultra connected to a base station and 6 connected to my WIFI) and an 11th on a second site, all under the same subscription.


I can understand / Accept that I now need to pay à subscription for my second site.


But for the main site, previously, I had 7 or 8 different modes configured in the app : Activate only main Entrance Camera, activate only swimming pool cam, only ground floor, only outside cameras, ...

Now I'm stuck with only 1  mode I can configure (Arm Home), "Arm away" is indeed my " all on" and Standby is my "all off"


This feature was definitely a key argument when selecting Arlo.

If no update comes in the coming weeks, I will look for another solution and resell my Arlo stuffs



Guru Guru

@Guillaume68 wrote:


But for the main site, previously, I had 7 or 8 different modes configured in the app : Activate only main Entrance Camera, activate only swimming pool cam, only ground floor, only outside cameras, ...

Now I'm stuck with only 1  mode I can configure (Arm Home), "Arm away" is indeed my " all on" and Standby is my "all off"


I agree that was a big miss on Arlo's part.  I think they will end up putting back custom modes, but of course we'll have to see.


Ask support to downgrade your app to the old version. i just refused to accept the reduction in features with their support team and they eventually agreed to change my app back to the old version. They can do it easily and it solved all my issues.  
I will now only upgrade once the new app version supports the same feature set as the product I paid for.


Interesting. Thanks for sharing.

i contacted the support before publishing my initial post and asking for a downgrade. They told me that it was not an option … 

I’ll try again


It did take me multiple support messages and requests for escalation before they had someone who could downgrade the app contact me. Good luck.


I am very disappointed in this new update, all I wanted to do was set a schedule from 11:00 PM to 6:00 AM it will not let me set a time to turn off at 6:00 AM.  I have spent way too much time with it already.   I have recommended Arlo system to several people in the past, not anymore.  I have told them NOT to update the software if possible.  I will be getting rid of the complete system now that it is useless!




In one of my posts from last year, when that damn upgrade happened to me, I talk about and give examples of (screenshots) how to set up customised actions to arm/disarm specific cameras. You may find it helpful:


I can see editing the two arm modes differently you can get a basic work around to try to get more than one effective arm mode…like you have shared in your post. The frustration is that is is a massive step backward from the old version where you could create as many custom modes as you liked. 
I think if people stick to their guns and say they want to downgrade, Arlo is obliged to do this to restore the functionality that you bought the system for. Otherwise they have essentially taken away functionality.


WOW! I'm having the same issues!

I have two locations that I use to be able to arm separately, but now with the "upgrade" I can't have two locations without buying a separate subscription.

I just spent $400 on new cameras! 

What a disappointment this is! 


The best option is to have them downgrade your app to the previous version. I let them know that because I had bought the cameras for the second site, under the premise I could use the one subscription, they really have no other choice but to downgrade the app or refund the entire purchase.

They can definitely downgrade and it literally took 2 mins on the phone…although it took about 6 calls to get through to someone that had the authority to do this.

Guru Guru

@DD-Mel wrote:

They can definitely downgrade and it literally took 2 mins on the phone…although it took about 6 calls to get through to someone that had the authority to do this.

They certainly can, but they might refuse.


Even if they do change you back to "Library", that is only a stop-gap - as they will eventually migrate everyone to "Feed".  That said, they clearly need to add back custom modes - there are too many use cases that require them for Arlo to ignore the feedback.


Hi Guillaume68,
I'm in the same position as you in relation to modes. I had about 8.
I just purchased two new cameras which forced me to upgrade the app.
Upon upgrade, i lost all modes and I need at least 5.
Total waste purchasing the two extra cameras as they are now pointless without being able to have multiple modes.
Let me know if you find a solution that allows multiple modes across at least 6 cameras.


I have made the decision to drop the Arlo product because of this. This change makes the product totally unsuitable for my needs.  

I also have Nest cameras and made the decision to go all Arlo with the Arlo subscription about a year ago. Fortunately I still have several Nest cameras and will be re-activating the Nest subscription and buying more of their products and cancelling Arlo. 


I have the same issue and I’m not happy with Arlo decision. Terrible actually. Always had 2 locations and 1 plan; Not paying for a second one. 


I have been struggling with my Arlo cameras since the upgrade.  I was at a loss to what was going on. Now I know that it was the update!  I totally agree with all the comments. I am thinking of getting rid of Arlo and going with Cove.  It is so sad to see a great company like Arlo make such a restrictive update and ruin everything they have stood for.  I have also found that I can't reorder the listing of my Arlo cameras like I used to be able to do before. I had to remove and add again one of my Ultra cameras to get it back on line and when I did a reinstall it ended up at the bottom of the list and apparently that can't be changed!  I hope these complaints will get their attention to do a fix to the update before they start losing customers!