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I use a routine to Arm Home at midnight, and then switch to Standby in early morning.
Now I get woken to an Arlo notification in my phone when the automation runs and the system is Armed and then unarmed.
Please disable these! We wake up to an Arlo alert, which can be frightening, only to see our system as armed like we wanted it to.
Or give us the option to disable such non-useful notifications.
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Arlo Secure
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As of now there are no plans to change the Arm/Disarm notifications sent for mode changes. I will continue providing the feedback posted here to the development team for consideration but I do not have any new information to share at this time.
We appreciate and are reviewing the feedback provided about the recent enhancement for mode change notifications. The details provided in this thread and others has been shared with the relevant teams internally. I will provide an update here once I have more information available to share.
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In Addition James, unlike the old app, this new app notifies everyone else you have given authority to, to receive notifications (i.e. I have 3 people, myself, my wife and my daughter). So when I arm or disarm the system EVERYONE gets a notification. That's not necessary and over the course of time, as others have mentioned, a person will get in the habit of not responding - or ignore the noficiation! The old set up was great. IF I armed the system ONLY I would be notified. IF my wife armed the system (i.e. leaving home and Im driving) then we'd both get a "arming" notification. yet my daughter would not! This was not a change for the better. Hope they can resolve this.
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Just bought the system and agree. This is very annoying. About to return all products as I see from this thread that Arlo is not taking this seriously. Very sad.
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If you can get a full refund do so! Without a paid subscription you lose about 90% of the camera and app functionality. I cancelled my subscription because @Arlo thinks they know what’s best for their customers and They don’t listen to what their customer wants. ARLO has forced notifications in the app that we the user cannot turn off. Do some research and really decide what makes more sense for you. Wired or wireless?? I am going with a PoE system. Yes it’s wired but it records 24/7/365 and no batteries to charge. Plus it isn’t internet dependent to record video. It may cost a little more up front but I value my time and safety more than ARLO values me as a customer!
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I somehow missed this long post when I recently made a similar one:
I'm glad I'm not alone in disliking the notification noise this dumb feature creates. It is comical that they class this as a safety/security feature. It notifies me that I made a manual mode change on the device I used to make the change! 😖
It is possible to disable mode change events in your feed, however the notifications still happen. However, even this feature doesn't work correctly. Mode changes are still included in the badge count. So the badge will indicate a number of events, but when you view the feed there are none. Quality work. 🐛
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Yes, it is the worst example I have ever seen where a company simply puts their head in the sand and essentially tells their customers to get lost. And the most frustrating part ? Arlo created this issue in about May 2023, then called the need to keep it a 'safety issue' (which is b.s.) and they use that argument to avoid fixing their own self-created problem.
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Can you explain why I can turn each camera off individually so that none of them will record and there is no notification to alert me that I turned them off?? This leaves the user in the exact same situation as if we used the mode change button to disable the system.
This feature is just a colossal refusal to admit failure. Your failed attempt has done nothing but piss off your customer while letting us know that you really DO NOT CARE about what we want and need from the product WE PAY FOR. YOUR ATTEMPT TO MAKE US SAFER HAS RENDERED US LESS SAFE! I JUST PROVED IT. TIME TO MAKE THE CORRECT DECISION TO LISTEN TO YOUR CUSTOMER AND FIX THIS ABOMINATION…
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@Brewgod23 I think everyone on this thread can wholeheartedly agree that Arlo's software capabilities are weak ! Maybe the camera hardware is good, but certainly the software is flawed. But they refuse to fix it 😡.
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Yes. I like the cameras. I don’t have a problem with them. Problem is the cameras are useless without the App and the App is useless without a subscription. I have one older camera that I can view recordings when I am away from home. All other cameras record locally and I can only view recordings once I am home and on the same network as the system. That fact alone makes me less secure than Arlo’s claim about forcing mode change notifications being about safety. Nothing they do is about OUR safety. They simply don’t want to admit they made a mistake and refuse to fix it. @BrookeN are y’all listening?? Fix this mess…
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A few days ago I saw a setting to change this feature(failure) under the Notifications Tab. I selected it to be off but I still kept getting the notification. When I look at that tab now, its empty! Where did all the settings under there go?? There was a bunch of settings..
I work for a robotics company. If we rolled out a failure like this, heads would roll!
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@stewgotz You have discovered the issue (defect) that we've been pointing out to Arlo but they refuse to fix: in ~May 2023 they updated the app to force a notification to all phones on the account whenever anyone on the account manually changes mode. There is no way to turn this off which is a major nuisance. The 'Mute Notifications'' that you are referring to, in the settings, only silences camera-detected notifications. It has no influence on the manual mode change notifications.
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Yes, I understand the issue but I'm pretty sure the selection I set to No was specifically about changing the mode from Arm or Standby. I don't remember the exact wording but it wasn't for camera notifications. There was a separate setting for that. Like I said, there was of list of notifications you could turn on or off but now that Notification tab is empty.
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@stewgotz Gotcha. Here is what my app looks like in the Notifications tab. Does yours look different ?
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@stewgotz wrote:Yes, I understand the issue but I'm pretty sure the selection I set to No was specifically about changing the mode from Arm or Standby. I don't remember the exact wording but it wasn't for camera notifications. There was a separate setting for that. Like I said, there was of list of notifications you could turn on or off but now that Notification tab is empty.
I suspect it is the Feed Settings I mentioned. You can selectively enable/disable event types (including Mode Change) on your Feed tab. The trouble is this doesn't disable notifications and disabled events are still counted on the event count badge.
The perfect solution would be to have a second toggle for Notifications. So for each event type you can select Feed or Notification, or both, or neither. Should be trivial for a competent dev team.
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Every time ARLO releases an update I restart my phone and go through the mode change buttons to see if anything has changed. Then I go through each tab in the app looking for any specific changes. They add new stuff all the time but they can’t (won’t) fix this one issue. Their CS dept told me that originally this mode change notification was suppose to only be for those that have an actual security system with the keypad but that because it all runs on the same platform it affected those of us with cameras and the app. She then told me that because it was considered a safety feature that it would never be changed. I don’t know how many people like me canceled their subscription but not a day goes by that I don’t get emails and app notifications for 50% discounts off products and subscriptions. ARLO is hurting financially. Hit them where it counts and let them know why!!! @BrookeN if ARLO really cared about safety then why do we lose 90% app functionality without a subscription? Can’t access recordings unless I’m at home. That makes us less safe. It was nothing but a money grab and it backfired in your face!!
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Ah, yes. I was wrong. It is the Feed Settings. Under there there is something called Event Types and in there is a setting for Mode Change. I disabled that thinking it would disable the mode change notification but it doesn't.
Thanks for clearing that up!
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I agree, this notification is a a nuisence and you should be able to turn it off. ARLO, FIX THIS PROBLEM OR LOSE CUSTONERS
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I would like to add to the reply as a long time Arlo user also. Also being in the cybersecurity industry 20+ years. App badge notifications and alerts should ideally be security events that may necessitate actions on my part. The notifications that I get for my expected mode changes are white noise. For me hiding them on the feed doesn’t help when I still get an app badge or other notification. This is really my only big complaint at this point. Thanks.
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This is still an issue. I should not receive a notification for a mode change when I manually change the mode because I already know the mode is changing or if the mode changes via schedule. Fix this please!!!
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We upgraded to the new Arlo experience just two days ago and I was just now searching for how to turn off the damned notifications for mode change. I know you've approached your development teams with this, but just to provide additional rationale: in a multi-phone circumstance (most, I would think), the mode change by one person causes an alert on the other's phone no matter where they are and in whatever circumstance (work, church, napping, etc.). The only remedy is to disable the alert entirely, which renders the cameras useless for security. And if we don't disable, then we assume every alert is a mode change, devaluing the urgency that should be associated with an alert. Please make sure your development teams know the degree of problem they have created. Please...
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I can only agree with everyone! and in hope of getting heard, make a comment here. This is SO frustrating, living in a home with 2 phones, waking eachother up sometimes in super stress not knowing if an intruder is entering our home, or we just changed the mode. Fix it PLEASE! 🙏
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I see the app was just updated with some new premium subscription features. No change to the annoying notifications or reinstatement of the missing custom modes though. Arlo clearly have their priorities.
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@YosemiteEagle You are correct, this Arlo-created issue has been a major annoyance since about May 2023. Coming up on it's 2nd birthday in a few months. Yet --- Arlo continues to not listen to it's customers. 😖
@JamesC Are you continuing to share all these posts --- pleading for a fix --- with the Arlo development team ? Arlo keeps closing my cases that I open for this issue.
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Yes, please allow disabling the audible notification for arming and disarming the system. All too often this comes at inappropriate times and since no emergency exists, we should be to at least disable the audible portion of these notifications.
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Still no change in the latest app release. Even the bug which shows a notification badge for hidden events is still present. The amazing dev team have instead focused on adding a full screen advert for subscription services.
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As a new user, I now experience the same.
it is odd that I can control which type of motion that give push notifications, but not disable push notifications for arm/disarm.
For me, it would also be highly appreciated, when this will be configurable.
Thanks for taking care of this issue, which seems to be a problem for very many users.
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