Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Arlo q shows wrong clip length

  1.  Today I’ve noticed when I go to my Arlo Q library the clips show at the right length. 20 seconds, 15 seconds they show the right length in the library. When I open up the Clips to view the clip it says that the clip is one hour and 46 minutes long. When you play back the clip it only has the correct amount of time 20 or whatever length and may be in the library view. After the action finishe the image freezes and the video keeps playing.  This has started today and it happens with every single clip.  The cameras also failed to pick up some events today. Not sure if that’s related or not. Is anyone else having an issue?  I’ve got the latest iOS update.
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JamesC, As I said in my post a couple of hours ago. I have been told and I'm sure other people have been told the same thing.

Which is " The engineers are aware of the issue and will update soon"

Tired of hearing that same response. Can you ask the engineers when this will be resolved and to give us a reason for why it's happening.


Mine Arlo Q is doing the same thing, therefore it's impossible to fast forward the videos. I have mine set for 2 minutes w/ movement or sound. It's critical it works correctly as I have it in my Mothers Alzheimer's room and have caught abuse in 3 of the 4 facilities she has been in. Also if she falls or is in trouble I can call and they will check on her. Since this incorrect clip length thing, the sound works sometimes and sometimes not. It has quit picking up some movement. Just seems to work when it wants. When I called Arlo to inquire they told me to upgrade to an Arlo pro2. No correction on their part. They said it's a software problem but don't know when it will be corrected. Does anyone have suggestions?


Engineering is aware of the issue and so are we. This response feels rather vague considering we've all been struggling with this issue for over a week. How about an actual statement TODAY that says why its happening and the ETA on a fix? Surely this should be a high priority fix as its rendered your product 'not fit for purpose'. Perhaps you can have someone from engineering post a statement today as to what changed that broke the service and when the ETA for the fix should hit?  At this rate I can't afford to sit for another week with "security" equipment that doesn't provide what was advertized.


On top of all these other problems with my 2 Arlo Q cameras, I just found another big problem.  I tried uploading a few clips to the "cloud" in order to preserve them. But the cloud says it cannot upload anything more than 2 minutes long.  My clips are only 2 minutes long but because of the recording error with Netgear, it shows as 5 hours!  So I cannot upload any clips to the cloud.  The cameras worked normally for about 2 hours today and now they are back to their default.........not working or recording properly!  I will never recommend Netgear or Arlo to anybody!


Wow, I can see why you really need a dependable camera to make sure your mother is safe. Unfortunately, there is a lot of abuse or neglect in those facilities; it's shameful.  Maybe you should put a 2nd (different brand) camera in her room since Arlo is proving unreliable.  Good luck!


Woke up this morning surprised to find that my camera was working (correct video time and length) on both my computer and Iphone. I'm hoping it will last this time! It has been recording incorrect times on its video for about the last 4 or 5 days. It did the same thing (incorrect length) for 2 days in Feb. before mysteriously working correctly for a few days before going out again this month. I wish Netgear would let us know what the problem is/was so that we could understand why their camera is faulty.

Seeming more likely that they may not know what the problem is. Which is why it hasn't been solved yet and them not giving us any info.

Or maybe they know what it is but it's out of their control and they are finding it hard to fix.

Whatever it is, they could at least give us some information and a apology.
Solely an apology doesn’t cut it! An apology and a full priced rebate of our Arlo security camera is in order so that we can go buy something else! I would not want part of my security system on Arlo and another part on a different supplier!
I didn't mean just give us a apology and that's it. I meant while they are trying to fix the issue they could at least apologize and assure us it would be fixed soon. That's usually what companies do.

I just called up the arlo support line and got put through to a Filipino lady. She asked for my login details so that she could view the videos.

After being on hold for close to 15 mins. She comes back and says the video is fine even though the video time length is wrong. I explained the sound is also delayed and unable to scrub through the video but she still didn't get it so i just hung up.

As for a refund I doubt that we will get one unless you used a credit card which someone else mentioned earlier. Otherwise the best they will do is replace the camera. Which is useless because it's a system error.

I had the same thing happen to me, Dan. I had an online chat for over 30 minutes and I got the feeling he either wasn't really listening or didn't understand. I asked if he was located inside the U.S. and he refused to answer. That evasiveness alone, gave me the answer.  Why try to hide where our calls are going to??  My cameras are now only recording to the 3 second mark and then stopping. One more problem to deal with.....

Yes it's frustrating, seems like a low priority for them.
I am having this issue -only happened today. Any recordings over 30 secs will randomly change to a display time of up to 5hrs long! Long delays in captured images- What are Netgear doing to sort this?

They told me they are aware of this problem and are trying to resolve it. They also said it was a software problem and they would recommend me buying an Arlo pro 2, lol, as if I can afford another camera now or would replace it with another Arlo. No apology or time frame it might be corrected, very rude on the phone as well. They fixed it temporarily twice and it quickly makes functioned again. Fed up with Arlo. Wouldn't recommend this company to anyone.

Does anyone know if this is just a Arlo q problem or if it's happening with the other camera's like Arlo pro or Arlo go?
I don't have the Arlo Pro 2 but I can confirm the Arlo HD (original) cameras work fine but of course no audio as they don't have audio and Arlo Pro cameras are fine both with video length and also audio.

So no problems with either of them, it's just the Q that seems to have this issue.

It WAS fine with the latest Android app without issues and also the current firmware on the Q, until recently when the videos starred to mess up. So it's obviously something changed at Arlo's/Netgear's side.

Something must have changed at their end, some update/upgrade that was meant to fix or improve things but ended up messing everyone's Q cameras up.

They do obviously know about it and I see no logical reason why they would not want to resolve this ASAP.

Its not good for them or the Arlo's reputation (both for existing or new customers) so I am sure they do want to fix it. Its just when and its especially critical as this is security equipment that people rely on, so it is a huge mess up by Netgear for us end users.

Hopefully they will fix it finally very soon, otherwise I think no one will even consider another Arlo product.

I have both the Arlo Pro and Arlo Pro 2. Their recordings show correct length. Only my Arlo Qs have the issue.

Mine are both working ok again from today (the 8th) The clips right up to the end of the 7th were still glitching, but all 6 clips I have this morning for both cameras are playing fine.

I did delete the app last night and reinstalled it this morning. So if yours doesn't work automatically this morning try re-installing the app.

My Arlo Q records until motion is stopped. On the library I see the correct length of the recording (see attachment: 18 seconds). However when I start playing, the recording length is incorrectly displayed as 3h 28 min 09 secs. What can I change (restart device didn't help).

My other cameras (Arlo Pro 2) don't have this problem.


This morning,3/8, my 2 clips showed 2 minutes as programed but showed 30 seconds and then froze. My next clip 3 hours later, which missed any motion in that 3 hours which is impossible, is back to over 5 hours but only taping 30 seconds or less. So tired of of all the excuses from Arlo and the lack of responsibility when so many patrons depend on their promises. I, for one, am not a "rich" person that can just go buy a new system.


I'm on the phone right now (again).  Depending on the answer I get I may be returning all four cameras TODAY.  Sooooooo many problems for the past 2 weeks with no answers.  I post when I'm off the phone.

Today was just a complete joke for Arlo. The whole system went down worldwide and so many people could not access their cameras (myself included).

The whole system went down with database connection errors, people who could not log in, people who could not connect to their devices and as such could not disarm them.

For pretty much all day I was unable to get access to my Arlo cameras, getting various different error messages, the cameras which were armed were however still activating and recording video but you could not access the devices themselves so could not disarm them manually or change settings or configuration.

Netgear presumably have some major issue going on at the moment which is worse than just the Arlo Q video problem.

At this moment they seem to be functioning ok but who knows for how long.

Hopefully whatever Netgear have been doing these last few days has now fixed the issues and they won't be repeated.

It's a shame as the Arlo system is a very good one when it works but seems technically floored if it is not accessible if there is an issue at Netgear's end.

I feel the same.  Today is the first time I received an email from Netgear admitting they are having problems. But it's 2 weeks too late!  When I called and did online chat....I feel they tried to deflect and not take responsibility that the problem is on their side. As you, I'm thinking of returning the two Arlo Q cameras that I have and looking into a different brand.

I never actually got an email from Netgear so you did better than me there 🙂

At least Netgear did eventually send out an email to some customers so that's good but I think for most people it was about 6 hours too late. I think they were more forced to as it seems so many people were affected.

With regards to the Arlo Q cameras I can only speak from my own personal experience but have to say I have been more than happy with mine. Its been running for approx 6 months and not a moments trouble, that is until this last week. I guess Netgear messed up somewhere (which certainly seems quite obvious from today's shenanigans), but hopefully this is just a temporary glitch and once its sorted normal service will be restored. I've been very happy with my Q camera and have them running along side my Arlo HD cameras and Arlo Pro cameras. The Pro cameras I do have the odd issue with but I can live with them and they do work, my HD cameras are fine and not had any problems but my Q has been spot on with no issues at all until this recent video problem.

I just hope its all sorted now and Netgear have found the actual problem and make sure it doesn't happen again.

A public statement from (maybe in this forum) would be nice from them, just to notify users that they know what caused it and its been resolved. That would go a long way to reassuring customers and make them less likely to ditch Arlo and move onto a different system.

Well I can no longer testify whether the ARLO Q cameras are working or not at this point in time.  I was so frustrated after 2 weeks and today's call, that I unplugged all 4 camera's and took them back to COSTCO (purchased around AUG-SEP 2017).  Netgear's customer service had me on hold for almost an hour then another hold for a rep (higher level).  2nd couldn't talk to me so I just used COSTCO's great return policy and returned all of them.  I could also say something about their customer service in Asia but I won't.


So, since I need camera's, I purchased more ARLO's (if you can believe that).  A 3-camera pack with the base station and wireless.  So far, I cannot get them to connect but AWWWWW... that's another story.  LOL



That's good of Costco to offer such a good returns policy so good you got sorted there.

I can remember the exact procedure for adding cameras etc but it's quite straight forward(ish).

You first need to connect the base station into your home router using the LAN port on your router (using the network cable provided) then plug the base station into to wall outlet and power it on. Leave it for a few minutes until it boots up and the lights go green to show its connected to the network.

Then you need to log into your Arlo account (online in web browser or on your app.) and add a new device and select add base station. That will then add your base station to the account. Then add each camera individually in the same way and follow the instructions to sync the cameras to the base station (by pressing the sync button on the base station and also each camera).

Do each camera individually and give it time to sync and add one camera before trying another. Just remember to sync the cameras when they are close to the base station (a foot away or so is fine) and it should all go to plan.

So connect the base station, power it on, add it to your Arlo account first, then repeat the process and add each camera individually.

Good luck and hope it works out well for you.

I just checked my system and my Q camera and all Arlo HD and Pro cameras are back working fine so hopefully every one else's are too. (I'm in the UK btw so its working for me here anyway).