Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Arlo q shows wrong clip length

  1.  Today I’ve noticed when I go to my Arlo Q library the clips show at the right length. 20 seconds, 15 seconds they show the right length in the library. When I open up the Clips to view the clip it says that the clip is one hour and 46 minutes long. When you play back the clip it only has the correct amount of time 20 or whatever length and may be in the library view. After the action finishe the image freezes and the video keeps playing.  This has started today and it happens with every single clip.  The cameras also failed to pick up some events today. Not sure if that’s related or not. Is anyone else having an issue?  I’ve got the latest iOS update.
267 REPLIES 267

Someone should with the know-how should start a CLASS ACTION SUIT !!!


The same thing happened to me, Wirelezz.  I use Amazon all the time and I was disappointed when I saw them not post honest buyer reviews. And it's not the first time that I noticed Amazon doing this, unfortunately.  By the way, my Arlo Q cameras have now been broken or not working for almost 2 months! 


As far as Im concerned this unit is a waste of money.  A bug flying buy sets it off but the mailman walking to the door doesnt. 


so here's my suggestion.  write a review on amazon detailing these issues that we are all having.  i will post a negative review with both a picture of my recording times, that are all over the place, and a photo of messages i received from netgear support person 'JamesC' who stopped replying to my inquiries.  he initially told me a fix was coming in early april and when i inquired further what the status was, i heard nothing.  amazing that most reviews are still 5 stars on amazon.  makes one wonder who is actually writing them.  


Got a email from netgear support on the 14th saying the engineers have now fixed the issue that we are all having.

Not fixed on my cameras. Some of the clips work fine but it's about 50/50.
I replied telling him I'm still having the same issues and I asked for a refund.

Starting to think now that they just don't care. The fact they made us wait so long for a fix and then the fix didn't work is a complete joke.

They must be prioritising some other products over this. And all you guys are right, we should all post negative feedback on amazon.

How can they still be selling faulty cameras?


It is VERY clear that Netgear / Arlo have no interest in solving this. Look at other companies with MILLIONS of cloud based users attaching to a service. Something goes wrong they can patch in a day or two. Netgear/Arlo is now in week EIGHT and still haven't cracked this.  When you call tech support you engage with people who sound so disinterested and bored its almost funny. They just repeat the same script "Engineering are working on a fix and we know its inconvenient". Which of course its not - its far more than inconvenient. This is a company which is either being led by execs who are clueless or very smart and have decided to focus on marketing their products and just hope the noisey customers with broken gear will shut up and fade away. Lets keep posting to their social media so other customers can be warned about what kind of cowboy junk they'll be left dealing with.

Community Manager
Community Manager

A cloud update was released late last week that should resolve this issue. If you continue to experience this with new recordings, please send me a private message so I can work with you to further investigate.


Thank you,


Still not fixed! What was suppose to be a 90 sec clip from motion was only 12 sec and then the video freezes and audio goes silent! Don’t know how to private message so replied

Same here.

@WMJIII wrote:
Still not fixed! What was suppose to be a 90 sec clip from motion was only 12 sec and then the video freezes and audio goes silent! Don’t know how to private message so replied

Same here. My patience has run out and I’ve switched to Nest. Should have done so before buying Arlo.


Of course its still broken - Arlo/Netgear have no clue how to fix it and after EIGHT WEEKS its worse than ever.

Here's a screenshot of a 2 minute clip taken about 2 hours ago. I think this breaks all previous "duration" records. See attached screenshot.


Still have the same issue. How do we pm you?

Community Manager
Community Manager

I've sent private messages to those of you expressing that you still see this issue. To reply, select my name next to this post and click "send this user a private message".




Here's my question:  Why hasn't Netgear responded to the concern that literally no formal announcements were made about this problem?  I receive emails when there is a short outage, so why not a system-wide email to alert people that recordings are messed up?


The lack of transparency in this entire fiasco really makes you wonder where else they are cutting corners.  I've never seen something like this where the company wasn't at least putting out updates and timelines.  

What I find absolutely comical is that they're trying to do damage control by private messaging even though they know the issue is still not resolved. I still have cameras that are doing the exact same thing so evidently it is not resolved so do not post that it's resolved. I'm glad everybody's switched over to nest because those cameras actually work. This Thread should stand as a reminder to everybody that buys these devices in the future and it is a direct reflection on how the company operates.

Very well said.  This is a company with zero integrity.  I have asked several times for an official public company announcement detailing what they broke EIGHT WEEKS ago and an explanation. Nothing ever comes. Now they are private messaging us trying to take the conversation out of the public eye.

Here's the list of questions I got as a private message. Hmmm...perhaps EIGHT WEEKS ago you should have asked your customers for this information instead of providing us with a wall of silence. Seems dumb to ask for this info NOW after your attempt at a fix failed. Yes - let us now provide you with info and wait another 8 weeks while you shut down threads and mark them as "solved" and ignore repeated request for an official company statement.


To better understand why you are still experiencing an issue with your recording length please answer the following:

-What cameras are experiencing this issue (Arlo Q, Pro 2, Arlo Q Plus, Arlo Baby, list all that apply)
-How often are you seeing incorrect clip lengths (all videos, some videos, only at night, etc.)
-Do you have CVR on the cameras that behave this way?
-Does this only happen if the cameras are AC powered (if Pro 2)?
-Do you see the same behavior across all clients (web, iOS, Android)?
-Is this happening on manual recordings, motion triggered recordings or both?
-Can this consistently be reproduced, if so, what steps do you take to make it happen?

I understand this issue is extremely frustrating and apologize for the inconveniences caused. The most recent fix seems to have resolved the issue for many users so the above information will go a long way in helping the engineering team further isolate the issue.


Happy to report I have noted a genuine improvement in a lot of functions the past few days.


It appears the timing issue on recordings is all but fixed.


The audio is evident with most clips as well, still get a few that come through with no audio.


The initial motion detection to start recording has been working better to. I have currently set all my cameras to record 2 minute clips as the 'record until motion stops' function was terrible at best. So still can't comment on any improvements in this space.




I’m still having most of the same issues since Feb 22.

Some clips have no audio.
Some clips play for a few seconds then freeze.
The clip length no longer appears to be hours long but after 8 weeks of having this issue I’ve given up looking at clips, so it’s possibe it still exists.

These cameras are good decoys since all they do is take snapshots, or intermittent videos that occasionally have audio..

Request for private messages, not public posts, no official explanation of what happened and why, the deletion of entire user posts/reviews and pruning of comment that make the company look bad are all attempts to prevent Netgear stocks from falling IMO.

JamesC or any Netgear staff please answer the questions so many customers have repeatedly asked.

When will it be fixed?
What caused this?
Why is it taking so long to fix?
Why the lack of transparency from Netgear on this issue?
Why private messages?
Why delete reviews and posts?

Smxcan - I think its obvious now that Arlo / Netgear is a very dishonest company.

To delete posts and request people to go to private DM says everything we've suspected.

I've asked several times for an official statement on WHAT broke on Feb 22 until now and WHY it took EIGHT WEEKS.

Arlos response is to just ignore those questions and delete posts.

JamesC who is the moderator is either the one at fault or is following instructions from his bosses.

When you call telephone support they are just as bad if not worse.  Reading from a script. Repeating the same nonsense over and over again "We know its inconventient, we're working on it" etc.

They clearly don't know what inconvenient means.

Lets see if they have the integrity to answer your questions as they've ingored mine.  I doubt it. This is a spineless company built on dishonesty.

TO ALL: please post here if you continue to have issues with your Arlo cameras. In my experience, calling customer service was no help because they would always tell me that I was the only one having this problem and it was my fault. And it wasn't until I found these posts that I had evidence that there were serious issues with the cameras. It's clear Netgear is not taking us seriously when we bring things up individually. I was thinking of buying other Netgear products, but will not at this point, if ever. If you and your loved ones have ever been the victim of a (violent) crime, sadly, you know all too well and can relate to feelings of panic and terror when all your attempts and efforts for increased security (e.g., Arlo security cameras) is an unrelIable failure. These are not inexpensive or trivial issues....

JamesC: I believe that I can appreciate the position that you are in. As soon as I get more time this weekend I will figure out how to send you a private message. But I'm going to continue to post on the forums the issues that I'm having because it's the only vaguely effective way to try to incentivize Arlo to fix the issues.

I have both Pro 2 and Q cameras. On the pro 2 thread, I posted the same thing. My Arlo Q cameras now have new and more issues than prior to the "fix." Now, the videos pause before they start playing, and then once they start playing, at some point, the audio and video become completely unsynchronized. Either the sound disappears and the video continues. Or the video freezes and the sound continues. Either way it's unusable and unreliable if it were an crime. occurring. Even when I download the video to watch on my cell, now the left-hand hand side of the time clock blows up, instead of the right hand side like it used to be. And it confirms my suspicions that there are instances where video completely freezes, again which is completely useless for a security camera. Also often times the videos are in slow motion and blurry , again which is useless for security camera. And I'm regularly getting notifications of motion that when I look at the video , nothing has moved , so I suspect that the video is frozen. again completely useless as a security camera if the camera freezes before it catches the perpetrators.

Let's not forget that the Zone function that has never ever worked for some of us, which actually Arlo customer service did admit to as a known issue last December. again, a key feature that they've advertised the crap out of, but has never worked in their cameras....


Very well said. You know when I phoned tech support and told them I was a victim of a crime and the camera footage was useless her repsonse was "Like I said sir, I'm sorry for the inconvenience". In the private message I got from JamesC which was also worthless - he used the same language. How they can think breaking a customers product for 2 months (at least) is an inconvenience is laughable. I have zero symapthy for JamesC or other moderators here who delete and trim threads. Same on social media. If you are complicit in covering up for your company and don't have the courage to sit with executives and said "Enough is enough, I won't ignore customers any more" then you are part of the problem.  Tonight I've just come home and find another 2 minute clip on my Arlo Q is running at 11 hours long. Worthless. Hey, but then...according to Arlo this is nothing more than an inconvenience.  My first three or four calls to their "support" lines I was told it was on my end...there is no known problem...I must not understand how to use the settings...have I tried rebooting.  When I would tell them there were many posts here with the same problem they would basically brush over what I was saying and ask me to go into settings and hit reset etc.  Which of course will do nothing to solve a server/cloud based issue. I now refuse to let this go and will not rest until we start getting a public statement from Arlo and an apology - so far we've had neither. Perhaps its time to move to a class action lawsuit ?

Day 17 April - 2 recordings show no issue.

Day 18 April - 3 recordigs and 2 of them have again wrong clip lenght.

So the issue is NOT solved and that is called Incompetence.
Here is a clip of me leaving my driveway and my cam freezes up. No my vehicle didn't stall and I didn't stop in the middle of the road for two minutes. It should show me driving away.

I have updated to the lastest arlo app from the store. My iOS is updated. I have deleted all my iCloud storage from arlo before and it is still a problem. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the camera. I have reset my rules and arming the camera. My firmware is and there is no updates when I go check. I wonder if this happens to people paying for CVR plan?

@Nethalite wrote:
Here is a clip of me leaving my driveway and my cam freezes up. No my vehicle didn't stall and I didn't stop in the middle of the road for two minutes. It should show me driving away.

I have updated to the lastest arlo app from the store. My iOS is updated. I have deleted all my iCloud storage from arlo before and it is still a problem. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the camera. I have reset my rules and arming the camera. My firmware is and there is no updates when I go check. I wonder if this happens to people paying for CVR plan?

That’s strange. I don’t see anything wrong when I play your clip. No car stalling or any other video freezing. Has that just uncovered a new problem?

Hello cmon

Regarding your driveway clip, suggest that you go to a windows browser ... login to Arlo and view the same video. 50% of my videos are freezing after 10 to 25 seconds and showing the same image for the rest of 90 seconds and audio goes silent ... ON iPhone iIOS 11.3 with the latest Arlo app. However, the entire video can be viewed in a browser and works fine.? I notified JamesC of this yesterday via PM and he said that is a different issue than the tread is discussing ... the growth of a fixed length recording growing to hours when viewed. I asked him IF I needed to open a new thread for the IOS App issue! And would it take 6 weeks to get it resolved ?? No response!

@WMJIII wrote:
Hello cmon

Regarding your driveway clip, suggest that you go to a windows browser ... login to Arlo and view the same video. 50% of my videos are freezing after 10 to 25 seconds and showing the same image for the rest of 90 seconds and audio goes silent ... ON iPhone iIOS 11.3 with the latest Arlo app. However, the entire video can be viewed in a browser and works fine.? I notified JamesC of this yesterday via PM and he said that is a different issue than the tread is discussing ... the growth of a fixed length recording growing to hours when viewed. I asked him IF I needed to open a new thread for the IOS App issue! And would it take 6 weeks to get it resolved ?? No response!

Your message should be directed to Nethalite, not me.