Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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This is my first try at getting help. Not good on computers. My wife and I spent hours on phone with Arlo people yesterday to no avail, partially because we could not understand their attempts at English. Our internet provider can only offer us max power of 3.48 download and .76 upload speed. We checked speed several times and above numbers are consistent. We have had 2 of the basic Arlo camreas for 2 years and they worked well. We bought a 3 pack of the Arlo Pros last week. We changed out the old base station and replaced with VMB4000 and an Arlo tech helped us get the older 2 cameras and the new 3 pros connected. Problems started when we went to position mode to get cameras aimed. 2-3 minute lag time to get image and voice to smart phone. Would greatly appreciate any help on this. Would we lower power requirements by leaving voice off? The voice feature is not important to us. Siren ? We don't know how to use it anyway.Can it be defeated or does it not draw unless in use ? Is there away to increase motion detection range in the base station settings like the old system or can it only be done in the cameras ?  Last night, I gave up as darkness came,but left the one new "pro" on . It did send a good image, but I have no idea how long it took. I appreciate any comments or help. Worst case scenario would be me looking for some of the older basic cameras if they require less "juice" Thank You  for any help!!!    Bill

Guru Guru

The slow upload speed (and possibly the ping times if excessively large like over 100ms) is the root of the problem. It may work under specific conditions but may well cause problems under other circumstances (streaming/recording multiple cameras, starting live view, etc.). Updating hardware won't fix it, only upgrading Internet access.


My lack of computer savy is certainly showing!! I couldn't even figure how to access my posts until this morning. Sorry!!  Our ping is 76. Here's a recap of what's happened in the last few days : Friday am : called Arlo and got a knowledgeable tech that we could understand and started right out of the Costco box . I did have the old base station removed and the new one in place at this time. I did not " remove" the 2 old cameras from the old base. The tech walked my wife thru the setup and I did the the sync with the cameras. The tech said the old cameras were compatible with new system. He gave us a case number and we thought we on the right track. Problems started when we went to position mode on the first camera which was one of the new ones. 2-3 minute delay in viewing on wife's I -phone6 We stopped right then and tried to contact Arlo again and gave up after we could not understand any of the people we contacted.  Sat am we tried to contact Arlo again hoping we could connect with someone that we could understand-- no luck after7-8 tries. We then called Costco Concierge. Likely a mistake. He did something with base numbering with my wife on his files, but said it should not affect things. He finally dumped us on another tech from India that ,of course, we could not understand. Tried 5-6 times calling back to see if we could find one we could understand to no avail and gave up. Sunday : We Tried re sync on a couple of cameras. We can get them to position mode( We tried one new one & one old one. Here's where we are now : The first new camera that we installed Friday will trigger, do a nice recording, send email and  video to phone( without the little "ding noise" it used to with the older phone) We realize there's delay and we are okay with that. We cannot get anywhere with the other cameras. I note that when we tried other cameras, we turned off the working one so "load" wasn't increased. We also turned off the sound. (sound and siren are not important to us anyway) I also note camera distance to base is less than 50' on all tests so far. We think ( being old and not savvy in todays world) that if one camera will function, the others should as well  especially just one at a time. I hope this will help someone help us. We will try again later to make contact with someone from Arlo that we can communicate with, Be nice if contact could be made in the U. S. Sorry for lengthy post and our sincere thanks for any help!!

Guru Guru

I'm not sure what is happening with the other cameras (not the one that is working ok). DId they sync? if so, can you manipulate them in any way? WHat works and what doesn't? Be explicit.


By the way, I'm 68 and retired IT This stuff ain't magic - it just takes a bit of experience and a mindset to understand how things work.


I'm 78 ,semi retired, and to us theses things are magic. Maybe not the kind we would like. While I went and got a couple of cords of wood today, my wife got into the modes and turned things off and reset again and got one new and one old working as they should, but lag time persists . We attribute that to our slow computer speed , which is the best we can get. Will try the other 3 cameras in the next couple of days and post  the results and what wife did to finally (hopefully) resolve things --maybe it could help someone else. Arlo should indicate what speed is required to make these things perform as advertised. If they do, we don't have strong enough glasses!!!  We like the concept, but seriously doubt whether the hassle with foreign techs that put you on hold why they read a book looking for an answer is worth the It!! Thanks for the help !