Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

iOS App Update - why change the layout?


The latest app update is a downgrade as far as I'm concerned


Why have you removed the simple indicators of battery level and now you have to click further into the app to find them, who thought that was a good idea.

482 REPLIES 482

still silence from support...


Netgear are you reading this thread???


Netgear responce . . .

Yep just Crickets.

Arlo just announced their new doorbell and chime. At 7am today.

Would guess this is why we are only hearing crickets. They need to drive revenue since hardware is primary rev source not subscriptions so new products a must. Stock is down 50% plus since spring IPO.

We are probably stuck with the 2.6.0 disaster since the new product support is embedded in the new and simple to use UI/UX .... not!!!!

Will probable never get back to useability of 2.5.5. What a total cluster. Driving for enhanced rev via new hardware while basically pissing off their installed base with string of firmware/app releases. Guess they think they can win with investors while ignoring their customers.

Why take away the battery status bar and I hate the new app huge squares I miss the old app please bring it back we are the users that use the system why change something that worked great. Now I never know when the camera is about to die. Totally sucks


Would guess this is why we are only hearing crickets. They need to drive revenue since hardware is primary rev source not subscriptions so new products a must. Stock is down 50% plus since spring IPO. 


 I would suggest the SP (stock price) trends lower with adverse and negative reviews on the brick and mortor and online stores who sell these Arlo Security security cameras with the "new updated " and compromised and less than before "user friendly" apps which, based on the 1000's of unheeded complaints from Arlo/Netgear clients and the Arlo/Netgear "crickets" sound responses or resolves or even a roll back to tyhe old functional and client satifing platform.

 I mean, really, Netgear/Arlo believes clients would prefer a battery indicator that only tells you when you are less tham 3/4's empty over a full time battery level.


 That's all I got.


Couldn't agree more.


Could Arlo/Netgear please do three things -

1. Acknowledge that you got it very wrong with this release

2. Apologise to your customers for ruining their experience with your product - a product that is no longer fit for purpose

3. Release a fix immediately (reinstating the previous version of the app would be a good start)

I also agree, please revert UI changes in the latest release of the iOS app.

(1) The latest App Update is HORRIBLE!     


(2)  Please Put the Battery Percentage Back 


(3)  Please make the video review friendly ... like it was before the update, where you could look through each camera's history by going through the device icon



So many dissatisfied customers and so little In the way of acknowledgement/apologies/action from Arlo.
This update/change to the UI was a terrible decision.
We can only hope that continuing to comment/tweet etc. may eventually result in some action.
Arlo CEO is on Twitter by the way if anyone else wants to try a more direct approach....

In the First place I'll stop buying stuff from Arlo until this mess is fixed. And recommend the same to everyone who ask me. And moreover the people who don't ask me.

Yup.vcostco, Amazon, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, reggedit, Instagram. I've asked for help after explaining what has been going on with the new update. Lots of people experiencing numerous issues. everyone is waiting to hear about the battery icon missing and 20 other issues to be fixed. I've also noticed that the camera view doesn't update to the last known image. We high used to be really nice. I could look at my phone and see if the last motion was a person or wind. Another feature that Arlo took away.
Assuming their new doorbell is announced tomorrow (as rumoured) comments of EVERY tech and news article will be another avenue to pursue in warning potential customers about a company who will quite happily ignore their user base and break functionality for literally WEEKS now
I’ve approached tech sites already with the story and tried to contact their CEO, how long until someone’s house is broken into and no footage available due to the current issues?
I posted this review of the Arlo camera on
CAUTION!!!! BUYER BEWARE!!!!!! In October, 2018 the app for these security camers was updated and the new version is a total disaster. The outcry from the user community has been voluminous and universally negative. It has also been totally ignored by Arlo/Netgear.
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello Arlo Community, 
Thank you for sharing your feedback on the recent interface changes for iOS and Android devices that we rolled out with the Arlo App v2.6.0 update. We want you to know that we heard your concerns and our team will work diligently to address them. Your input is instrumental to ensure that our teams are able to continually enhance and improve your Arlo experience through each new update. 
Android users may already be aware that for the Arlo App v2.6.2 update the battery icon was reintroduced on the devices screen for each camera. We’re actively working on reinstating this feature for iOS devices.
Along with the changes to the battery icon placement, the Arlo App v2.6.0 update also included changes to several other status icons including signal strength, motion and audio indicators, quick filtering, etc. Our team is currently working to restore these icons to the main devices screen and we will provide an update when available.
We sincerely appreciate your candid feedback and look forward to continuing the conversation with our highly engaged community of Arlo users. 
Thank you,
Arlo Development Team


Restoring all the status icons to the main screen............ very nice. Thank you James and Arlo.

That is great to hear James. Will the restoration of icons be as previously installed? I read that the restored icons on Android were smaller than previous and could not be easily read.
Any one having problems with notifications
@JamesC. @JessicaP

Thank you for acknowledging the feedback from your users and working to take action.

I also hope that Arlo development in particular the software team is also re-evaluating how changes are evaluated and launched.. How do launches like 2.6.0 or the smart launch last May actually get released that drastically miss original design intent. I am sure no one wanted the battery life to drop to just days versus the 3-4 months advertised. That problem like the current was fixed 4 months after release but how did that happen? I am also sure 2.6.0 truly was intended to simplify usage but as the feedback has shown it was clearly did not on multiple levels.

Such huge misses should cause Arlo's leaders to recognize doing things they way they have been doing them is not working. Your customers are being impacted and your brand is being impacted.

I can only hope given Arlo is now a publicly traded entity that leadership sees this unexceptable pattern of performance and has taken action beyond fixing issues that should have never gotten to your customers. At some point without a change it will be too late to respond.

Yes. Since last May's launch of smart I have had issues with push notifications. I have tried with both people and motion selected or just motion selected, and I get inconsistent push notifications. Generally get no push notification despite having option clicked. Still running 2.5.5 so not sure if something else has happened with 2.6.0. Kind of funny, but not really, on Arlo Q I use snapshot function and always get a push notification even though I have not selected that function. So, on my 5 Pros I don't get a push when I want one and on Q's I get one when I don't want it.

Clearly not getting a push notification when cam triggered should be a big deal and seems to have gotten lost in all of the other problems since May launch of the smart feature and now the new UX/UI.

@JamesC. @JessicaP

Is engr aware of push notification bug/s?

Thank you James for responding. I can't speak for everyone, but I get that changes/corrections can't occur immediately. In line with another post follow up to your comment I really don't understand how this could of happened. I am truly at a loss. Additionally 2 weeks of crickets is tough to swallow as well. Please keep us informed with your progress. I have 2 iPhones and 2 iPads. One of the iPad's is so old it doesn't work with 2.6.1. Thank goodness. I can't believe how much better the old app was prior to the "improved layout and functionality". For what it is worth it appears the coders were tasked with doing "something or anything" without regard to what your users need and want. Hopefully this will be a lesson learned. 

Thank you for finally responding and acknowledging all the complaints and frustrations. Glad to hear that Arlo have admitted their mistake and will be working hard to revert to a UI that does indeed put the important information “front and center”., and not buried under sub-menus/clicks.
Please keep us posted as soon as you have a timeline for a fully tested release/update.

Much as I was angry about the lack of responses and the complete loss of functionality I posted a way forward for their team in the ideas forum last week... at the very least the devs and project leads need these wireless cameras everywhere and have a rota (including management) to look after and maintain the system - places they have high footfall in their offices etc




I appreciate that Arlo is going to restore the icons from the main screen and hopefully fix the snapshot issue. But they really need to talk to a UI expert and not to a "designer". As a UI/UX software engineer with 35+ years of experience, I was appalled at the changes.

The new version was very pretty. Clean and uncluttered. But it was totally a downgrade, from the usability department. All too often UI changes are made for aesthetic reasons, often by people that are looking at an app, but not actually using it. Arlo is not the only company doing this. But it is a disaster when you lose usability in exchange for looks.


The other rule is to make commonly used things easily accessible. For example, it should not take 2 clicks to go to settings, when a single icon would do. Do not have a sub-menu (Camera LED) that only has a single toggle under it. Just put the toggle there in the first place, and don't make the user have to do the extra click.


There is also the rule to not make dangerous things easily accessible. The Remove Device should not be a prominent button (huge and red at that!) in the main settings screen.


You guys need to run UI changes by actual users, and not just try to make things pretty.

Not applicable

The previous app version still required one tap to see the battery percentage. If Arlo really wanted to enhance user experience the battery percentage should be displayed whenever the app is opened. 


To see the exact percentage, yes you had to click, but you could still get an idea of how full it was right on the multi-camera view, and the icon was also color coded when the battery was low.