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Depuis quelques temps je n'arrive plus depuis mon PC (avec Firefox) à voir en direct mes cameras - j'ai le message suivant "Une version plus récente d'Adobe Flash Player est requise. Veuillez installer la dernière version, que vous trouverez ici.".
J'ai bien installé la dernière version mais ça ne fait rien.
Que faire ?
Merci d'avance
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@leflouq wrote:
Hello, I have had so much to do with Arlo and Flash that I give my finally successful final experience. Note that the fact of requesting the activation of Flash on Chrome (and undoubtedly ditto for the other browsers) does not remain active as soon as you close the session to reopen while searching for your cameras. So, before searching for your cameras with Chrome or other, you must update the security parameter sequence / site parameters / Display the authorizations and the data recorded for the different sites / my arlo ... this to unblock flash which is reblocked systematically each time the browser is closed and opened again. Then you have to do on the same browser session via a new tab the search for your cameras ... What I say may be obvious but I wasted a lot of time there .. and if anyone knows how to allow 'continuous' flash, I'm interested. good luck
Arlo no longer needs Flash to work. So all that stuff is no longer necessary.
Just another user
Arlo hardware: Q Plus, Pro 2 (X2), Pro 3 (X3), Pro 3 Floodlight, Security Light (X2), Ultra (X2), Doorbell, Chime

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Click that. Allow Flash.
Just another user
Arlo hardware: Q Plus, Pro 2 (X2), Pro 3 (X3), Pro 3 Floodlight, Security Light (X2), Ultra (X2), Doorbell, Chime
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Many thanks for you help. The video is working again.
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Could you pleau find a solution with Flayer Player ?
Arlo is not working
it is a shame !
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J'en ai tellement bavé avec Arlo et flash que je donne mon expérience finale enfin réussie.
Notez que le fait de demander l'activation de Flash sur Chrome (et sans doute idem pour les autres browsers) ne reste pas actif dès que vous fermez la session puour rouvrir en cherchant vos cameras. Donc, avant de rechercher vos camera avec Chrome ou autre, il faut mettre à jour la séquence paramètre sécurité/paramètres des sites/Afficher les autorisations et les données enregistrées pour les différents sites /my arlo ... ceci pour débloquer flash qui est rebloqué systématiquement à chaque fermeture et ouverture nouvelle du browser. Ensuite Il faut donc faire sur la même session du browser via un nouvel onglet la recherche vos cameras...
Ce que je dis est peut être une évidence mais j'y ai perdu pas mal de temps..et si quelqu'un sait comment autoriser 'en continu' flash', je suis preneur.
bon courage
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I have had so much to do with Arlo and Flash that I give my finally successful final experience.
Note that the fact of requesting the activation of Flash on Chrome (and undoubtedly ditto for the other browsers) does not remain active as soon as you close the session to reopen while searching for your cameras. So, before searching for your cameras with Chrome or other, you must update the security parameter sequence / site parameters / Display the authorizations and the data recorded for the different sites / my arlo ... this to unblock flash which is reblocked systematically each time the browser is closed and opened again. Then you have to do on the same browser session via a new tab the search for your cameras ...
What I say may be obvious but I wasted a lot of time there .. and if anyone knows how to allow 'continuous' flash, I'm interested.
good luck

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@leflouq wrote:
Hello, I have had so much to do with Arlo and Flash that I give my finally successful final experience. Note that the fact of requesting the activation of Flash on Chrome (and undoubtedly ditto for the other browsers) does not remain active as soon as you close the session to reopen while searching for your cameras. So, before searching for your cameras with Chrome or other, you must update the security parameter sequence / site parameters / Display the authorizations and the data recorded for the different sites / my arlo ... this to unblock flash which is reblocked systematically each time the browser is closed and opened again. Then you have to do on the same browser session via a new tab the search for your cameras ... What I say may be obvious but I wasted a lot of time there .. and if anyone knows how to allow 'continuous' flash, I'm interested. good luck
Arlo no longer needs Flash to work. So all that stuff is no longer necessary.
Just another user
Arlo hardware: Q Plus, Pro 2 (X2), Pro 3 (X3), Pro 3 Floodlight, Security Light (X2), Ultra (X2), Doorbell, Chime
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