Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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All of a sudden, after working 9 months perfectly, Geofencing on my Arlo Pro system has stopped working.  When I go into the settings the phones are reporting the wrong status, and i have to toggle them on/off to get it to start working.  I have two iphones setup for geofencing.  Any ideas of what I can do to get this working to how it was in the past?

Arlo Employee Retired

Hi @TiLars ,


I'm hoping you can help me get to root cause(s) of intermittent geofencing issues. I posted how the Arlo geofencing app works in this thread:


  1. How many of your phones are participating in geofencing. Are they checked in the 'Enabled Devices' screen? Is the Location icon showing dark grey or light grey? Is it showing In zoneOut of zone, or Unavailable?
  2. Do you only use one email to log in to Arlo or do you have 'Friend' accounts you use as well?
  3. Do you use custom modes for Home and Away?


If you can, can you send me the iOS app logs after Geofencing fails to change the Mode for you?


How to get the logs is in the link above as well.


1. How many of your phones are participating in geofencing. Are they checked in the 'Enabled Devices' screen? Is the Location icon showing dark grey or light grey? Is it showing In zoneOut of zone, or Unavailable?

One phone

It is checked (active) in the Enabled devices screen

It is shown as 'in zone' -- side note, when I look at the geofencing map, the phone location is accurate.


2. Do you only use one email to log in to Arlo or do you have 'Friend' accounts you use as well?

I only have one email address associated with this account.


3. Do you use custom modes for Home and Away?

I have it configured to be armed in 'Away' and to use a schedule in 'Home'. The home schedule is armed 10p-7a daily.

Arlo Employee Retired

Thanks, @TiLars . We are investigating one Geofencing issue related to Schedule. If you don't mind, could you PM me the Arlo app logs? 


Also, can you confirm the red-circled Location icon is Dark Grey?


2 phones participating in geofencing.  I have tried enabling both and they both show unavailable.  Tried only mine with same result.  I only use 1 email to log into account.  Geofencing was working good for the last year or so until the beginning of april.  I saw there was an app update around that time.  Not sure if that caused it but I cannot get it to work.  Using a work around now with Life 360 and IFTT app.


The mark by my phone is dark grey.  the other phone on the system is a light grey.

Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator

Have you tried contacting customer support regarding this issue? I have attached the link here for you - Arlo Tech Support


Tried sending them an email and that failed.  Very disappointing.

Arlo Employee Retired

Thanks, @theboot1. We're actively looking at possible root causes. Could you DM me the serial number of your base station?


The light grey icon means the app could not determine from iOS platform that you have given it permission to have access to Location Services Always. Can you confirm that?

Also, now that you are trying it with one phone, could you try this? 


When you get a chance, could you enable 'Location In/Out Notifications' in the Arlo app settings?

- Go to iPhone Settings > Find Arlo App > scroll down until you see 'Location In/Out Notifications'

- Enable the setting

- Now try to go in the zone. Did you get the location notification that you're in the zone? Does the app still show 'device unavailable'?

- Now try to go out the zone. Did you get the location notification that you're away? Does the app still show 'device unavailable'?




Let me know if you get the notifications that you are entering/leaving the zone.


Could you then get the log from the app and DM me? You can get the app logs by double-tapping the Arlo icon in the Devices screen, and selecting 'Email logs'.


Thanks again!



I tried the notification on my phone and it didn't recognize me leaving or entering the area.  Device showed unavailable in or out of the zone.

I bought the Arlo Q in Dec 2017. Since then, I've had nothing but trouble with the product. The app is horrible. I have the android app on my Samsung galaxy s9 phone. The main need for it was geofencing. My wife and I have this enabled on our phones. But even though it shows our location correctly (this only works intermittently) the mode stays the same - does not switch from armed to disarmed or vice versa. I tried several solutions but none worked. Customer support is horrible. I've been telling my friends and neighbors to NOT buy this product as it is very buggy and customer support is useless.

I've given up on this product. Do not buy.
Today I noticed my indoor camera didn't disarm when I got home. I opened the app and noticed my geofencing option has disappeared! My only options are disarm, arm, or schedule. How do I get geofencing back?

5 months on from the last post here and still no fix from Netgear. Where is the fix Netgear?????????......... This is a joke!


Geofencing changes to the Armed mode when I leave my home, but when I arrive home, it deosn't switch to Home mode.  I have a mix of Pro and Pro2 cameras and I'm the only user.  Any clues on what could be the problem?  All was working okay yesterday and today things aren't going so well.  

It’s been broken for around 4 months. I’ve almost given up that Arlo will ever fix it, they just don’t seem to care enough anymore about fixing issues like this, too busy promoting their new products. I’m on a long email thread with their engineering team where I have provided data and screenshots of the issue for them to investigate. If they care about their brand then the only way it might get fixed is if enough people complain/highlight the issue in online reviews and on Social media.
I also noticed the new features in the app. “Call a friend” and “parcel identification BETA” what that now is!? It totally crashes the app when trying to click on it.

Bought my Arlo Pro four camera system at Best Buy last May. I liked the system and subsequently two of my friends have acquired the same system.  It’s worked fine until about 15 days ago and now does not function the same way even thought I’ve not made any changes.


The problem is that when either my or my wife’s phones are in the house; with both always in Geofencing Mode, the cameras continue to activate with movement or noise.  On one day last week I got 103 alarms.  I’ve subsequently discovered that if I switch both phones to “Disarmed” mode and then back to “Geofencing” mode the alarms are stopped.  How do I fix whatever is wrong?