Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Geofencing not disarming when I arrive home after iOS app update 2.7.9


I have Arlo Pro cameras and just today my geofencing is not working. I am home and the app says that I am "In Zone", yet it is saying that the system is armed. I also noticed that Arlo Smart is not filtering, and it is allowing all motion for one of my cameras to come through when it should only be People. Is there a bug? Any help would be appreciated. I already tried unplugging the base station and restarting. Thanks!

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I just noticed that today Arlo released version 2.7.12 of the app.  The release notes don't say anything about geofencing.  Has anyone tried this version yet?  I'm inclined to not download it unless someone from Arlo confirms it addresses the geofencing.  I don't want even more problems.


I just updated my sub device (iPhone6S+) and my main device (Sammy Note 😎 to the new released App.


Told my wife to update her (iPhone8) to the new released App, she just left home about an hour ago, and I got notification that Arlo Pro 2 status has changed to Armed.


still too early to tell if they fixed Geofencing tho, need to do more testing.


My setup is: 

House 1: Arlo Pro, 3 Cam   <---------- 200 meters apart ------------------> House 2: Arlo Pro 2, 3 Cam

Geofencing Radious set to Small, and I don't set it to use a custom mode with schedule when I'm in zone.


Master Device -

                             Samsung Note 8, Android Pie (my main phone)

Sub Device -

                             iPhone6S+, iOS 12.3.1 (my 2nd phone, always carry with me, as Android's Geofencing never work well)

                             iPhone8, iOS 12.3.1 (my wife's)

                             iPhoneX, iOS 12.3.1 (my dad's)


will see how it goes


Just came home from work, drove pass House 2,  when I'm in the set zone, my Samsung Note 8 & iPhone6s+ notification pop up say mode changed to Disarm, then I left the set zone, it had another pop up says mode changed to Armed.


I had both master device and sub device with me at the time it happed, so I can't pin point which devcies trigger the mode change.


Touch wood............


I am having the same issue, when leaving the zone the devices are marked accordingly but the system remains disarmed despite indicating it knows that the devices are "out of the zone". If I change the mode it then reflects this correctly and when switched back Arms correctly, it's just not doing it automatically for some reason.


@85BearsFan wrote:

I just noticed that today Arlo released version 2.7.12 of the app.  The release notes don't say anything about geofencing.  Has anyone tried this version yet?  I'm inclined to not download it unless someone from Arlo confirms it addresses the geofencing.  I don't want even more problems.

I just updated my 11” iPad Pro with 2.7.12.  I haven’t noticed any adverse issues yet.  This update did fix the odd problem I noticed yesterday with the mode at one location only showing the geofencing and schedule icons, but not the name of the current mode. 


Also, yesterday I figured out what all of those geofencing notifications mean when I open the app.  Each notification shows the status or perhaps most recent history of my location as understood by each device for which geofencing is turned on.  That’s why I see eight notifications.  I get one for each base station and one for each Q family camera.


I wonder what happened to 2.7.11.  Perhaps it failed QA or Apple’s App Store testing.


After reading about the app update I checked and I was still on 2.7.10 on both devices so I updated both to 2.7.12 and reenabled  my wife’s iPhone. We went for a walk and I had her lag behind. Mine showed me go out of Zone and she was still in Zone.  When she went out of Zone it showed her to be out of Zone and after a slight delay the system Armed.  She returned home from the walk before I did and when she returned home the system Disarmed as it should. 


This is only one test, but maybe they did fix geofencing with this update. I will try to test some more and see what happens. 


Interested to hear if if anyone else is having the system work as it is supposed to with multiple devices. 

Arlo Employee Retired

This week we deployed an update on our cloud server to improve geofencing reliability when multiple users are enabled. With this update, when one mobile device exits the geofencing zone, the Arlo Base Station or Arlo SmartHub now detects and accurately sets the geofencing state based on the location of the additional/second mobile device on your Arlo Account. 


We previously mentioned we would be sharing a survey in order to collect more detailed information around the use of our geofencing feature. The information gathered in this survey will help our team to enhance and optimize the geofencing feature for a wider variety of unique user environments. We would sincerely appreciate it if you would participate in the survey by clicking on the link below:


Arlo Geofencing Survey


We are grateful your continued patience as our team works to optimize this feature for all users and your feedback is always welcome. Our team will continue to provides updates in the Arlo Community when we have additional information to share. 


Thank you,


Arlo Team

Note: We will provide updated information here as it becomes available. Marking solved to float the latest information to the top of the thread.


@JessicaP Thank goodness you had users waste countless hours resetting/syncing/sending proof etc when it was a server-side problem all along.


@mamarcac wrote:

..................... when it was a server-side problem all along.

Welcome to the age of "Cloud Computing"


no like in the old days we can just restart the server to fix issues ourselfs.






So far three test (leaving and returning) and the geofencing mode changes correctly with notifications.    Time to move back to homekit integration and door bell issues.

As usual geofencing still not working. Guess I’m the only one with an eccentric environment called Arlo.

Oh, didn't you hear? It's all fixed now.


I'm not sure what's fixed. It seemed to be working today, but our front door camera stopped detecting movement at some point after my wife took out the flag, and before UPS dropped a package on my doorstep. Got alert and video of the wife, nothing of the UPS driver, nor myself going out later to bring in the box. I rebooted the base station, and the camera started working again.


Geofencing seemed to work today, but arming when I left was about 10 minutes after I left the zone, disarming when my wife got home was 3 minutes after she walked in the house. I know, because of course the camera was triggered.

After reading the survey monkey, I now have a further understanding of what is the wider variety of unique user environments. It’s means everyone outside of the USA is not included.

not so... I am in Australia.... not working here

Hi, I’m from Italy...
From yesterday, around 20 hours ago, my Arlo works fine on geofencing. I left home and received the notice “out of zone”. Some hours after my wife went away and received another notice “out of zone” and then “Home is now in armed mode”. When she came at home it noticed in zone and change the mode (I set a different mode when at home, not disarmed, but “only after al cams”.
In the evening we left home together and geofencing arm the complete system, then changed mod when returned home.
This is good new!!!!
Sorry, the personal mode is “external cams” not “after al cams”...
Just updated to the new app version on the IOS store. My geofencing appears to be working fine now.
Yes. The new update appears to have solved my geofencing issues. 🙂

We have updated the app with a new SW version on all our devices, but still the Geofence is not working. One of the enabled phones, Samsung Galaxy S9 have left the house 0700 this morning is still "In zone". 



@Dannybear wrote:
After reading the survey monkey, I now have a further understanding of what is the wider variety of unique user environments. It’s means everyone outside of the USA is not included.

Since I am in the USA, I didn’t see anything that would lead me to that conclusion.  However, the survey only asks about a single managment domain and focused on Arlo cameras that connect via a base station.  I monitor 39 cameras...six Arlo Q family cameras and the rest connected to one of seven “base stations” original base, five Pro base stations and one Netgear MR1100.


I responded for one of my wireless base stations, but that is a horribly incomplete picture of my configuration.  I described some of this in the free form comment field at the end of the survey.

I don’t use a base station. I use a smart hub and there’s a hardware difference.
Seems to me that the survey monkey is only aiming for input from users in states of the US, if so why are they selling the product outside?
I don’t remember it asking me where I lived.

@RSC1 wrote:
I don’t remember it asking me where I lived.

Perhaps they have more than one survey, but the one I took asked for my state, town, zip code and country...even phone number.  Oddly, it did not ask for country first...which is poor survey design.  I answered affirmatively to the question about being willing to be a beta tester, so perhaps that opened up  more specific questions.  I don’t recall the order of those questions for certain.

Ah, yes i did enter that, but I don’t know that means it is isolated.