Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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The arlo pro vmb 4000 base station after daylight savings time has changed the schedule. If the schedule says start mode at 7 am then the schedule will actually start the mode at 6 am. The time to start the schedule and the time the schedule starts is off by one hour. When you select the mode start time in schedule and the time that it appears in the block calendar are different. Also my schedule was supposed to start at a certain time but it got pushed back because of daylight savings time automatically.

Guru Guru

@ChinJing wrote:
The arlo pro vmb 4000 base station after daylight savings time has changed the schedule. 

That shouldn't have happened - the base should have automatically handled the time change.


What time zone are you in?  Did you try changing to a different zone, and then changed back?


Add me to the list of people this is happening to: I also just posted in the Pro2 Forum, due to an issue where my cameras are recording locally, but nothing is available in the Library.  I am in the US Pacific timezone: we are now on standard time, but the recordings on my USB drive are still showing an hour "forward" as if the base station still believes it is in DST time. Piss poor programming perhaps?

Guru Guru

@jsbeddow wrote:

Add me to the list of people this is happening to: I also just posted in the Pro2 Forum, due to an issue where my cameras are recording locally, but nothing is available in the Library.  I am in the US Pacific timezone: we are now on standard time, but the recordings on my USB drive are still showing an hour "forward" as if the base station still believes it is in DST time. 

It'd be good to know if recordings in the cloud library are showing the correct time (after they start working again).


FWIW, I think there are some advantages to having the USB recordings always in standard time.  When you set the time back, there is ambiguity for the hour.  Not shifting the time avoids that issue.



Yeah, the big catch here is ..."after they start working again".  Will they?  Or, is this time offset the fundamental reason that my recording are not being sent up to the online cloud Library (as it cannot resolve the time differential between my incorrect local base station time and what is expected on the server side)???

Guru Guru

@jsbeddow wrote:

Yeah, the big catch here is ..."after they start working again".  Will they?  Or, is this time offset the fundamental reason that my recording are not being sent up to the online cloud Library (as it cannot resolve the time differential between my incorrect local base station time and what is expected on the server side)???

There are two potential things you can try on the main issue.


Cute response, I have contacted support via chat, twice, with no conclusive results (and being unceremoniously dropped from the first chat connection after spending 30 minutes connected).


Also, I have now gone through the removal of the base station and re-adding it to my account ,which is is a long process, but OK I went for it.  Great, now I went add my cameras back onto the account.....first camera went back on no problem, but it absolutely refuses to add my other three cameras back onto the account, even though they seem to sync correctly based on the blinking blue status lights (slow blue blinking, followed by 10 second fast blue blink).  Clearly the Arlo server side database is F'd up.  I still show four available "slots" in my account for the (free) subscription, but your system won't allow me to get the cameras back onto my account.


What a complete joke this P.O.S. Arlo system has become.

Guru Guru

FWIW, I had to go through that exercise last week with one of own bases (+ 4 cameras and the doorbell).  But they all did resync for me.  I used the web client, not the app.


Did you reset the base, or just remove/add it?


Actually, I just finished my third chat session of the day with Arlo: it was a marathon of over 2.5 hours, with an end result of even worse conditions than I started with.  At the start of the day, I had 4 working cameras feeding to a local USB drive, but no access to online viewing in the cloud Library.  Now, after multiple hard resets, and re-adding the base station to my account, now I am no longer able to get any of my cameras re-added to the account.  They all appear to sync correctly (slow blue blink, followed by fast blue blink sequence), but none will appear in the account at all, so I have zero working cameras at this point.  Arlo will consider possibly replacing my base station, as a courtesy, as I am past the original warranty period (keeping in mind that I own two compete systems,  this one that is two years old, and another that is only about 6 months old).  TBD....but I still suspect this is caused by faulty firmware, not a hardware defect.

Guru Guru

@jsbeddow wrote:

but I still suspect this is caused by faulty firmware, not a hardware defect.

It does seem unlikely to be hardware, though it could be a combination of things.  FWIW, the cloud retains some "memory" of cameras after they are removed from the account - though if that factored into your problem I'd have thought that support would have resolved it.


Is the other system on the same site?  Is it's base compatible with the cameras that aren't syncing?


No, the other system is definitely too far away to test/ swap parts (France). 


Oddly, about an hour or so after getting off of my marathon chat with support (for the third time yesterday), and after another power cycle of the base station, three of my four cameras magically re-appeared onto my account (with no additional re-sync procedure, and despite the fact that they refused to add back previously while on chat with support).  Yes, it is clear that Arlo's servers (and underlying database) keeps track of previously connected cameras on our account settings, as by giving support the serial number of any given camera in my system, they were able to give me the name/location of which camera it should be (even though we had fully hard reset the base station, and no cameras were synced/showing up yet).


So, I am back to (almost) where I was yesterday morning: 3 out of 4 cameras that sort-of function (local recording to USB works, but no cloud recordings are available in the Library, other than those manually initiated through Live View).  What a wasted full day of troubleshooting yesterday, thanks for nothing Arlo.



Same problem here.  Central Time zone and Daylight saving cameras and scheduled Geofence is 1 hour off.

Driving me nuts!!!! Are there any solutions?  I tried changing the time zone to a different location, but that did not work either.



Well this has become a bit of an old question at this point: the problem stemmed from a firmware update on the base station (at that time) that interfered with DNS resolution when combined with those of us using the more secure/optional DoT style DNS resolving protocol on our routers.  The temporary workaround was to either turn off DoT on the router, or bypass it for the one device that needed it (ie - the Arlo base station) .  It seems to have been resolved since then in subsequent firmware updates.  For more background, see the posts in this other thread from that time period: 


Your case is strange in that it appeared now: are you positive that the Arlo base station time zone is set correctly, and that your router is passing along the correct time through NTP lookups? You might want to check that the router itself shows the correct time and time zone as a starting point.


I noticed the same thing today with my schedules. I live in AZ and we don't change time here. I have the region correctly checked as AZ. This hasn't been a problem ever before. I don't know how to see the actual time in the Netgear there a way ? 

Guru Guru

@AZCHENG wrote:

I live in AZ and we don't change time here. I have the region correctly checked as AZ. This hasn't been a problem ever before. I don't know how to see the actual time in the Netgear there a way ? 

You can see it on the Netgear router - though exactly where depends on the router model.  However, that is likely a red herring.  With a normal home router the system will use the NTP servers that Arlo has configured in the base station.  Those can't be changed. 


Anyway, with my Orbi router, you go to the advanced tab, and then select "administration".  There is an NTP settings menu there.  If you can't find it for your particular router, you can get the manual for it at, or you could ask at Posting the specific router model here might also work, as many Arlo users do have Netgear routers.



You could try deleting the current schedule and setting up a new one.  If that fails, then I suggest contacting support:


Sorry for the confusion. I was referring to the Arlo router. My internet router has the correct time. I am trying to figure out why the Arlo router doesn't know we are not on daylight savings time. That's the only thing I can think of as to why its an hour off on the schedule turning off.

How do find the time on the Arlo router?
Mine seems to be working correctly now. I unplugged the Arlo router for about 10 minutes.
Guru Guru

@Davidcurl wrote:
How do find the time on the Arlo router?

The base doesn't display the current time - though you can set the time zone in the base station settings.