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Balls of light on night vision mode

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I have read some old posts about the balls of light that are seen on night vision mode on the Arlo... I couldn't reply because it is an old topic I think but anyway I just want to add that I have had my Arlo Pro camera system for approximately 3 years now and I have the same balls of light coming through on my night vision. You can tell the difference between bugs, dust and these "orbs" of light that fly through sporadically and even come flying at the camera from outside of windows. I have saved plenty of proof of the craziness that I am unsure of what to call. There are times that there is high and fast energy and other times where it is low and slow. I have seen where a ball of light looks as if it shows up outside of a window and then starts shooting these orbs into the house. I am a believer in the spiritual world but I have no experiences with any of this. I am wondering if anybody has figured this orb thing out yet or should we maybe ask some paranormal experts or highly experienced camera experts?! Or could extraterrestrial activity have something to do with it? 😆 Who knows, it could be anything but I will pass on the comments from the close minded people who are trying to claim that this odd experience is just dust.
Guru Guru

If you want to believe that it's spirits, that is your choice to do so....

But don't call me close-minded because I think it's dust !

( is that a MICRO AGGRESSION ? )   🙂

Morse is faster than texting!

We have installed 2 infrared night vision security cameras outside the front and back doors of our home here in Canada and for the last year have noticed odd , fast moving bright 'orbs' and 'sprites', if you will streaking across the vision field, caught on and recorded on camera . These occur almost every night and often in the wee small hours of the morning. We have no real idea of what they may be but do not seem to be anything natural at all. My wife is a prominent psychic medium and feels that these may be spirits . When we built the home over 10 years ago, she 'smudged' and blessed the land the house was to be built on for protection and this may be what these entities are. She has written a book on the Spirit World and is a recognized expert, no matter what the detractors posit, these is nothing natural that can explain away this interesting phenomenon.

Guru Guru

@Vanislefan wrote:

We have installed 2 infrared night vision security cameras outside the front and back doors of our home here in Canada and for the last year have noticed odd , fast moving bright 'orbs' and 'sprites', if you will streaking across the vision field, caught on and recorded on camera . 

Nothing psychic about it.  Nightvision uses IR spotlights built into the camera, which function as the flash in this article:





Well, these have nothing to do with the cameras at all. I don't know how to attach a video file of some of the recordings but if you send me an email, I'll attach a few MP4 files for your viewing pleasure.

Guru Guru

@Vanislefan wrote:

Well, these have nothing to do with the cameras at all. 

Of course they do.  Orbs and related stuff (dust particles, etc) have been posted here before, and pretty much everyone who owns these cameras sees them from time to time when using NightVision.  And I've seen them on other cameras (not Arlo).


You can share videos directly from the library if you like, but they aren't available very long.  You can also put them into cloud storage (google drive , dropbox, etc), and share a link.  Or attach a JPG/PNG still.


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The Superuser has been an avid debunker about this for years now. I. Have these too and they are not dust, bugs or anything visible with the naked eye. Dust and bugs cannot and do not come through walls, closed doors, solid objects, etc. I have a youtube of videos begging people to tell me what this is. My cat can and does see them and chases them but we humans are lacking. They do not usually set off the motion sensor but if I randomly manually record, I can see them.

I was in the process of having a paranormal team investigate this before the virus hit. Now I’m out here trying to figure this out by myself. I would appreciate it if you’d let me know anything you discovered. They are disconcerting and I do not want to have to be on a paranormal tv show to get this figured out.

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Have you received any knowledgeable insight into this? I would really like to talk to somebody who has these too. I’ve got video of them for two years now.


Check a few of these out:

Guru Guru

@Retired_Member wrote:

The Superuser has been an avid debunker about this for years now.

If you are referring to me, then this is not true.  I've made one or two posts on it over the past year, but that's pretty much it.  And while I don't think paranormal phenomena exist, I wouldn't describe myself as an "avid debunker" either.


One of the links I posted on this ( ) is from a group that is not dismissive of the paranormal (at least that is how I interpret the "Only the closed mind is certain" quote on their website).  So you might want to check their link out.  They give a physical explanation of the "orbs" in your nightvision IR videos which I find satisfactory (and I have similar videos of my own).  I've also seen streaks similar to yours when there is precipation (rain, sleet and snow), but also when there is a lot of wind blowing dust particles around.  Arlo cameras work at a fairly slow frame rate, so anything moving quickly will be blurred (particularly objects very close to the camera).


Your black mist video is a bit different, and not something I've seen on my own cameras.  It could be a swarm of gnats or similar very small insects - they would be out-of-focus, and would look like a mist. 


Yea a lot of those vids looks the same as rain or snow at night on my cams. 

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I don”t know who I was specifically referring to in my email. Your response was a typical debunk and that is not a negative term. It meant no offense. I am in a search for answers and this was the most recent post on a subject that I have been looking for answers to for over two years now. I have heard all of the “rational” explanations as to why these “self-illuminated, balls of light” have been appearing in my cameras: dust, bugs, etc. and have eliminated them from concern or answer to what I am seeing, as well as what my cat can see with his naked eye as I only see the through the infrared. Bugs, dust, rain, snow I can see. These balls of light are invisible to the naked eye most of the time, although I have seen a couple very quickly, not just out of the corner of my eye, inside my house. To eliminate the dust, bugs theory, I brought the cameras inside last February, after a thorough cleaning and pest extermination. Guess what, these self-illuminated, self-propelled Orbs have a mind and trajectory of their own. I can prove it. 


First, there is no rain or snow that comes in my house. Second, I don’t allow much dust in my house but I can see that with my naked eye when it is there and it usually is not round and self-illuminated. Bugs know better than to get very close to me. They do not survive but I can recognize them outside even on my cameras. They usually have wings and are not round little balls of light. Swarm of bugs or gnats; no, not happening, wish it was. Third, bugs nor dust illuminates after it has penetrated a solid object like a door or a wall on its trajectory.


Also concerning the speed with which the camera records, please know that many of my videos are slowed down in another program before I can even see them, These balls of light are so fast that your average night vision will pick them up but 60 frames per second average viewing will not let you see them for what they are; whatever that is. On infrared and slowed down is the only way I can see them. Other people may see them without doing that or be able to pick up one or two. If they slowed it down, I bet they’d have more.


I say this not because I don’t want a logical explanation. I do. It’s just not anything I have heard from anybody yet and the dust bugs theory is very old and I would really like to hear more from other people who would like better answers.


The vids u posted show outside shots. Is your cam  looking through a window? Of course you dont have rain inside your house as others have posted about rain or bugs.

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Guru Guru

@Retired_Member wrote:
Two of these are in my bedroom

Which two?  They all look like outdoor shots to me.

Guru Guru

The one with person sleeping in bed.... still looks like dust to me.

Morse is faster than texting!
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Through the wall? Please look again. I just added another one inside.
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The last 3, Self-illuminated orbs, with trajectory through a wall, not visible with the naked eye, video slowed. I added one more on top inside.
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Bottom 3 & added top 1
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I just added another one inside. How many can you count? How many can you discount?

They are the videos of you cat walking  by. Yes u can see see the same thing in all. 

We believe these orbs are from the Spirit World and we have watched these type of anomalies for years. As we posted some time ago, we have had very active spirit orbs caught on our outdoor cameras for the past 2 years and are attaching this You Tube video from  the end of January , 2020. They most often appear in the early hours midnight to 4 AM. We have photographed other spirits that show up as what look like ' bright vacuum cleaner hoses', photographed on regular cameras during the daytime.
Urszula Teresa Kur , my partner, is a prominent psychic and often sees spirits. Yesterday 2 of her Spirit Guides: Walking Bear , who looks like a very tall, 8 feet, very old grey haired spirit man in native attire , and Standing Tall, wearing a North American headdress, also very tall, walked with her during her walk yesterday.
Their message was persistence and belief in oneself and listening to the unconditional love within you, and abandoning the fear of death is what we all need now. We are immortal but people don't understand immortality.
Here is one from January:
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Thank you for your response. I have become obsessed with these entities and have alot of their behavior recorded for several months now. They morph from balls to streaks when they deem necessary. I have one wrapping around my leg. They can physically move objects. I would like to believe their intentions are good but I’m not sure. I’d also like to know why they are here. We have so many & I think I see them multiplying. Is there a portal? Can you help me understand this? Thank you.

Good evening
If it would help why not contact Urszula directly at Messenger/or Text
We would like to get to the bottom of this as well.
Regards Michael and Urszula
Qualicum Beach BC Canada.

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I have them too. Alot of them inside and out. I do think they are paranormal and would like an explanation for them myself.

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I-am interested in a resolution about these as well. Smudging and blessing seems ineffective. I got an emf detector.