Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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Can I ask does the Arlo Pro only record for 2 minutes maximum when there is movement?


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Master Master

2 minutes is the maximum fixed time you can set the system for. If you set it to "record until motion stops" it could theoretically record for longer but in my experience, it generally never does. The Pro and Pro 2 cameras are ready to detect motion again relatively quickly after recording stops. The original Arlo HD wirefree takes around 15 seconds to be ready to detect motion and record again

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Master Master

2 minutes is the maximum fixed time you can set the system for. If you set it to "record until motion stops" it could theoretically record for longer but in my experience, it generally never does. The Pro and Pro 2 cameras are ready to detect motion again relatively quickly after recording stops. The original Arlo HD wirefree takes around 15 seconds to be ready to detect motion and record again

So is it better to get a wired system as recording for 2 minutes really isn’t long enough if someone is hanging around your home what is your opinion?
Master Master

I've never found people lingering around the same area for 2 minutes let alone more than 2 minutes. The fact that the video will cut off and quickly start recording for another 2 minutes should be fine. Pretty unlucky if they did nothing for 2 minutes and then did something in the brief space of time between recordings. I guess it's up to you whether you're happy with the convenience of placing cameras almost anywhere and only having motion activated recording or want the added peace of mind of wired cameras. Most of the cheap camera systems will only record on motion as well with limited configurability of duration. You're looking at reasonable costs to get a system that records 24/7, notifies on motion detection, and has any smart home integration

Thanks for your response and yes you are right, can I ask another question sorry I’m new at all of this, what is the best way to back up any recordings and Are the mounts better to have the cameras on outside? And if you have any other great hints for these cameras that would be great!
Guru Guru

Backups are either done manually (download your videos) or by using a Pro base so you can attach a USB drive for automatic backups. You can't access these backup videos remotely - you must eject the drive and move it to a computer to view.


I happen to use mostly magnetic mounts outdoors but for security, the outdoor mounts may be preferred since the cameras would have to be unscrewed rathern than just grabbed.  It all depends on your level of paranoia and possible intruders. I just have idiots next door.

Master Master

Alternatively, I'm pretty sure jguerdat has a script that allows recordings to be downloaded to his computer daily, or at least he did. But yes, pop a 32GB USB flash drive in the back of the Pro base and enable USB backup in the settings to give you that extra peace of mind.

Mounts is personal preference but most of mine are magnetically attached and many at just above head height or on the underside of the soffits.

Tips: Camera positioning is key. You want to have activation when you want, but not with passing cars or moving trees. PIR sensors don't work well when the subject is moving directly towards the camera. Objects moving across the field of view trigger the cameras the best. With that in mind, I have two cameras covering my front entrance, one from face on and one from the side. Both cameras trigger themselves to record but also trigger each other. This gives this area great coverage from multiple view points.
When you position your camera, start with motion sensitivity at 100 and turn it down as you get false alerts. This way you'll find the optimal motion sensitivity for the position the camera is in. It can take a little while to find the best motion sensitivity setting.
Not necessarily for everyone but I find motion sensitivity can be set much higher at night because there are less IR reflections. With this in mind, I run my cameras on a schedule where the sensitivities are lower for a mode called DAY and higher for a mode called NIGHT. I hope this gives a more optimal performance, especially where I think night time is more critical for detecting people on the property as best the cameras can.
If you're on Android and decide to try out Geofencing, make sure the app optimisation feature is turned off.
Despite probably reducing battery life span, I have all my cameras set to Best Video in the video settings. I want the best quality video the cameras can output and don't mind if it means recharging them a little more frequently.
The reality for battery operated cameras is that the more they are used, the shorter the time between charges. Most of my cameras are in low traffic areas. The camera to the side of the front of my house has a solar panel to keep it chargerd and that works well. Without it, I was charging the battery every 4-6 weeks, but that's the price of high traffic areas.
Can't really think of anything else at the moment. There's a lot of trial and error with camera positioning. Consider 3M adhesive strips before you go drilling holes as sometimes where you think the camera should go isn't actually the best place for it but it can be a little while before you realise that.

Thanks so much for all the information I have decided to keep the Arlo Pro and give it a go, some reviews I have read were not so positive and others can’t fault at all, if you think of any other tips I would be happy for the input.