Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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Has anyone had issues with Arlo cameras not recording at night? I've read the community forums and seems like a big issue but Arlo does not have a fix. I've called tech support 3 times and have rebooted, restarted, deleted and added cameras back, re-booted my wifi, all settings checked. My cameras are armed 24hrs, no scheduling or geofencing used and still records during the day and stops around 5pm until around 8am. This started about two weeks ago and Arlo support is useless all they keep telling me is to reboot, check if on schedule, etc...I've also stood in front of the cameras at night and still not detection recording but did this during the day and it detected motion. So frustrated tech support can't find a solution and each time call or chat it's about 1hr wait and they all say same thing reboot system. Please help anyone if you have same issue and got a resolution? I've had this system for 3yrs and been working fine up to recently.

I have same issue. 2 points. One- make sure you motion detect is set to 100%. In florida we have high humidity nights. My cams will just quit working at night if the air is too dense(fog). Easily loose half my sensory distance at night when i need it most. Reinstalled many times before figuring this out. Cams would magically start working when the sun came up. Looking fir something better

I too have started getting this problem on one of my 3 cameras.  In fact I can pinpoint the time and date when it started - around 10pm on Nov 27.  Since then, recording stops at about 6-7pm and stays off until around 8am. Perfect for night time burglars as a recent theft at a neighbour's house proved.  He broke in around 2:30am but my system had no recordings at all.


And yes, I've tried a reset, remove, re-add, etc, etc.  I am just about prepared to try a replacement camera, but it doesn't sound like a hardware problem to me.  My guess is that being busy at night, some software element on the server has decided to cut off recordings as it's using too much space.  If this is the case, shame on you Arlo.  This system was expensive to buy and I also pay a monthly subscription for cloud storage.


I am having the same issue all I got was the same response! I’ve tried all of the same things you have and I am as well frustrated with the lack oh help from support never had an issue with pro 2 now that I spend money upgrading cameras it’s as if the whole system went to crap!
I’ve given up. I moved onto Ring wireless mounted cameras and couldn’t be happier! I recommend doing the same if you want to feel safe at night!

This camera system has had nothing but ongoing problems since I purchased the Arlo Pro system new. I'm about done as well. I'll start saving for a five camera replacement system now...