Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Arlo Pro Motion Detection Problem

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I have the Arlo Pro with 4 cameras, and the system had been working great. however in the last 48 hours the camera covering the driveway and front half of my house is missing almost all motion. It barely catches the cars driving by or people walking and biking like it used to. My system is set to armed, and the running man is black and it is set at 80 like it has been. All the other cameras are working great, but of course one of the most important is missing everything. Appreciate the help.

I have the VMB4000 and my firmware says it is up to date with

thanks, Debbi


This sounds exactly like my experiences when Arlo released firmware 1.2.21616. My working 10-camera system became unreliable overnight. Camera not recording, having to reset base to factory default, neeeding to open/close battery latch on camera to have motion detected onlt for it to stop worling overnight and so on. 


Here is how you can opem a support call with Arlo. Click link, scroll down and long in to send an email to support.

The more we can bring this to Arlo's attention maybe we can get some resolution

They should still detect yes. But ive noticed it picks up more vehicles and less people when its really hot. At 100% mine still picks up people about 25 feet out at the sidewalk. However lately it has been a little iffy. Working good one day and not the next. I do believe its the firmware issues. My cameras have started draining rapidly again and im losing 10% a day and 3 or 4% overnight while disarmed. My motion was never that bad where you have to be right under the camera but it has not been as good as it was in may when they did the first firmware update. There is a noticeable difference and its not the angle of the camera as i have spent countless hours trying to fix it

I didn't consider it a firmware issue.  I am running with firmware version:  1.2.21616


It first happened to the garage camera and I think it might have been after the firmware update but I'm not sure.  And it has only recently happened with the backyard camera.  My front door camera is still fine.


Since the firmware is the same for all the cameras, should all had been affected at roughly the same time?

Thank you for your input

You would think so but i have 3 cameras 2 with rapid battery drain one is fine. And it happened right after the firmware update. In may all was good . after 3rd update strange things started happening. Double videos in library. Motion detection issues. The man icon would light up orange at random even while disarmed and stay orange for hours. Just sayin. Its messed up plenty of things for me over the years. It even erased my paid subscription one time. So i dont know in your case but i wouldn't rule it out. Im having to charge weekly now. Used to be 2 months

Again our cars were broken into last night.  I have two cameras and neither one recorded anything.  It won't stop recording the wind blowing the bushes around but it seems to really struggle with people.  Motion sensitivity is set to 80%.

Guru Guru

First , most of my cameras sit at 90-92% sense level.

Second, i also run a second mode with lower sense level if the winds are blowing.


Morse is faster than texting!

Sorry about your car break in.

But just to confirm, yesterday, and on other intermittent occasion, the arlo doesn't record. Yesterday, someone walked up to my front door and rang my smart doorbell. Arlo should have already recorded and sent me notification as soon as person approaches. But yesterday, nothing at all. Person rang, stood there moving about for a good 3 minutes, and walked away. The whole time, no arlo recording.

This also happens to my other arlos too often than I would like. 

Mine also misses things on occasion. Some days it doesnt even pick me up pulling in driveway and walking up to door. Doesnt matter the motion sensitivity. Even at 100% it misses big things

I haven't noticed a major difference in battery drain. . .but there was a drop in motion dectection ability in the garage first and now in the backyard.  


How can we let the Netgear/Arlo people about our issues?

Thats the problem. There really is no support. They already know . getting anything fixed well..... Good luck with that

I have been running 10 Arlo wireless cameras for a couple years now, which I got at Costco (VMS3030 cameras bought as VMS3230C-100NAS packages with router). Overall they had been working quite well for my intended use up until a few weeks ago. The recent Arlo software updates this summer (cameras and router, 2018) appear to have quickly and drastically decreased the performance and utility of my system.  As examples: I get no detection, or slow detection with a lot of lag; I may or may not get push notifications (Android), or when I do, I get multiples (like 5);  some cameras detect sometimes, and others don't when also armed. I have tried everything I can think of - rebooting the router, changing batteries, removing and reinstalling cameras, tweaking camera settings (sensitivity, image quality, record length), testing things like motion detection on each camera, resetting notification setttings, redoing custom modes, removing and reinstalling Android apps, etc.  Nothing seems to bring them back well or consistently - I just did jumping jacks in front of one camera outside on a bright sunny day, and got nothing. Anyone else have these problems, or know of any fixes?  I would like to have my well-working system back, without having to buy all new cameras. Thanks.  


I have the same issue with motion detections since the May update it's very hit or miss. Mine are more miss than hit and all 5 of my camera's are at 100%. Arlo totally ruined the system with the May upgrade and haven't fixed it yet 3 months later! I am actively looking for a new wireless system that has local storage to replace these that no longer work as advertised. I have 3 open cases with support ( 2 of which disappeared from my netgear in June and I can no longer access) that I'm waiting for resolutions to, I've had 2 replacement base units in a month that still hasn't fixed any of the multiple issues I have with this system. I was happy with how it worked until May now it's all broken!


A long shot. . .of the 3 cameras, the one that is working fine, even after the firmware update, is powered by disposable Panasonic CR123 batteries.


The two cameras with issues are recharables.  Could the motion detection issue be related to the type of batteries?  The issue is still there even when fully charged.



I would not think so. I have 3 pros all rechargeable and the one up front is intermittent. Its been working fine lately. But have had issues in the past. Also 2 out of 3 have rapid battery drain. Have moved them around. Same thing. In fact the camera with the most videos has less drain than the backyard cam which sees no action. All 3 have full signal strength also

You may not be alone with your experiences. Other and myself are in similar situations I also had a reliable 10-cameras system that is now close to non-functioning since camera firmware upgrade 1.2.21616. Double check your version. 


I have an opened call wuith support. If you think you need that level of assistance support can be contacted at


Part of my experience is below


Ever since the firmware upgrade to 1.2.21616 I have been having one issue after another with my cameras. I am close to giving up on Arlo.

Right now the only thing reliable is I can manually start a camera and view realtime stream. Motion detection and recording are highly problematic.

Issues I am having
1 - Motion detection works unpredictably. Sometimes a camera works and sometimes it does not. Majority of the times they do not and a few cameras have stopped working on motion detection altogether.

2 - Scheduled modes stop working at midnight. Everynight cameras that did record on motion detection stop on all cameras. I even walk up to the camera and wave at it and still no recording from a camera that worked 10 minutes before midnight. Recording resumes when the after midnight schedule mode resumes

3 - Image downloads are unpredictable. Even when I see that a camera is recording no image ever appears. Which camera will work and when it records is unpredictable.

ALL of this started after the firmware 1.2.21616 upgrade. I have Remove/ReAdded all cameras to the base. Remove/Reinserted all batteries. Changed/Tweeked motion sensitivity settings. I also reset the base back to factory defaults

Below you will find my Arlo environment specs
Base HW Version VMB3010r2 Base firmware 10 Wireless Arlo Camera hardware H7 Camera firmware 1.2.21616



I have the same problems now. Why wouldn't arlo or netgear acknowledge this problem and fix it ? I was about to upgrade to Arlo pro , but no way now. Until they fix this issue , I would never recommend this product. A security camera that turns on after a vehicle or person came and left ? Total garbage and useless


I have the same camera software version, and othe router hardware and software versions are also the same.  Android app version is 2.5.3_22376, 7/30/18. Similar or identical camera operation/detection issues as yours.  Plus, if and when I might actually get a detection, notifications are inconsistent- don't get any push notifications despite settings set for all types, don't get any push notification for a motion detection (as opposed to a person detection), and/or if a push notification comes in for a person detection, it is very late and/or in multiples, like 5.  Basically my previously well-functioning system is offline, inconsistent, and undependable, despite my many attempts to fix it.  Somewhere in the Arlo on-line Community, did see an 8/7 Release Note about bug fixes, but don't know whether this applies to me, and if it does, it hasn't been pushed to me yet (can't elect updates with my camera versions). Can't get a connection to Arlo live chat, goes off into a silent screen black hole when it says it is connecting to an agent, with no connection ultimately. Couldn't find a good Arlo support e-mail address - sent an e-mail cold to that got bounced with a message that said the address was for internal use only and I was not on an approved sender list. Haven't tried the phone number - I am beyond the free support time. Please let me know how your support case works out, and whether you learn of any solution, and I will do the same. Have too much invested in the hardware and subscription fees ($1000 plus) to give up yet, and I certainly won't buy new, at even higher prices, on an unproven chance that there are not similar issues with the new tech. Arlo, your customers need you to step up and fix this!


I agree, Arlo is loosing goodwill fast here.  Having climbed the learning curve to get my system working, then losing it quickly with no word from Arlo, not going to be buying new any time soon.


Same problem here.  Works sometimes, not others.. In addition, while in motion detection mode, the light flashes, but when armed, no recording.  Pls give advice or fix.  Sensitivity set to 100%

I have an exterior mounted camera that was, more or less, working correctly. I say more or less since it's mounted in a tree and was getting a significant number of false positives for motion. I took the camera down to charge it, then re-mounted the camera. Since the position wasn't exactly the same, I then recreated the 3 Zones (that were there previously). Now, the camera is no longer triggering Motion. I have even tried increasing motion sensitivity 79% to 90% and it won't trigger. How do I go about figuring out what's wrong with it? HW Version: H11 Serial Number: 59U1817YC6F5D Firmware:
There very sensitive. I dont take mine down anymore just plug it in. Seems like if its not exactly in same spot it wont trigger. I just spent an hour with my backyard cam. Its good for now but they are really sensitive to angles

I appreciate the suggestion to leave it in place. However, now I don't know how to fix it.


I deleted the zones and finally got it to trigger off motion.  Doesn't make sense to me since the Zones are similar to what I have before I took it down.  Where can I get tips on how to setup zones?  Should it be detecting any movement in the zones, or only if the entire person is visible?  


I had setup the zones originally to cut down on false positives from wind blowing trees, or shadows.

I have not been able to get the zones to work since they came out in may. I dont think they work real well. They introduce all this new stuff but dont test anything first
Anyone ever find a reliable end around to arlos motion detection failures? Positioning a camera at a 45 degree angle from where you actually want to see defeats the purpose. Looking at a wall to detect motion to the left or right of it instead of being able to position the camera to the left or right is ridiculous.

Previously posted about multiple VMS3230-100NAS and VMC3030 problems after recent base station and camera updates - no or inconsistent motion detection, no or inconsistent push notification, lag, and the like. Now noticed that individual cameras will gain or lose motion detection, even minutes apart, with no apparent rhyme or reason why this is happening, and no inkling how to stop or mitigate this and other problems. This makes my system unreliable for security purposes - is it working when it has been armed? will it spontaneously quit working for no apparent reason?  Arlo needs to address these issues asap if they don't want to continue to alienate their customer base.