Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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Netgear.... I have had constant issues with my live play video pausing and lagging about 1 minute behind. Looks like a ton of us have. It started after your last update. I spoke with one of your techs last week and he advised me that it was due to my internet speeds. I’m at the bottom of the required upload speed (1Mbps). I have had the system for over a year and it has never been a problem until this last update. Since speaking with the tech last week, I have seen countless people posting the same problem on the message boards. I have interacted with several, and they have much faster internet speeds than me. I have also taken my base station and one of my cameras to another home with internet upload speeds 10x faster than mine. Same issue. Live feed cuts in and out and lags behind 30 seconds to 1 minute, so this obviously isn't due to internet speeds. I have already tried everything you all suggest. Rebooted the base station multiple times and tried changing the flicker adjustment on the base station, which took 2 of my 4 cameras offline even after I changed it back. Nothing is working. I absolutely love this camaera system and would like to keep it. At this point, it appears that a lot of your customers cannot fully use your product, due to you breaking it. Please fix this. 


I've been having the same issue - camera feed is delayed and very intermittent. Makes the use of watching the live stream pointless and the voice over camera is no use as by the time you get the warning the person has moved on.


Very keen to know when a fix may be available.

The SOBs don’t seem to really care or competent enough to resolve this issue. This is been an issue since the cameras first came out over two years ago again I wish I had done my research I would’ve never purchased these cameras there are others Better than for less money.
Living on france and the same problem

I just recently purchased the Arlo Pro three camera setup, also purchased two additional cameras. Wasn't aware of the possible firmware interference but just finished setting up my cameras to my base and allowed the firmware to the base and cameras. I have a bad 1 min lag on all cameras and all five are sitting here on my desk right beside my internet router and base station. Beginning to wish I hadn't bought them. Thinking since they've not been placed yet that I may return them.

I’ve been fighting with these idiots for months and every single so called support person plays stupid pretending they don’t understand what’s wrong with your cameras and it must be your internet connection. Absolutely bull**bleep** !!!😡😡😡👏😆🤬🤬😡If I could return mine I absolutely would .
I too am getting frustrated since the last change... lagging, lost of connection, and generally becoming more unreliable... Arlo, you need to fix these issues before you loose the customer confidence which made your product stand above the rest...
Well Arlo I’ve been begging you to fix these issues that all of us are having and stop this nonsense of playing stupid when acting like you don’t know what we’re talking about Such as the live view lag , the battery drain issues that started a month ago and now a new problem I’ve noticed that my Geo fencing isn’t working correctly it’s supposed to be disarmed between the hours that I set in the schedule which was working fine up until two weeks ago or so .
So once again you have screwed something up with your latest updates and this is the Final straw .
I am now in the process of talking with Amazon and happy to report my units are being refunded fully but I’m not stopping there . I’m hoping to see your company be accountable for your poor efforts and am currently talking with Amazon and a few other company representatives. I’d like to share with the community the last email I received today from Amazon .

Your Account ###############
Message From Customer Service Lvl 4
Hello #######,

Thanks for writing back to us.

I do regret for the inconveniences you had with this item.

We truly value your suggestions and feedback, as it helps us continue to improve our store and provide better service to our customers.

I' have passed your messages and emails to and from Arlo to the executive team and They are reporting back to me that they can see there is a definite failure to resolve issues you and other customers are having to deal with on a daily basis.
They are also reviewing the hundreds if not thousands of community complaints on just one web site link and Are quite astonished at the lack of professionalism and resolution from the Arlo team . To put it simply , pulling the items from our website may be the the next appropriate step that our people will take .
Thank you for bringing this to our attention . All though you aren’t the first customer to return this item I don’t believe other customers went into detail about just how poor the experience has been with netgear (Arlo) services.
Again rest assured We'll investigate further and necessary actions will be taken on this inquiry. Unfortunately Arlo seems In capable of resolving the issues that so many people are having. It very well may come down to pulling their equipment .

I understand you have invested a lot of time in getting your security set up and aren’t quite ready to abandon it just yet but If you cannot come to some sort of resolution with Netgear (Arlo) or if they continue to give you the run around , you can return the item for a refund including all the add on’s that you have purchased.

Thanks again for your patience and understanding. We look forward to seeing you again soon.

We'd appreciate your feedback. Please use the buttons below to vote us about your experience today.

Best regards,
Kannan V.
Did I solve your problem?

I have a total of six cameras.  It worked great at first, but now I am having the same problem since the last update.  I'm not sure what was done in the update, but the slowdown, lagging, increased battery drain, and cameras cutting out/not connecting is getting pretty bad.  I'm a premium customer and need this system to work...  If it continues, I'll return it back to Costco as a lemon and the three extra cameras from Amazon for a refund.  Please fix the issues, or you’re going to lose another customer!



Yep mine is lagging as well thought it was just mine glad it’s not I have fast internet so hope it can be fixed soon
Exact same problem. Apparently it’s been like this since May and there’s been no fix from Netgear., and some disingenuous customer service from the sound of it. I’m really disappointed. I won’t be able to return my units but, if there isn’t something done in the next month, I will be telling my story to all industry publications do that they know about these problems next time they put together their “best of” list.

Anyone frustrated with Arlo’s handling of this?


So it would seem this problem has still not been resolved and the desire for Netgear to provide a solution is still severly lacking. How can it be that I can use Skype across the world with not a single problem, but the Netgear cameras which were working PERFECTLY (for nearly a year on my exact same internet connection) up until May this year when an update was released. WTF Netgear.... how many people does it take to complain before you acknowledge your team screwed it up and continue to do so with the update which has been recently released.... really change the mobile app software so you CAN'T see everything at a glance any more... who does your quality control?


Since the update i cant see all 5 camera at the same time also while live camera i can only hear and the screen is frozen pretending that is real. Please stop playing with software and dont update i want my previews update.

Does anyone know how to get a Netgear Rep. to offer replies to this thread? Not sure they're even reading these complaints.
No idea how to contact a rep but all updates seemed to have failed just hope they fix this fast

It seems that if you leave the Live View in it's stuttering phase for a good 2-3 minutes it all of a sudden starts showing video and sound without the stuttering. LV is still delayed however by up to a minute.

Pretty bloody hopeless if you want to see live video of someone potentially trying to steal something or break into your house... tell me again what the purpose of security cameras are please ARLO?


To the Support engineers who kept telling me it is my internet connection... WHY would the stuttering stop after 2-3 minutes then?

Can someone with a shred of interest at ARLO look at this issue and reply please? This system was AWESOME when i bought it... now it's a pile of crap that i won't recommend to anyone.

Yes you are correct taneth .
This seems to be buffering issues but I’m not certain on this and these morons at Arlo don’t have a clue . Every answer they say is “ duhhhhh it’s your bandwidth speed. “
No morons it’s your software changes and your crappy service . I , like soooooo many others have dropped netgear completely and will never buy thier crap again ever .

Will anyone from Arlo acknowdge that this issue exists? @JamesC maybe you can help with this?


To be honest, the way updates have been applied to this product in the last number of months has been atrocious at best and the product i purchased 12months ago which was working perfectly is now a piece of crap and I want a full refund.


Anyone at Arlo willing to help your customers??



This is fixed for me. I was having the same delay and studdering on live feed and noticed it's been fixed for at least a few days now. Try loading the latest app version. I'm on Android.

Nah no luck mate, I'm on IOS and I've kept the app up to date along with removing it completely and the same issue. The lag in Live View is also noticeable when you watch off the it's not device dependent, it's the product in general. It's a massive shame as i talked this up to everyone when i bought it, even had people go and buy it. Now i'm left with ... this!

I'll test my iPhone 6 a little later to see if I have the studdering on that. All I know is that I've had the studder and up to 20 seconds of lag on live stream and now it's fixed. I have had no changes in my environment
the only difference is the new android version that came out I think on the 21st.
No change for me either 😡

Hmmm I just tested my Iphone 6 and I no longer have the delay and studdering/choppy issue on that phone either.   Not sure what the deal is here but for sure there had to have been a change somewhere on the Netgear side which fixed this problem.  

I just re-tested mine and I will note the leg is nowhere near as bad instead of 30 to 60 seconds it’s now at 20 and the jittery picture and sound last maybe five seconds instead of 15 to 25 seconds so they’ve done something to improve something