Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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The video looks very grainy after update early this morning Firmware Will there be a update for the base as well


Live view cuts off and so does the "Record fixed length".. My settings was on 1min 35s and now at 35-40s it suddenly cuts off... Never had this... It's been perfect until now.. Geez Arlo.. thanks for a worthless update... 


Do we know what this firmware update was meant to fix, any info on it?


Still not sure what the firmware update was meant to fix can't find any info on it. Snice then I removed all cameras from the base in the My Arlo Account and unplugged the base. Took the batteries out of all the cameras and waited 10 mins. Reinstalled all the batteries and added them back to the base under My Arlo Account. I didn't notice a improvement right away but the next day everything seems to be back the way it was. Keeping my finger's crossed it doesn't have to be done like this on every firmware update.

I am new too the system and had only owned a two camera system for about 12 days and added three more around day 16 and everything was perfect.


My camera's are now cutting out after 20sec's or less of recording and they are all (I have 5) set to record for specific times not less than I minute. This has only just started happening and they have been working fine for the last 1 - 2 months, anyone have a fix? I have unplugged the base waited a minute then plugged back in. This hasn't fixed the problem although now the camera's do record longer occassionly but not for specified time and not for all recordings. I don't want to have to delete the camera's and then add them again as I have one to high with solar panel attached so I don't have to get up and down the ladder. Any help appreciated.


                                                                 Thanks Monica

Guru Guru

Sometimes short recordings, especially from all cameras, indicates either a problem with the base or 2.4GHz interference from some device near the base. You can try moving the base further away from the router or to a different location altogether (if you have networking throughout the house that would let you do this). Check for cordless phones, etc. that use the 2.4GHz band, also, that might be close to the base.  Also, what is your upload speed as measured by


I have the Orbi Router satellite system and my Arlo Base base is plugged into the satellite at the opposite end of the house to the modem and router. I have had the same set up since buying the arlo pro system and I changed my recording times to set times instead of " until motion stops' as it was only recording around  seconds each video and I was missing movement. I have had them set to record for specific times for the last couple of months with no problems until the middle of last week then the recordings were all short and today there has been lag with the video's and "Live" View. All of my camera's show full wifi on the dashboard. I have just done the speedtest and my upload speed ranges from 0.37 - 0.52Mbps. No cordless phones and no new wireless equipement near the base station.





I believe that Arlo states that the cameras need a minimum upload speed of 1.5 Gbs/sec to operate properly. Any way to get your internet provider to increase that? Don't know why that should suddenly cause your short recordings, though.






If you log in to you can look to see if the base station is connected to the router or to the satellite. If it is connected to the router rather than the satellite, that could be your problem. I am not sure with the Orbi system how to force the change if that is indeed happening. 






@Redmoonstar wrote:

 I have had the same set up since buying the arlo pro system and I changed my recording times to set times instead of " until motion stops' as it was only recording around  seconds each video and I was missing movement. I have had them set to record for specific times for the last couple of months with no problems until the middle of last week then the recordings were all short and today there has been lag with the video's and "Live" View. 


It's not your setup.. It's this ridiculous Arlo's update is whats making your setup and mine also giving these glitches.. It's a matter of time they will release yet another update to fix the problem or their server.. Of course, some people here will defend that there's nothing wrong with the update and will continue to tell you to troubleshoot it by removing/resyncing your system.. It may or may not fix the issue but it shouldn't be like this in the first place if the update was thoroughly tested and if Arlo has the decency to Email/Post here on Forum/Facebook/Twitter to tell us that there's an upcoming update and here's what you should be expecting and tell us the thorough steps to troubleshoot if anything goes wrong... Of course, that's too hard for these people to do.. 

Guru Guru

@brh wrote:



I believe that Arlo states that the cameras need a minimum upload speed of 1.5 Gbs/sec to operate properly.

Minimum upload speed is 1MEGAbit per second although I'd love to have 1.5Gbps. 🙂 Slow speeds can certainly cause an issue. Looking into a service upgrade would indeed be useful.



My bad. Me too.




There were two issues I was trying to address here. The first was that her upload speeds seem to be too low. But, it worked well for her for some time and I don't know of any firmware updates last week. The Orbi system is kind of unique and measuring the download/upload speeds can be tricky. For example: my iPhone connects to the 5Ghz frequency, so when I do a speed test with the phone I get very fast speeds. But if I connect an older laptop to the router or satellite, which connects to the 2.4 Ghz frequency, My speeds are about 1/3 of what my iPhone shows.

The second issue was that the Orbi can be difficult to manually connect a device to the proper router or satellite. For example: when you reboot the router, the devices may connect to the first connection they find which may not be the one you want. Over time, (but surely not a week), the system will connect the devices to the strongest signal it finds. This can take a few hours or up to 24 hours. I am not sure if you reboot only the satellite if that will change anything, (assuming the Arlo base is connected to the router and not to the closer satellite).

One other possibility would be to swap the router with the satellite, but you may lose more speed by running a longer cable than if you simply left it alone as it is. 

It is possible that there was a firmware update last week that messed up the system, but I am unaware of it.




Not familiar with the Orbi system wish I could help. The Firmware update was only for the cameras that I know of. I wasn't able too Live View any of the (Arlo Pro) 5 cameras I have because they were all blocked with a green firmware update button.


Hi everyone,


                    I live in rural Victoria Australia and our phone lines are total crap, Telstra who owns them won't upgrade them for better service, over winter we regularly lose phone, internet or both due to water in the lines. This morning when I checked the camera's one hadn't recorded anything ( not usual as it normally gets workers going to work) I checked my modes and found some of my camera's are now missing from the modes ( has been set up for at least 4 months) I couldn't re add any of the camera's as it wouldnt find them however they were all connected to base and able to "Live" view. I have 4 different modes and a different camera was missing from each mode. I turned off modem, orbi & base station. Connected an older modem ( not one from internet provider) once it was all connected I connected the orbi then the satelitte and finally the arlo pro base. I have deleted my original modes and started again. I noticed an update to setting up the rules so not sure if this has anything to do with the problem. I will now see what happens over the next 24hrs. I rechecked the speed with my older modem and had download " 11.5Mbps & Upload 0.82Mbps. maybe I need to upgrade my modem? Will reply once I see how the camera's work over the day.





              So it appears "fixed record time" no longer works and it's all "Record Until Motion Stops" I'm only half way through the day and so far my recordings are ranging from 5secs to 1.12 mins. I have all set to 40sec or more. Not sure what's going on as they were working fine last week.



Guru Guru

Upgrading your modem won't help if the ISP is only providing that speed. Check with your ISP to determine what you should have. Low upload speeds can cause problems, especially if multiple cameras are streaming at once. Try restarting your router and base in that order, letting the router fully initialize before starting the base.


I don't have issues with either recording mode (timed vs. until motion stops) or with the duration. Maybe the restarts will help although again the low upload speed may be the issue.


I did turn everything off this morning then turned my modem on, when it was fully up I turned the router on then the satelitte when the router was fully up then the base once the satelitte was fully connected. I will ring provider tomorrow but not sure that my speeds have changed and everything was working fine. Some of my recordings are recording for the specified time while others on the same camera are only going for 20 - 28 secs some only 5 secs. Not sure if this has anything to do with the ?Upate that put lots offline as my modes / rules changed over night and I have had to redo all modes but now can't have record audio on only 1 camera if I want it to record on mutiple camera's with motion. I am also now unable to see what mode it is in (Armed / disarmed) when I click on modes. I was able to see this earlier today on my android phone and my work PC but not now on my Home PC. I am able to view "live" and would think my internet speed would be affected to if it's affecting recording times?? Will update after talking to my internet provider in the morning ( it's after midnight here) Thanks for the suggestions.



Since this last firmware update, nothing but problems.

  Device Settings won't open, motion detection doesn't happen and the cloud is not recording so the very reason I purchased this Arlo has been for naught. The only thing working is live camera and I don't choose to sit and watch the cameras 24/7 to see if there is activity outside or inside where the cameras are mounted.

  Initially, the base station wasn't noted when it was working and nothing stayed on.  Not much has improved in the last 28 hours since this last update.


I suggest waiting.  Bit by bit Arlo is fixing its issues with all parts of the last update. It probably isn't your side of it at all.

I just checked with my provider as apparently my download speed is correct ( 11.4 this morning) he doesn't know what the upload speed should be as its not in their notes. He directed me to the forum to change the qos which I have done but so far no change in either speed upload was 0.8 this morning. I also had one of my camera's battery dead flat this morning it was 45% at 12.40 am and I received an email with low battery alert at 1.24am I don't think it should have drained that quickly and no recordings in that time frame. Have unplugged base station and replugged this morning will see what the day brings.



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Go to the Advanced tab > Advanced Setup > Wireless Settings and scroll to the bottom of the page. It seems my speed increased a little bit when I checked all three of these items:


Enable Implicit BEAMFORMING - Boosts WiFi speed, reliability, & range for all mobile devices
Enable MU-MIMO
Enable Fast Roaming


Try that and see if that helps.

Also, if possible, try to bring your satellite a little closer to the router.




Thanks Brian,

                        I will try that tonight once I'm home, I have checked my library and everything was recording correctly until 12/5/18 ( I think we're half a day ahead of USA) then they all started the short recordings. Not sure but the Gov here is rolling out a new internet service and I'm wondering if that's interferring.


                                              Thanks for the help Monica


So am I to understand that I just spent the last hour trying to troubleshoot my connection problem (resync, remove, restart, blah, blah) and it is Netgear pushing a firmware update that is causing the problem?

If so, what an absolutely arrogant move and a total waste of my time. My connection problems persist if anyone at Netgear cares to fix it. You have my account and you track me through my base station. I KNOW you can ping my base station and figure it out. Fix it or back to Costco I go. That $500 can be spent on a different system. Thank the world for companies like Costco and their return policy.

BTW NG, if you didn't know, your Arlo Pro system doesn't fall under their 90-day electronic time limit. 🙂 🙂 


I have enabled the settings you recommended Brian, upload speed is 0.89 so maybe a slight increase. I am thinking maybe I will delete all modes and restart to see if that helps. I don't think my upload speed has changed looking at the history in the Orbi Router settings. Will see how it goes for nest 24hrs.

