Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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Hi, folks

I'm having problems with the audio breaking up during live feed on my Arlo Pro 2. It's ok during playback. Video is ok. My internet wifi upload speed is around 0.9Mb/sec (7~9Mb/sec download). The sound breakup is rapid, like fast morse code being superimposed on the audio. My morse listening skills are not so good, but I hear a lot of "f"s (seriously). It happened about 2~3 months after installing the system. I even had a telephone serviceman look at the line to make sure it wasn't a line problem (I have ADSL2+ through copper cables). Anyway, it was working fine before. Something has changed and I can't figure out what it is.


Hope you can help

Best wishes


I’ll repeat myself:

Push to talk completely mutes the audio. or causes both audio and video to lag really bad. As soon as you pause and play live it works fine. Push the mic and it lags to the point it’s unusable. LTE 30 Mbps down / 15 up and Cable modem 100 Mbps down / 50 up. When is this going to be resolved?

Yes Stevegord nailed it, that's the exact problem I have, hope they will fix this firmware issue quickly.

It's a known issue I spent 3 hours on the phone with Arlo support they told me it was a bad camera so I purchased a new camera and it's doing the same thing Arlo's terrible would never buy another

Ever since the last firmware update my push to talk is basically unusable.  Well, actually it is unusable.  I'm probably going to try the Ring camera brand.  

Same problem here. Wish I would have not purchased this system.

Mine is doing exactly the same thing and it started during the same time. Has Arlo come up with a solution yet? Is it necessary to go on SM/FB etc. to complain about the lack of service and solution? 

Bad news guys...arlonstill hasn't fixed the geofencing issue from 2 years ago. I'd say the time for Mass public bashing has arrived. We need to get together and see to it that Netgear fixes 2 simple issues or never gets another customer.

Up to a point, I agree. But if the line is discontinued, this makes it difficult for others who need to replace parts of their system which, for them, is working. My system works up to a point (certainly not as advertised) and I can live with it for now. If a camera fails, I will buy a new one. I'm not going to go out and buy an expensive and entirely new system (which may have similar problems anyway). That is not to say we won't make it uncomfortable for them. I told my local dealer that I was having problems and told him to advise potential buyers that this system will not work unless you have a high speed internet connection (not one that averages 0.7Mb upload speed, 0.9Mb at best).... which excludes 90% of the people in Australia.


FWIW ---  I have 2 home automation systems in my home that have geofencing capabilites and neither of them work very well at all, it's not just Arlo. Geofencing relies on cell tower triangulation to approximate your location. GPS is the only way to implement a "geofencing" feature. The gps in my car knows where I am, in real time, down to just a few feet. If the geofencing feature used GPS it would work near perfect. I gave up on geofencing about a year ago and now use a SmartThings Arrival sensor to sense when I arrive or leave and run my SmartThings routines automatically and change my Arlo mode automatically too. Works perfect.


I use Arlo geofencing on one site.  It works 90% of the time & where it doesn't activate, all I do is open the app and it resets.  So I'm OK with it.

Having said that, let's not get distracted from the key issue that the system cannot now effectively stream video/audio.  More importantly, Netgear is NOT addressing their infrastructure problems here in Australia.   They remain silent, their tech support throws up furphies like your internet connection without admitting fault.

Netgear has developed a great product, they are failing on implementation and service though.  

What Netgear doesn't quite get is that they are breaching consumer protection laws as the product isn't fit for purpose.  

I would add that infrastructure problems are not just related to Australia, but it seems system wide as my system is based in Wisconsin. Their firmware update in May changed the upload/download allowances in some fashion so that only the fastest speeds allow the system to function as advertised. Tech now seems to blame consumer internet speeds for system lags when really it worked pretty well for most users pre-May 2018.. It seems a bit of a bait and switch to me....
The reason I posted is because my brothers isn't working. My 5 camera pro system hasn't had a glitch but I have 150/150 FiOS which is 100/100 during worst times. My brother is at 7/1.2 and his system is useless. The hope would be that Netgear would see it's a major problem and fix it within a couple days. The reality is what someone said earlier...great product with horrible implementation.

Just purchased and having samw issues as everyone else.

Download 177MB upload 17MB

May return as this is the largest reason for our purchse was the live camera to help our disabled daughter


I just bought an Arlo Pro system due to break ins in my area.  I also wanted the option of speaking to anyone that shows up at my door for safety reasons but the audio is awful.  My internet speed is excellent and still the audio is choppy.  Very disappointing as I thought the Arlo Pro was supposed to be the best.  Why isn't this being fixed after months of Arlo Pro users complaining about this?  


Unfortunately Netgear is not listening or the problem is not fixable.   I am now guessing the later.


I am no longer recommending the product to family & friends.  


I do recommend that people start putting poor reviews on the app store.  maybe that gets Netgear to address the problem.......maybee

JamesC, why hasn’t this issue been resolved after so many months of it being a known issue?
Community Manager
Community Manager



The engineering team is investigating reports of this issue and currently working on a resolution. I will provide an update when I have more information.



This has been going on since May. At least give us a button for different connection speeds so it will work like it did before the update.

I emailed Arlo support on 6/16/2018 about this issue and just received a response a few hours ago. So nearly 3 months later support sends me a generic reply and fails to address the real issue on the backend. Pathetic.


9/9/2018, 4:24 AM
Hi John, Good day! I sincerely apologize if I was unable to respond to your email right away. Due to our system upgrade, we were unable to access our email cases which therefore left us unable to see updates. Going back to your concern, the updated Arlo app version is 2.5.5. To properly isolate the case please try the following steps: 1. Uninstall and reinstall the Arlo app on your phone. 2. Power cycle the base station. - Unplug the base station from the power outlet. - Re-plug back the base station after 2 minutes. 3. Power cycle the camera. - Bring the camera closer to the base station. At least 1-3 feet away. - Remove the batteries of the cameras. - Insert back the batteries after 2 minutes. If you are still experiencing the same issue, I recommend contacting our phone support line for real-time assistance. You may also take advantage of the following support options for a faster resolution: • Phone support: 408-638-3750 or 1 (833) 210-9396 • Live chat support: visit and complete the required fields. • Online Community Forum: Once again, Thank you and have a wonderful day! Take care! Sincerely, Tadz Expert ID: 46298 Arlo Technical Support



Guess what, Netgear says Arlo is no longer part of them as of this week. Go figure. I talked to them today at length and got the same story  (at least it is consitant) "Even though it worked before we upgraded it, your current system isn't capable of handling our new upgrades that make our system even better,  we can't help you. " I'm going to tkae mine back to Costco and see what they say and look for something less expensive and more reputable.


Hey JamesC
Any news on the fix? We are losing patience and faith in your products....

Tutor, did you read the post above yours?


I just downloaded the latest software. No improvement.


I recently upgraded from 12Mb DSL to 100Mb fiber.  This fixed my audio breaking up issue.  It works fine now.  That being said.  I never had any issues with my DSL until they started pushing software patches.  It worked flawlessly.  My DSL was working great.  I could stream movies on two different TVs. So I know its not the DSL.  My guess is that they know what the problem is but they are not going to go backwards.  Some losses are acceptable in business.  Most people have high speed internet and I'm sure they'll take the risk of losing some customers.  Oh, and the only reason I upgraded to fiber was because it just became available and it was only $10 more per month.  No brainer. 


@shuryje wrote:

I recently upgraded from 12Mb DSL to 100Mb fiber.  This fixed my audio breaking up issue.  It works fine now.  

Are you saying that once you push the mic button for two-way talk your video is not choppy and the audio on BOTH ends is clear? This is not a bandwidth issue - it's a Netgear firmware issue that has been unresolved since May. 


What I'm saying is that the upgrades did something to negatively affect the 12Mb bandwidth (or perhaps DSL signalling) I previously had.  One other note, it now works on my Android device but doesn't work on my iPhone 6S+.  It used to work on all my devices before the upgrades, and with my DSL.  I still firmly believe the upgrades did something.