Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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I have the most updated app and cameras. The new app has the Arm Away, Arm Home and Standby "Modes".


Is there are way to create a 4th mode? I'd like to be able to customize my modes a little more.


Will not have a way to revert back ??? So just ignore all the complaints from your customers ? Not a wise choice many are have and will be leaving like me for a better system, This updated app is awful and should have never happened, I’m still trying to find one person that’s happy with it


Spoke to Arlo and you can't add a custom mode with the new app. We all need it back and hopefully they wake up as to it's very useful feature.


Yes, another request for custom modes. The new UI is absolutely horrendous. I have no idea who in their right mind would have thought this was an 'upgrade.' Completely non-sensical and inefficient. Terrible...




Previous app version allowed the creation of custom modes. The new one only have 3 that can be customised and are easier and have more features.


nevertheless, I miss the ability to add modes. Or at least a mode called disabled which can be used for a full device off. 

what other users think? 

I have tried multiple ways to escalate this but unfortunately I don’t get an answer from Arlo. 

Guru Guru

@jvAU wrote:


nevertheless, I miss the ability to add modes. Or at least a mode called disabled which can be used for a full device off. 

what other users think? 

You couldn't turn devices completely off with a mode before.  The default operation has

  • "arm away" the same as "armed"
  • "standby" the same as "disarmed"

That said, it is very clear that there are several use cases where people need more modes.  I suspect Arlo will have to add custom modes back.


The complication for Arlo is that they have dedicated buttons for the three built in modes in their home security system.  So they have to figure out how custom modes would work for folks with those systems.




The thing is that standby with only one camera is an option for me. 

armed at home is what I use overnight, all perimeter cameras on


My armed away is the same as at home, can’t be overrode by any automation and depending on the camera trigger alarms across, including max volume.


so, a disarm position (and why not as a 4th option on top of the dashboard menu would be nice.

at the end, Arlo could allow users to rename, made active or not a mode in the dashboard. 

Guru Guru

Personally I think they just need to restore the custom mode feature.  If it were up to me, I'd repurpose the home and away buttons on the home security system, so they would operate as a manual form of geofencing (telling the system that you have arrived, or that you are leaving).  But we'll have to see what Arlo does here.


@jvAU wrote:

The thing is that standby with only one camera is an option for me. 

I don't understand what you are trying to say.


Note you can still turn cameras off (as you could before) from the device settings screen for the camera.  Then turn it back on when you want it armed.


@jvAU wrote:


My armed away is the same as at home, can’t be overrode by any automation and depending on the camera trigger alarms across, including max volume.


In general, in the new setup modes are for the entire system, not individual cameras.  In the old "Library" interface, modes were either for all the cameras connected to a hub, or (if the cameras were connected to home wifi), just for one camera.  That was a mess if you had a mix.


There are still some bugs in automations, particularly when you are using them for device control.  Scheduling works when you use the scheduling automations to change modes. 


I have a test automation that makes a manual recording at a set time.  That didn't working when I first set it up, but started working correctly a few days ago.  So automations are still a moving target.





“Stand by with 1 camera configured” I meant that is handy for me to have a mode with only one camera set and keen to have a mode that there are no cameras set with actions, a.k.a disarmed.


Note you can still turn cameras off (as you could before) from the device settings screen for the camera.  Then turn it back on when you want it armed.”


Got it. Seems that this will work for me. I do not have to remove the action from the standby mode and the camera is off!! Thanks for this!


about automations. Yes they are basic and tricky but they are working for me.





The new UI has greatly reduced the flexibility of the product.  Automation, home/away never work on IOS.  Being locked into just 3 modes is obscured and what were you thinking?  I need automations that change mode, turn on and off certain camera at certain times.  The old UI was very flexible yet all that was taken away.  Please rethink the design and give back what was taken away.  these limitations create security risks for users as you must be constantly thinking about what modes or cameras are active. 


Oh I'm sure it will come back. As a subscription feature.  🙄