Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

VMB4kr3 firmware update v1.14.1.0_2909_bfcf6... corrupting operational settings.

Just a heads up with the latest base firmware push by arlo.

All my operational settings have been corrupted that relate to modes, rules and schedules.

Looks like a complete rebuild will be required.

Good luck to all.
153 REPLIES 153

The firmware update has broken homekit also. No cameras responding in homekit or showing up in homekit. Homekit preferences in arlo app also appear in multiple places. Looks like another masterpiece of release management and testing.

Ok, second base station now updated and same outcome. Looks like arlo are bricking them all.

The last update bricked mine and i'm still waiting for a replacement. I'm fairly sure they used the same FW update on the staff as they never respond either.



My base seems ok now. All cameras recording. I did have to re do all customs modes though.

Mine is stuck in a boot loop.

Had arlo working for about 2 years no problem and now it's stopped working. I've tried resetting and it's definitely not the internet. I was wondering if any other people are having issues. The devices aren't that old
Guru Guru

Did this just happen (e.g. today)?

The problem seems to be fixed but all of my cameras are showing one bar less of connectivity.

looks like mine fails to update again, so will have to reboot my base stations again (we really need a reboot option from the arlo gui to reboot base stations and camera's remotely)

None of my 5 cameras will record video they pick u up motion and will go live but will not record. One of my co workers also had this problem is it a problem with Arlo or the server
Arlo Employee Retired

Earlier today between 1:45 AM – 4:45 AM PT some Arlo users noticed that they were missing recordings and notifications.


As of 4:45 AM PT these issues are resolved. All Arlo systems are operational. Rest assured that all of your cloud recordings are safe in your Library and you will continue to get alerts for new activity recorded by your Arlo camera system.


You may always check the status of Arlo systems by visiting: Our team continues to closely monitor our systems to ensure they function as expected.


Thank you,

Arlo Team

Nah it's been like that for about a week now

Same problem many described this morning. I unplugged my base unit for about a minute, plugged it back in. Watched the lights and the unit come up and then it rebooted itself. Came back up and all looks good on my end. I'll report back if I see any issues.




Firmware update borked all my custom modes on all three of my base stations.  Had to re-create 99% of my rules.
And I no longer have the ability to add additional devices to rules.  All I can do now is have one trigger device, one activate device, per rule and that's it.  Cannot add siren to rule, do not have option to activate a camera from another base station.  Can't no longer have it record on two cameras other than the trigger device
When choosing a device to activate for a rule, I used to have a list of combined cameras from all three base stations.  Now I only have available to me the devices sync'd to the camera for the base station where I am creating the rule.  
And I used to be able to go in via the Arlo web portal and change devices for rules, instead of having to delete a rule and create a new one, there was a drop down by the device so I could selet a different device. That feature is gone.


Another fun thing with the firmware update, I lost HALF my signal strength for ALL cameras.  Does not matter how close a camera is to its base station, either.  I have a 4 that are maybe 5 feet away, max, and those all show I lost half my signal strength as well.


I have to use several base stations since signal strength between base station and cameras is pathetic (never used to be that way back in the day when Arlo first came out) so have them in different locations around the house.  Apparently even that isn't good enough any more.


This system is a serious trainwreck.


ALSO - had issues with cams when I was setting up new rules after this bork show... I did simple rules same camera triggering and recording.  After saving rule and going back in to review, it would show the camera set to record had change to a camera from a different base station.  Not matter how I tried to slice or dice, renaming the cam, deleting the mode, setting up a new mode, it kept doing that.  I had to remove the camera from that base station and sync it to a different base station in order to set a proper rule for that cam.  And thing was, it wasn't even a cam where I had EVER used cross triggering or used a device from another base station in its rule..


Did I say trainwreck?  If I did, then I was being kind...


Another screw up! I had my 4 cameras set to record when my security light sensed motion, now 1of my 4 cameras is missing from my rule & I can’t add this camera to my Security Light rule because it does not show up when I try to add device. Every update just brings more troubles.


This issue is not SOLVED, don't mark it as such @JessicaP .  5 PM PST and cameras aren't picking up motion or recording, and signal strength to base station has been cut in half thanks to the Arlo monkey developers latest botched firmware.


Guess I need to DM the Arlo CEO again for anything to get fixed.


My base has been suck on "Getting Status" all day today.  All of my cameras work and I am getting notifications.  The problem is I cannot access my schedules to disable the cameras. 


Called the Tech support and they said that if I removed a camera and add it back, it would solve the problem.  Of course it didn't, so my system is stuck on whatever schedule I had set before it crapped out. 


Next thing I'm going to try is a complete factory reset and start all over again.  Not happy right now.. .. 


Same here my cameras have been down all day, rebooted (2nd base updated fine)base several times from app and computer to try and correct the problem which lead to nothing came home 16hrs later to manual power reboot the base and then it worked I was super pissed at this system today and about had enough as I got almost $2000.00 in both systems.


I don't know who you have taking care of this system but all they do is create more problems and more and more bugs. There should be a way in the program to do a hard power reboot so people can reboot instead of coming home to get it done, this is BS last time it happen to me was the first week of August 650 miles from home and only had 1 base up and running.


Iam sure this reply will get deleted by the mods due to it being negitive towards there product.


Bottom line, get techs and programers in there that know what the hell there doing and fire the others. 


And yes I have the same signal strenght reduction use to have all 3 bars now I have 2 to 1 bar now.

This is another dumpster fire of a firmware. Make noise on social media. I've messaged their CEO. We deserve better.

As a follow-up, a third tech I spoke with told me there was a known issue and check back in a few hours.  I hadn't been able to log in on my PC (it keeps hanging at the log-on screen), but just for fun (?) I tried logging into the web portal on my tablet (requested desktop version) the mode was accessible! Now I can turn off my cameras.  I still can't get to the modes on my Android tablet or phone with the app.  It still is suck on "getting status".  What a cluster!

The thing worked flawlessly for over 2 years and if I didn't have over $600 invested in the system, I'd box it up and ship it back to Netgear and get a different system...

@CoinOps wrote:

My base has been suck on "Getting Status" all day today.  All of my cameras work and I am getting notifications.  The problem is I cannot access my schedules to disable the cameras. 


Called the Tech support and they said that if I removed a camera and add it back, it would solve the problem.  Of course it didn't, so my system is stuck on whatever schedule I had set before it crapped out. 


Next thing I'm going to try is a complete factory reset and start all over again.  Not happy right now.. .. 


A complete disaster. Modes gone, signal strength indicator now nonsense. Some firmware update! Just crippled your users!

Any testing going on before causing your customers so much grief??????

The best part is that this is marked as "Solved". LMAO right. @JamesC @ShayneS are you serious...


We've put up with this crap since May. You should all be fired.

Update: the CEO DM'd me. He says something with an attempted Homekit update is causing this problem and everyone is aware. Even those of us without Homekit are affected.

Sure hope a real fix is released this weekend.

Yup, add me to the list of pissed off customers: my system has been "ok" until today (almost two years now, with only minor glitches), when I lost all ability to see new recordings and receive notifications (presumably following this new firmware update). I know the recordings were in fact taking place, as I just checked the USB flash drive attached to the base station (they are all there, including today's), but they are unavailable from the cloud/app/web portal.  I have tried rebooting/power-cycling everything to no avail.  Then I spent a good hour+ on a chat with Arlo support this evening: they suggested thay I remove one camera from my system (I have four), and re-add it back.  Long story short: over the course of this hour, we were never able to add back my camera onto my account, as it will sync sucessfully, but never appears back in the web portal or phone app.  Great system, right?  I hope I can find some poor sucker to offfload/sell this POS onto,  (hopefully) at a fair price, so I can start over with a "real" wired camera system.

Can change a rule under settings The rule could not be updated (4000).