Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras


I’ve been an Arlo user for many years. Running Pro 2 cameras and a Ultra SmartHub base. I use an iPhone 10 to operate the app and my internet is not the issue. Everything is fully updated to whatever the most recent available updates are. 


Anyways, I disarmed my system today to do yard work. When I tried to rearm the system I noticed nothing appeared on the “Mode” tab of the app. It should allow me to arm or disarm the system. Instead I’m greeted with an empty screen. I went back to the “device” tab and it says all cameras are offline. 


I’ve rebooted, reset, etc. everything multiple times. If it’s a possible trouble shooting method, I’ve done it. Trust me. I’ve done it.  Nothing helped. All I did was waste my entire evening that I should have been spending with my family…thanks Arlo.


I redid my entire system. Set up the SmartHub and all my cameras across my property as if they were new. This worked. The “new” hub appeared in the app and each camera did as well once I synced and named them. The cameras picked up my movement and I have those recordings in my library. I turned off each camera, using the “device” tab, after I set up them up and confirmed it worked. Thinking my issue was solved, I went inside to call it a night. Once inside my home I opened the app and clicked the “mode” tab to arm all devices and was once again greeted with a blank screen…fantastic. 

I went back to the “device” tab and noticed the SmartHub device was no longer appearing on the list below my cameras. When I clicked on a camera it said it was connected to “base station”. This is not what I named my SmartHub. It’s as if app forgot my SmartHub existed in the time it took me to walk inside and made my cameras revert connection to some bogus placeholder hub name. 

Long story short, I’ve wasted hours on this stupid system and gone in a giant circle accomplishing nothing. It would be one thing if my Smarthub randomly crapped out while I was doing yard work and never worked again. But the fact that I redid the entire system, confirmed it worked, then minutes later my Hub magically disappears the moment I’m ready to turn everything on seems very suspicious. Arlo, fix this nonsense immediately. I’ve wasted enough time on this. 

Best answers
  • JamesC
    Community Manager
    Community Manager

    The development team is investigating an issue with VMB4000 and VMB4500 base stations being removed when adjusting device order within Arlo account settings. 


    We apologize for any inconvenience caused and are working on a resolution.


    For additional updates on status, please refer to



  • JamesC
    Community Manager
    Community Manager

    This topic has been escalated to the development team and these reports are currently being investigated. I will provide an update as soon as more information becomes available.



169 REPLIES 169



I got almost verbatim the same support email. It your support person name start with a v.? I like you have had Arlonfor several years with the same set up. I even have a sixth security camera from kuna that is working like a top. The support email was a waste of time.


I do not see my hub as a listed device so maybe I will go through all this. Ugh the hours doing this. 


Did you delete all your arlo cameras then add the hub over and over then do the cameras? Or did you leave the cameras alone and are connect the hub?


I did delete all the cameras. After the 2nd time of re-adding the hub, I was only resyncing one camera and then I waited. As far as reconnecting/re-adding the hub, it would not add/reconnect without resetting it. 


It has been around 6hours after I re-synced a 2nd and 3rd camera. So far, my hub is still there and I am still able to watch live feed.


Good luck.


Ugh, ridiculous that we have to come here and be our own support for the money we pay. The support people we deal with are nowhere close to figuring this out. I got four emails from them, and two didn't even apply to the issue. 

So delete all the cameras and RESET the hub. Re-add the hub until it stays and add the cameras back is this all correct, basically?


Ridiculous indeed!!


If your hub disappeared, delete your cameras. Once deleted, reset your hub. Add the hub back to your Arlo app. Once added, I only resynced one camera for fear of going through all that work to resync all only for it to be blown out again.



I did the factory reset and re-add when I started this issue last week. But like others, it came on for a bit and then dropped again after what I suspect is time as opposed to how many cameras you add. I could be wrong though. I’m going to try again when I get home.


I have read the issues with iOS 16 and the live mode. I am experiencing the same thing. In addition to that, when I select Mode in the Arlo app, it is a blank screen with no options to arm or disarm. I have logged out and in and reset the hub. Another user on iOS on the same system is experiencing the same thing. Is this a known issue? 


YES , same thing happen in my device . I  have already factory reset several times on my base station (VMB4000) in these days .

Once I complete setting with all carmeras , the base station keep disappear about 1 ~2 hours later 


This is an update. Arlo customer service to make sure ports 80, 123, and 443 were open on my router/modem. I contacted my ISP to get instructions on how to do it. It has been done.

According to the TpLink the hub and phone are both connected on the network, but my phone still can't see the hub to connect to it! This is beyond a joke now. It is more than a working day to troubleshoot this issue, an issue not of my causing. Are Arlo going to reimburse me for my time? I'm ready to pull the pin on Arlo, and tell every man and dog I see to have nothing to do with Arlo.

It needs to be fixed now.


Everyone that knyou souch for the feed back. Mtn keep us updated on if your stuff stays on line. Rod please update us once you re do everything if your stuff stays up. I have been really busy and not had a chance to run through everything. I did get this message from Arlo after letting them know they have been of no help sending things that are not the problem or anywhere in the neighborhood for a solution. 



Thank you for your email response and update.


I'm sorry to hear that cameras are not showing in your Arlo account. Please be advised that this is an ongoing issue and currently our engineers are working for the fix. As soon as the issue is resolved, all customers who have been affected by this issue will be informed.


Your patience has been important to us and is highly appreciated.




My phone can't see the hub to add it (extensive troubleshooting done, including port opening as advised by Arlo customer service). Phone and hub (and PC) are connected devices on the network, but neither the Arlo phone app nor my.Arlo on my PC can "see" the hub to connect to it. You of course have to connect the hub before you can connect cameras.


Cameras aren’t live streaming and no modes - so basically useless for over a day what is going on!? All cameras pro 3 pro 4 ultra 


This happened to me on 19 Sept 2022 in the evening HK Time. Added a Pro 2 and a Q and Pro 2 Smarthub then changed device order. Most of my Smarthubs disappeared from the Mode list in an instant. Some remained. Like others in the community, I’m a long-time user and am very familiar with the system and all my cams and Smarthubs (and app) are up to date. I’ve noted from others in the Community that the Pro 2, Pro 2 smart hub and a mixture of Pro 2 and Ultra cams (and their Smarthubs) are involved, but may not be limited to that. Changing the device order is a culprit.


But if Alro’s solution is to resync all Smarthubs and cams after they’ve purportedly fix the software , I AM NOT going to accept it. My cams are in 2 homes, thousands of miles apart. I’m in one and there’s no way I can go to the other home to resync the Smarhubs and cams within the next few months. Arlo to refund me on all equipment in that home? So, I can use the funds to invest on other more reliable systems? And what happens if the other home gets burgled meanwhile?

Guru Guru

@Crmatthew wrote:

In addition to that, when I select Mode in the Arlo app, it is a blank screen with no options to arm or disarm. I have logged out and in and reset the hub. Another user on iOS on the same system is experiencing the same thing. Is this a known issue? 

Others have reported this (also reporting that the base station is disappearing from the device list).  I don't think it is just iOS.

Guru Guru

@Cpcp wrote:

Cameras aren’t live streaming and no modes - so basically useless for over a day what is going on!? All cameras pro 3 pro 4 ultra 

Try turning off 2K/4K livestreaming, and see if that resolves the livestreaming issue.


As far as modes go - are the smarthub(s) still showing up in the device list?  This appears to be related to reordering the cameras on the main screen.  Some have said that re-onboarding the smarthubs and cameras resolves it (but don't re-order the cameras afterwards). 


Scheduling also appears to be broken btw.

Guru Guru

@mtnhrdgr2 wrote:


FYI...below are the questions that I was asked from support last night. While I like technology and play around with technology, I am by no means a tech person. My final comment on answering them was that I had been using the Arlo for several years with the same set-up. It wasnt until the latest update where I started having the major issue that made me open the ticket.

  • What is the make and model of the device you use to access your Arlo account?
  • What are the version of your Arlo Secure app and the browser you use for your Arlo account?
  • Network topology (Modem → Router →Switch → Extender→ devices attached to switch - Arlo device)
  • How many devices are connected to your network aside from Arlo? Both wired and wireless devices.
  • Kindly collect app logs and attach the file to your next response or send the gathered information to and use the case ID as your Subject.

Are you having any problems answering these questions?


@mtnhrdgr2 wrote:

I added my hub and it got "magically removed" three times yesterday, throughout the day.

Several have reported this, and Arlo is investigating.  Some have reported that re-ordering the cameras will cause the issue, so don't do that until it is resolved.

Guru Guru

@Mariposa14 wrote:

All cameras are saying off line 

browser ( or app?  Or both?


As a workaround, I re-added all my devices in the order I want them to appear in. Has worked a treat.


I answered the questions and also gave them a log.


I do think that reordering the cameras is part of the issue.


In my post above when I said I had readded 3 cameras. They worked all day. Then last night I added the rest of my cameras for a total of 10. I reordered them. After I reordered them, the hub disappeared. I was livid.


I then reset and readded the hub again. ReAdded three cameras and reordered them. The hub disappeared again. Did this 2 more times adding 3 different camera combinations (i have three different arlo camera models all using the same hub) then reordered them. Hub disappeared.


One last time. Now thinking it had nothing to do with the camera types but had something to do with reordering them. I went through the reset process again. Readied the hub and all cameras. I did NOT reorder them. I went to bed. Woke up this morning. The hub is still there. All cameras are able to love feed. It is working.


I will leave everything as is, with no reordering all day today and see what happens.



Guru Guru

Having 2 different systems in different locations makes the issue a bit puzzling but first, what are the LEDs on the base showing? Also, have you tried both the app as well as the web client?


Nothing fancy, two different houses, 2 different but same model Arlo systems. LEDs on the base are all green.  I talked to Arlo support, they said I had to start over and add everything. I did that, now I have access again, but every time I select the MODE button, the app crashes, and my S10 Samsung Andriod, says "this app crashed because of a bug, wait for a new release."  What's going on here? I am on 3.6.9.


Wow!! That’s something I didn’t consider. I’ll try that.