Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras


I keep getting this message operation cannot be completed at this time does anyone know what this means

377 REPLIES 377

Arlo Pro and Pro 2 ...   get some videos and some ...  operation could not be completed..


I phone 6...  Ipad?....  


I Cloud 


Sometimes... one works and next one does not..  sometimes 2 ina roll don't work...

Thanks KK619, I think you are on to something. I am experiencing same issue on some video clips and noted that it occurs if video is 13 Sec or less. However your suggested workaround means the recording will be fixed on whatever time I select on the slider. I prefer the option that it records as long as there is activity in case trouble is afoot.
Yes WE ALL want it to record until nothing is detected. BUT ARLO & their so called tech support that has been unable to fix the issue, even when the CEO has been made aware of the problems actually find a way to fix it. If you want reliable security that you paid top dollar for to actually be viewable. Set your video to something besides automatic. Because Arlo HAS created a firmware problem that has caused this issue & silently knows about it but can’t fix it. Even though ANY 3rd rate tech knows that you roll back to a freaking working firmware & start over. Especially since the problem is because of faulty firmware. How many people that paid for the peace of mind of #Arlo security are being ignored????
Even worse how many of us on this forum are paying for cloud storage??? Yeah maybe when they start losing the revenue stream Netgear will take pity on all of us & save the brand. Which currently is falling into a black hole called silence from tech support & management.

So last night I get an email from "Arlo Field Trails <>" asking if I want to participate in a beta test of a new firmware to try and resolve this.  The message is below.  Now, being in the IT industry, I am very skeptical here because of a few things.

1) The alias of your mail account and the subject is wrong.  It's supposed to be"Trials" not "Trails."  Who would let that ride?  Red flag #1.
2) is a legit site for testing of this kind but why do you need to know my birthday (required to register)?  Red flag #2.


From: Arlo Field Trails <>
Sent: Monday, July 1, 2019 8:07 PM
To: <sent to me>
Subject: Arlo Field Trails Firmware to Resolve ‘Operation cannot be completed at this time’ on Pro2 Experimen


I've been given your name as someone experiencing the issue where clips from your Pro2 camera intermittently cannot play on iOS.  ( ‘Operation cannot be completed at this time’ on Pro2) We have an experimental Arlo Pro2 Camera firmware we would like to test to confirm the issue is addressed.  Please sign up for field trials and expect to have this firmware ready to test tomorrow, 

Please let me know if you have any questions

Arlo Field Trials Team



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Oh dear tarpleyg
I agreed and completed the required details.....
lm not in the IT I in trouble 🤷🏼‍♂️

Most likely not.  Like I said, the CenterCode site is legit but it just strikes me as odd that the email had misspellings and that they need to know your birthday.


Here is another example of poor management on the part of Arlo. First, they should know that security and credibility go hand in hand. When they put out a communication, it should be worded carefully and properly. And like using "Got It" - non-standard language in a common dialogue - it invites speculation and concern that either they don't know what they're doing, or they've been hacked. That this thread has uncovered far more data than Arlo has, or have shared, in the intervening time, is clearly of great concern to customers. They really need to get moving on this.


I only get this message on I would say maybe 20-30% of my videos and it seams to happen in groups of 4 or 5.

On the computer I get "This video is not able  play in your browser. Please download to view." When I download it basically says it can't read the file.  I am unable to download on the mobile devices Error "The operation couldn't be completed. (Cocoa error -1)"

I've only noticed it on one camera but that camera gets 80% of my videos.

Battery had been recharged.


I have 27 cameras across 3 locations.


Subscription cost: $1,038/year whichn includes Smart and 3 CVRs

Hardware cost: about $10,000 which includs buying about 10 replacement cameras as they crap out here and there and warranty isn't worth the time to sit on the phone constantly, email stuff, ship it out, etc. Cheaper to buy a new camera.


I have been patient over a few years with the flakyness of Arlo and their lack of customer care. I can name countless problems that I have had with them, yet, like a dog returning to it's vomit, I continue and even recommend Arlo to others who need a "cheap" security system.


The latest fiasco with recordings crapping out "Operation cannot be completed at  ..." and not playable is likely the last straw. I pay way to much for this. Here is a proof of what I pay.




Community Manager
Community Manager



Thank you for your post regarding the email you received from the Arlo Field Trials Team. We understand your concerns and sincerely apologize for sending that email as it was sent in error. We would like to assure you and others in this discussion thread that the email was in fact sent from Arlo’s team who are responsible for our Beta Testing Program.


Thank you again for bringing this to our attention. If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding the email you received, please send an email to and our team will follow up with you directly.


Thank you,

Arlo Team

I’ll volunteer & sent a reply. Yes I’m an engineer & experienced beta tester who is a premium paying customer. The fact that Arlo has ignored the problems this long is ridiculous.
Community Manager
Community Manager

We are aware that some iOS users are receiving the message, “Operation cannot be completed at this time,” when attempting to play back video clips in their library. Our team is actively investigating this and will provide an update as soon as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience.


Thank you,
Arlo Team


@JamesC , what are you saying? why only  "some iOS users are receiving Operation cannot be completed at this time,” 


What you mean is that only certain people are affected while others are not.

How could it happen, because we all using the same IOS.

That's why I don't like the "automatic firmware upgrades" feature,

because Arlo is controlling individual system, they can do whatever they want for each individual unit. 


That's why I don't trust the firmware version number, since we can't see the content of the firmware, 

This allows Arlo to invalidate your security system with the same firmware number without you knowing it.  





That’s code for Arlo can’t admit that there expensive security cameras don’t work unless you have LIMITED the video to 20 -30 secs which opens up the possibilities of missing vital info to a incident!!! They have no idea how to fix it and will never admit it ever. Hence why their own employees from tech support actually tell you to buy a android device. I’m sorry I paid for a security system that is more expensive then most on the market that doesn’t work with my almost top of the line iPhone XR which I am not about to get a Android device to solve problems caused by #Arlo. Who has finally very very very quietly started acknowledging. But only to say buy Android & be patient..... Good thing this is not life or death.... Oh wait that’s exactly what we are doing by trying to protect our homes.
It has nothing to do with iOS devices, it is only iOS device users who are getting the error that prevents the recording from playing.
The cloud recordings are faulty at uploading time to the server and playback is impacting iOS, web portal app and android devices as they are missing the audio.
Arlo has been well aware of the issue since it started as their server has been silently deleting these faulty recordings from your cloud library, hence the random missing recordings everyone’s seeing.
Arlo can’t be helped.
Oh wow that’s even worse then for all users!!
Oh wow that’s even worse then for all users!! I had no idea
I changed my video record settings from variable length based on detection. To the max fixed length of 120 seconds. No more errors. Now I just have extra long videos of nothing but at least I am capturing what I need. I use an iPhone 8 plus an iPad and chrome on my desktop to view videos. All working fine with fixed video length.
Keep getting this message when I try to download a video. “ The operation couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error -1.)“

I have searched this forum and found an apparent solution of allowing permissions for the app. I can’t seem to find where to do that. I’m trying to download on my iPhone XR.

Please advise
Is the error occurring on all your recordings or just some?
This is happening on ALL recordings. I have tried deleting the app and reinstall same problem
Just purchased from Costco the pro 2 system and am having the same problem with increased frequency. What a bummer, I’m thinking about returning the whole thing for a refund. But my question is how did you change sound settings?



I did initially look at that thread, but it didn't help. Any other suggestions?