Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras


I keep getting this message operation cannot be completed at this time does anyone know what this means

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It’s only doing it on the Arlo Q. This issue started for me I believe after the last Arlo update. I have always had the sound turned off. I also can’t add my other Arlo Q camera back to the app? Sincerely, irritated and frustrated!!!

To the community experiencing this problem:
I finally called back Arlo Customer Service (408-638-3750) after my initial call to them on 5/30. I was given a case # at that time but never received any follow-up. The offshore rep (dare I say "India"?) again confirmed that this was a known issue and that "the engineering team was working on it," but they did not have a fix yet. At one point she said it would be "fixed soon." (I've been experiencing the issue for more than a month.) She even gave me an issue #: 10591. Then she proceeded to ask me to uninstall and reinstall the app--to what ends, especially after what she just acknowledged? I declined and asked to speak to her supervisor. I was put on hold numerous times and each time she came back and said the supervisor was on the phone. Finally she asked me for my phone # to receive a callback from a supervisor. She of course couldn't say when that would be, or the name of the person who would call me back. It's been nearly two hours now, and—what a shock!—no callback.


I am now searching for a way to contact Arlo's CEO, Matthew McRae. The rep would not provide it (but she told me I could find it on Google!!). I'm writing an email to investor relations ( asking it to be forwarded on, but I don't expect much. This is infuriating.


BTW, on my initial call I was provided an email address for customer service but have not tried it: Seems too easy? But others may want to give it a shot. 

Thank you for all your hard work!
I use the Arlo app on my iPhone. Been using it without any issues for the past year and a half. About a month ago, I started getting the message “this operation cannot be completed” when trying to view the videos in the library. I’ve tried deleting the app and reinstalling, but it still shows the same message. Tried opening it on my laptop on the web and it wouldn’t play the videos either.
I have been have the same problems for about a month but with my Arlo Q
This is still an issue for most of us. iPhone XR app, reinstalls etc The only thing that has “fixed it “ was moving videos to be 30 seconds long. Least it’s something until Arlo rolls us back to a working firmware or hires someone that can fix it. Hopefully before everyone who has paid for premium cameras that used to work great start having to look at alternatives.
This is still an issue for most of us. iPhone XR app, reinstalls etc The only thing that has “fixed it “ was moving videos to be 30 seconds long. Least video until Arlo rolls us back to a working firmware or hires someone that can fix it. Hopefully before everyone who has paid for premium cameras that used to work great start having to look at alternatives.

I suggest people write to Megan Wollerton who reviews this kind of stuff on CNET.  Maybe a trashy CNET review of how poorly customers have been treated would spur on some action at Arlo.

Thank you so much for the Information!
A lot of people are having this problem! According to another post regarding this issue . Arlo is very aware of the problem but choosing to do nothing to solve it! I have the Arlo Q, but it seems its happening on other devices as well! I believe there are over 255 that have posted with the issue! Arlo you need to keep ignoring us and fix the issue!
Per a previous post from “anics2019” with a CNET link, I have emailed Megan Wollerton of CNET regarding this ongoing issue. I urge everyone to do the same. Let’s give Arlo the incentive they seem to lack to resolve this issue. I have already posted a negative review on the Arlo app. This lack of responsiveness and communication from Arlo is completely unacceptable!

It looks like a new FW was released on Jun 18th with a security fix and a 240p fix. I so far have not had any operation not completed errors the last several days. Maybe these changes are helping?

It would be nice if things were settling for me, I get them daily, usually just before the base goes offline.
I know this was an issue before the last two firmware updates and it is a cloud server based issue as it has been reported to occur on stand alone arlo cameras.

I was hopeful that the firmware update would solve the problem, but it has not. I now get the error message more often than before on both wired & battery powered cameras.


I have been experiencing the same issues as everyone else with downloading videos to my iphone, ipad, and hp desktop computer for the better portion of the past two months. I have multiple Arlo Pro cameras (version H8) with the current firmware and they are all providing the same sporadic download error. From the desktop site I am able to download the videos, but the audio is missing (except for a brief static noise at the start of the video) as others have referenced. From the app, I will receive the "Operation cannot be completed at this time" error randomly when I go to view alerts in the library. I had the system for nearly two years without experiencing this issue. I have gone through all of the referenced troubleshooting steps from the community and Arlo literature to include deleting and reinstalling the app without any change in the problem. Arlo, please address this issue.  

I have been having the same issue but I have that Arlo Q and the Netgear base station. It seems like it’s been happening forever and becoming much more frequent. I read another post that said Arlo is very aware of this issue but choosing not to do anything about it! I am so disappointed!!!!
I’m not sure if you saw one of the previous posts from ChadofCNC. As a temporary solution, he recommended setting the record time to 30 seconds. I switched all my cameras to record for 30 seconds and I haven’t had the error code show up since. (Knock on wood)
I don’t see anywhere that I can do that in the app? Maybe it’s because I have the original Arlo and a Arlo Q?
I switched mine under the mode function in the app. In the armed mode there should be an icon to the far right. You can change the recording options there.

@Hhhelly wrote:
I switched mine under the mode function in the app. In the armed mode there should be an icon to the far right. You can change the recording options there.

Right.  It's not very intuitive (just like not fixing your bugs that affect all your customers).  I guess Arlo as a company is counterintuitive.


Mode -> on your device choose "Armed" -> "Armed" choose the pencil -> If motion on camera X -> Record Video -> choose "Record for a fixed length of time" and pick a time like 30s which people say works.




Thank you for the heads up on the workaround with the recording video length. I just finished adjusting my cameras in the app (definitely was not intuitive so thank you for the instructions). I know it will reduce the battery life, but at least we will have access to all alerts again until Arlo resolves this issue. I will continue to check back for Arlo's response to this system error. Thank you again! 


I’m having the same issue.  Any solutions?


I have chatted with support. There is no known fix for this issue. The product does not play back video on Mac or iPhone (or other iOS). There is no workaround. Other than to by an Android phone, or a non-Mac computer. Which I wouldn't really call a work around. So in essence, the product is completely broken on Mac and iOS. As a consumer home security product, it is in essence totally worthless until they find a real fix. I suggest you speak up - to Arlo, to the store where you purchased it (we bought ours at CostCo), and to whoever else will listen because this is not a routine issue. It is Huge.

I write for myself. I hadn't this issue over the past month. Since a few updates of the app before a month and one update on the base station I have no issues and all cams and recording works correctly. On the iPhone 7, iOS 12.3.1, arlo app version 2.7.10(91). Base station firmware I have set the recorded video length to -until activity stops- .
I was running clean for about a week and it repeated the error again 2 days ago. Video has noise spike you can hear on chrome but gives not completed errors on Safari and IOS. Arlo needs to fix the noise spiking problem when cloud recording. When there is no noise spike there is no error. Arlo created this error when they released an update back in May. Stop blaming Apple as the audio playback on Chrome is an issue too, it just doesn’t the create the same error but the audio is no good.