Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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Hi all, first time on this forum and did a search and tried everything I found. 

I have 2 Arlo Pro 2 Cameras. Since Arlo did there software update a few weeks ago, Ive been having issues with cameras. First they were both able to view Live feed video but only one would record to the library when motion was detected and the other didn't. I was able to get the cameras today and disconnected everything and reconnected both. After several times doing this I finally got the cameras to both record motion and save to library but can't get live feed on either! All I get on both cares from my phone (iPhone 12 Pro Max) is a continuos spinning circle! Can anyone help out here Im literally stumped. I refuse to pay for a subscription for technical help...I think thats insane when everything was working great before there update.


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  • ShayneS
    Arlo Moderator
    Arlo Moderator

    HI @NYR99JF


    The Arlo development team is now currently investigating this issue. I will provide an update as soon as we have more information to share with the community. 


Hi , both laptops are A9 AMD one two years old the other 3 years .  Live play was working perfectly on both upto roughly 4 -5 weeks ago . I have Edge and have paid for the extension but no joy , same on Opera , Firefox and Chrome .  I was sent advice to use Safari by Arlo tech and a chart showing no browser but Safari supports Live feed in either 4k or 2k  but you can no longer use it with Windows machines which both are (W10 ) .  Seem odd to me that it both work then suddenly not ( on both my phones works fine) .  I borrowed a Chromebook and it still works on that ....not sure if that helps but proves its not my Arlo system its some in the atmos .  Just to back track a little it shows "timed out " when trying to connect live feed .  Although I paid for the Edge extension I dont actually know if its doing anything but it certainly hasnt helped .  Arlo said live feedback is HEVC so they need to change it as I cant be alone with this ?   I have seen many people on here having problems playing the Library which seems like a similar problem but mine works fine .


Forgot to say I tried the HEVC Test files suggested and can see and hear both on Edge but not Arlo Live feed .   


Guru Guru

@Barney999 wrote:

Forgot to say I tried the HEVC Test files suggested and can see and hear both on Edge but not Arlo Live feed .   


Can you see/hear the recordings in the library?


Yes library works sound and vision ........everything works except livefeed and only on my two laptops . It did work but suddenly stopped on both . Everything works on my two phones and a Chromebook I borrowed to test .

Guru Guru

@Barney999 wrote:

Yes library works sound and vision ........everything works except livefeed and only on my two laptops . It did work but suddenly stopped on both . Everything works on my two phones and a Chromebook I borrowed to test .

It's definitely not about HEVC - if it were, you wouldn't be able to play the 4K library videos, or see the test file in the link above.


Do you have internet security software running on the laptops (Kaspersky, Avast, Norton, etc)?


Yes Norton , I had that thought a while ago and so I have disabled it to test and it makes no difference . 


Actually I normally use Opera on which I only have sound on the first test but can replay the library video on it perfectly although it doesnt look 4k but I guess it must be ?.  I just posted a longer answer to you so please look at that too . 


Guru Guru

@Barney999 wrote:

Actually I normally use Opera on which I only have sound on the first test but can replay the library video on it perfectly although it doesnt look 4k but I guess it must be ?.  I just posted a longer answer to you so please look at that too . 


If you only hear sound on the test link I posted, but see the library video, then the library video isn't 4K.  AFAIK, the only Win10 browser you can get 2K or 4K playback for is Edge (and as I noted, that requires HEVC acceleration in the hardware and usually the purchase of the HEVC windows extension).


You can see the resolution by downloading the library file, and right-clicking.  Then look at "details".  




You can also go in with the mobile app, and configure live streaming to be 1080p.  Then see if that works differently in the PC browser.  Note that setting is only shown in the app, not in the web browser (which is annoying).


Ok have been into phone app and changed to 4k and it shows as 4k on phone live feed now . However have retest cam and recorded to library (no problem seeing it in Opera and Edge ) downloaded it and looked at properties Frame width 1920  frame rate 15.08  so still not 4k (sorry cant paste it in) It is dark outside now does that affect this ?   

FYI I have the HEVC app on Edge all values same as above though .  Also just to clarify on Edge the two test vids are present video and sound , in Opera top one is sound only bottom one has sound and vision as expected . However results for ARLO is same in both ie all works except live feed .  

Hope that helps the more tech of you work out my problem better .  Thank you .



Guru Guru

@Barney999 wrote:


FYI I have the HEVC app on Edge all values same as above though .  Also just to clarify on Edge the two test vids are present video and sound , in Opera top one is sound only bottom one has sound and vision as expected . However results for ARLO is same in both ie all works except live feed .  


The library will play back in any browser, because the recordings are 1080p.  So one question is why that is. If you have auto zoom and track set in the video settings, then you will end up with 1080p recordings.  So take a look there.


Live feed is a different problem, since it doesn't play back in either browser (and wasn't playing back with 4K livestreaming disabled).  I don't know what's going on there - internet security software getting in the way was one thought, but you've apparently already tried disabling that.  Are there any browser extensions ("safe browsing" for example) that might also be enabled?  It might be useful to turn 4K livestreaming off while you diagnose this, since it takes HEVC 4K out of the equation.


I am still having the same issues for well over a month now! No Live feed on my phone or laptop. No matter what I do I can't get a Live Feed. Its been with the tech team for a month now and still no fix yet. I never head any of these issues before I noticed my cameras doing a firmware or software update(I don't remember which it was) from Arlo. Ever since that update Ive had nothing but problems. I can view stuff that was recorded but just can't view a live feed...just says connecting with the spinning thing and it doesn't stop. This is ridiculous all this money spent on cameras that we can't use to there potential when again everything was working just fine about a month and a half or so ago. I spoke highly of the Arlo cameras and recommended them to many people but I hope they can figure something out soon or I have to say I wont be purchasing anymore Arlo products.




No zoom/tracking on , no browswer extensions that are stopping it either in fact I have changed nothing . I do remember getting a flashed up message a couple of times that my contract had ended however I thought that was a glitch as I an on the Premier tarrif as it confirms in my details . I am of the opinion that Arlo has buggered it up as having trawled the forum I have found people all over the world on different threads who are equally pissed off about this problem and very similar ones too . Since I have been having correspondance with an Arlo tech chap it has taken a month to gain less info than I have on here in 4 days . Posts are regularly closed but not resolved as Arlo is suspiciously quiet and appear not to either know what happened or as it feels dont care .  When I was sold this kit and extra cams the merch assured me that livefeed , library etc would be 4k . As it turns out some of it maybe at £156 per year which is bad enough and against consumer law but to now have no back up for problems directly from them is a bloody joke and each answer I give them takes 3 days for a reply that is no help has now wasted over a month and not solved it . Thank you those of you who are trying to help with this and if you have anymore thoughts please let me know .  Arlo if your listening get some proper tech people on your team and sort this f+@king mess out that clearly you have caused in an effort to sell overpriced tariffs . BTW it would be far better if recordings were 4k as thats what you show to the Police , livefeed doesnt need to be so the top tariff is back to front even if it did work .  Sorry about the tone but you have caused it .

Guru Guru

@Barney999 wrote:

Sorry about the tone but you have caused it .

This is a customer forum, and I don't work for Arlo. I am not the cause of any of the problems you are encountering.


If you want to contact Arlo support, you can start with a chat session here:  Or access support from the app.


Yes I know and thats why I also thanked those who have tried to help me and many others with this problem forgetting I was replying directly to you Steven . At 3-4 in the morning I am not at my best so appologies if your offended  .  But I also know Arlo do look at this forum occationally and having had a useless live chat nearly 2 months ago and 6 weeks of backward and forwards with a ARLO tech chap plus trawling this forum buying thing testing things blah blah downloading paying for and testing the app for Edge  I am starting to lose it with Arlo . I have just had another update from them this morning which says "since no browser supports HEVC you wont be able to live stream on any PC or Laptop . "   I wont be leaving it there as their sales blurb clearly says you can so I guess will we see how they get on with consumer law next .  Funny how when it stopped working it was at the same time the new tariffs came in some 8 months after Adobe went isnt it ?   BTW as before if you come up with a way around this please let me and the others know . 


Just before Christmas unbelievably I was contacted and told to download Safari again !  I replied saying Safari is only for Mac users as it hasnt been updated since 2012 and is full of security problems and guess what NO REPLY AT ALL !   Well done Arlo , if you are reading this perhaps you should rearrange your backside and elbow  and get your system sorted out , What a shame it used to be good .


This has been going on for matter what I do or try to do I can't get Live Feed anymore! This is completely unacceptable! These cameras were working great just a few months ago before Arlos update and now no one can figure anything out! I have been dealing with Shayne who has been great in trying to solve the issue with the tech department but they can't seem to fix the problem that Arlo created! Argo should do the right thing and replace these cameras if they can figure out how to fix them! I spent good money on these cameras thinking they were one of the best out there. If nothing gets done soon I am replacing my cameras with another brand and this will be the last Arlo product I buy! Come on Arlo, make things right!

Can I ask if the cameras record to the cloud ok when motion is detected. I.e. do you have recordings in the library and do these play ok on the iOS arlo App as well as in a pc browser?

Hi Danny ,  yes records to cloud ok it misses the odd motion such as it got me going out yesterday but not coming back but this is only happens occasionally . Library works fine and plays ok although recordings are a bit short sometimes  if I was being picky . Plays ok on my 2 phones just on browsers is the problem and only with live feed , library is fine  .  I borrowed a Chromebook and it works ok on that so the advice from Arlo is clearly wrong which seems to be use Safari which is now only for Mac users due to the security problems caused by no updates since 2012 .  

Guru Guru

@Barney999 wrote:

Plays ok on my 2 phones just on browsers is the problem and only with live feed , library is fine  . 

FWIW, I have the same issue with one of my laptops, but a different laptop works ok (no Safari involved). The one that fails is a work laptop, so I don't have control over all the security settings.  


If I figure something out, I'll post back.


Mine records to the cloud and goes into library but i can not view LIVE FEED at all on any device. I am using a macbook and a iPhone and can not view live feed on either. I can view recordings on both but not live feed. This has been going on for a few months now and I am getting no where with tech support. Whatever Arlo did with there update a few months ago screwed up everything. Before that everything was working perfect and I swore these were the best cameras ever, now not so much!


Agreed mine worked just fine until a couple of months or so ago so clearly nothing to do with Adobe etc and actually happened when Arlo messed with the tariffs .  

Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator



If possible can you try to remove the Base station from the account, factory reset and re-onboard, and re-sync the cameras.


Shane , It works fine on my phones and a Chromebook  I borrowed to test but not on my two lap tops .  I have been through all of this twice before with Arlo tech team to no avail and now have a second smart hub (one 5000 and now a 4540 as well so two cams per hub still no difference though .  I have been advised by Arlo 3 times to use Safari as my browser as it is the only one that supports the live feed but it is only for mac users now as it hasn't been updated since 2012 and is riddled with security problems . This info gives the impression that the Adobe withdrawal is the problem which cant be so as it was working fine in Sept and Adobe went in January ....

Guru Guru

@Barney999 wrote:

I have been advised by Arlo 3 times to use Safari as my browser as it is the only one that supports the live feed 

I don't know who in Arlo is telling you that, but it is incorrect information.  Live Feed also works in Firefox, Chrome, and Edge.


Shane and Steve , thank you for your replies .  I am wondering what is the process for a factory reset as I am not sure I have been advised properly of that so may not have completed it correctly ?  I am willing to give it a go as I really want live feed on my laptops .  Can I just do my 5000 hub or will I need to do the 4540 as well as I only got it just before Christmas and it did its updates etc then  ?   Do both of you have live feed on laptops (W10)  . I find it odd that the Chromebook I borrowed worked with no problems at all so I am thinking its not the Hub and Cams causing this or is it ? ........your thoughts please chaps .

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