Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Mute Notifications - now available, but not useful for for many systems.

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Someone recently noticed there is now a “Mute Notifications” setting in the Arlo App.  I looked in 2.7.10 and I found it.


Sadly it is at the application level, so muting would happen for all devices at all locations being monitored by the app rather than at the device level.  Also, since the muting appears to be at the notification level for all devices, I assume the cameras are still armed, recording and using battery.  One of the major factors people cited was to avoid wasting battery and avoid unnecessary recording.


I don’t think anyone requested turning off notifications for the entire app which could be monitoring not only many cameras, but several different physical locations which could be many miles always.  So while I might wish to mute notifications for my Back Yard Camera at my home, it appears, I would also mute notifications for the 38 other cameras at my home, my vacation homes, my elderly father-in-law’s home and the two cameras at my son’s home to which he as granted me access.


Perhaps there is a use for this, (though I can’t think of one off the top of my head), but it would never serve the purpose I desired....and I suspect it won’t serve the purpose most customers desired. ...To snooze (stop recording) “one or more” devices while there is known activity at those devices...and leaving the rest of the system active.









I do subscribe to a premium plan “Arlo Smart Elite”.

I see how this would benefit a user if say you had activity your happy to ignore such as a groundskeeper mowing the lawn.
As you pointed out it seems to be a implementation drawback to impact all systems on an account rather than individual.

Sounds like arlo is now charging for implementation of new features as I don’t have the option on my basic account so guess that is their future revenue stream.

Nothing is for free I guess, even for a basic working system.

Thanks for the heads up.
Arlo Employee Retired

A few of you sharp-eyed Arlo users may have spotted the soon-to-be launched “mute notifications” feature. Our team is excited at your enthusiasm for this new feature! It is still in development and we look forward to its forthcoming release so stay tuned.


In the meantime, the Arlo Idea Exchange is always open for your suggestions on additional features you would like our team to explore!


Thank you,


Arlo Team

Arlo Employee Retired

We have launched a new feature called Mute Notifications on Android (version 2.7.12) and iOS (version 2.7.12). Make sure to update to the latest Arlo app on your Android/iOS device. Feel free to read more about it here:


They failed in the implementation of this as of now. Users made it clear that a per camera control on the main Devices menu needed to be added for proper user control of specific zones needing muting. A general mute isn't going to cut it. Are they still working on the request to get it to what we are asking for or is this it? I hope to get an answer within 5 days that tells me the proper control will be released soon or my set is going back to Costco.


Newbie, and having scanned read the Thread (8 pages) in Ideas sub-forum, it seems true to me:
1) It took a few years for Arlo to do anything.
2) The implementation regarding Snooze notifications missed what community asked for as fairly basic functionality as it allows for no flexibility at all, and thus is a club with no nuance at all.
3) I believe that many others in the same thread wanted the related functionality of Snoozing video recording and that that be at a per camera level AND optionally for all cameras. This aspect was totally ignored.

In fact the first post on page 1 of the thread asks to be notified if cameras had been in Disarmed mode for a period of time, and the implementation actually has nothing at all to do with that!! Not sure whether @skingspan provided the Subject line for their post as the body of the post is about something quite different. Unlikely, but it'd be nice if the community could give Arlo a grade on their implementation of a feature as a quick way to provide overall feedback, and then comments about what is great and what is terrible about the implementation.

Disarmed Notification for a certain amount of time

I would love an option where arlo would remind me when my cameras are disarmed for a certain amount of time.  I often disarm my cameras when I am out shoveling the drive way or mowing the lawn.  I often forget to re-arm the cameras when I am done and miss recording activity.  It would be great to have an option to have arlo send me a notification if my camera has been disarmed for more than X hours.


Exactly!  The Mute Notifications feature is useful, but not what I was looking for.  I want the options to Disarm my system for a certain amount of time, and Turn Off an individual camera for a certain amount of time.  This would be a fantastic improvement!

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