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There are no recordings in my lib rary anymore. Camera profiles show there are recordings but the library has no recordings.
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I have this issue as well.
They told me that if the weather is hot, there will be false notification as well.
Based on my testing, not only false notification but also there is delay on recording when the camera start detected movement.
I believe the delay is from 5 to 30 seconds.
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I also have issues with the recordings which I'm sure are connected to this delay issue.
I have a bunch of videos where someone came to my door and all I see is them walking away. I have a video of a UPS guy who dropped off a package and I can see him walking to back to his truck. but what you don't see is him getting out of his truck and going to my door. I have another video where there's a cat in my front yard that just magically appears in the middle of the yard.
I came here to this forum to see if anybody had a suggestion on how to fix this issue but apparently there is no fix so I guess I'm going to get my ladder out and uninstall these things and take them back to Costco. What a waste of time.
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Does anyone else have this problem?
This is becoming truly annoying. My library, smart notifications and devices dashboard will show thumbnail of whatever triggered the camera (well, usually, but not always) - however when I play the video there's no sign of the trigger. The trigger is long gone by the time the recording starts.
Where it becomes truly annoying is when these thumbnails show NO trigger at all. Had that happen this morning on cameras which are all in the same area. Cameras kept triggering repeatedly but there was NOTHING in videos or thumbnails... could hear something moving away but whatever it was, it was long gone by the time the video started recording.
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The suggestions to almost any Arlo camera problem seems to be to resync/rest. This speaks for a very unreliable product. I believe this is a function of the base station-camera design. I've never had to do ANYthing to my Nest cameras after I installed them. On the other hand, I've had a number of odd problems with my Arlos when I have attempted to use them without being wired. Again, the advice has always been to resync/reset. A pain if you are using the camera as advertised -- wire free.
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Yes, as I am sure you can see by now, it is continuing problem that originated for us with the infamous May firmware update and has never been properly addressed.
This along with videos that freeze during playback and have a terrible lag before recording are the bane of our existance.
BTW, it seems as if we are getting far fewer alerts for topics we are following.
Don't know why, but by this time we are suspicious.
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Reset/resync has NEVER solved ONE SINGLE ISSUE that I have had with Arlo across the years.
Arlo is a POS.
Again today, thumbnails show trigger, videos do not show anything.
All I know is that this person/vehicle triggered the cameras but have no idea what occurred because by the time the video starts to record these triggers are long gone...
It sounds like FALSE ADVERTISING for Arlo to describe itself as a security system. It is anything BUT. My dogs are far more reliable - and I can discern the difference between their vocalizations for vehicle, person or animal.
And can someone EXPLAIN why my original thread about the THUMBNAILS showing the trigger and the VIDEOS NOT get moved to a thread on LIVE STREAMS? My issue has NOTHING to do with live streams.
Par for the course with Arlo - lack of concern or understanding, and all the way from top to bottom...
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I've recently started seeing the same thing on two of my four cameras, notifications but no cloud recordings. One camera AC powered, the other battery only. Missing cloud recordings are present on local storage.
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I've recently started seeing the same thing on two of my four cameras, notifications but no cloud recordings. One camera AC powered, the other battery only. Missing cloud recordings are present on local storage.
That is VERY interesting news.
The fact that the AC camera apparently has motion capture issues suggests that it is not the fact that our battery operated cameras are taking too long to wake from sleep (to save battery charge) but rather what we all have been complaining about forever as bad firmware.
As one of the many frustrated owners paying $100.00 a year for ten cameras, a mix of basic Arlos and Arlo Pros that day after day seem to record nothing but blank videos even when people and vehicles appear in the thumbnails, we are merely waiting for another vendor such as Blink or Eufy to step up and take us away.
Please keep us informed.
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Happened again twice this evening, but didn't even get notifications this time. Two recordings on local storage, nothing in the cloud. On a powered Pro 2 camera. Base is on a timer to power cycle every six hours (to reduce the Pro 2 video freezing issue).
So now I have:
- Video freezes/pixelation/truncated recordings on the AC powered Pro 2,
- This issue of random missing cloud recordings on both powered and battery Pro cameras, powered Pro 2,
- Filter function on the latest Android app no longer works.
This really is unacceptable - all seem to be due to poor/buggy programming on Arlo's part.
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What surprises me is the number of people here complaining about a legitimate problem, yet Arlo is nowhere to be found to respond or provide insight.
I have spent many sessions with Arlo support to troubleshoot their product issues. Bottom line: the platform is not reliable. I (and many others) keep waiting for the "fix", which never comes.
Arlo, why can't you simply inform us that 'you are missing some videos because of the following problem...", followed by a "and we know how to fix the problem". Instead, we get nothing.
There are almost 400 replies on this post alone...it deserves a little customer attention.
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What surprises me is the number of people here complaining about a legitimate problem, yet Arlo is nowhere to be found to respond or provide insight.
I have spent many sessions with Arlo support to troubleshoot their product issues. Bottom line: the platform is not reliable. I (and many others) keep waiting for the "fix", which never comes.
Arlo, why can't you simply inform us that 'you are missing some videos because of the following problem...", followed by a "and we know how to fix the problem". Instead, we get nothing.
There are almost 400 replies on this post alone...it deserves a little customer attention.
Norm, we among most of the folks here feel for you.
In a nutshell, notifications don't work, motion detection doesn't work, and now during a sudden crisis here at home, we find that if you try to use live video Arlo will bump you off about every ten minutes with a 'Timed Out message. If you persist, you then get bump off with a 'device off line' message. If you really persist, you eventually get a 'base station' off line message.
The first two messages you can defeat just by refreshing your browser. The last one you can only defeat by closing your browser and reopening.
So yesteday, we spent a frustrating day constantly resetting our cameras.
Let's see, more than a thousand dollars in equipment and a hundred a year supposedly to have premier functions----for what?
Just like Netgear, their parent company, with their crappy limited support and constantly buggy firmware.
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As a follow up to my previous, as a last ditch attempt to try to troubleshoot this maddening continuous live stream timing out issue, I deleted several cameras (both basic arlos and arlo pros) and then added them back.
As no good deed goes unpunished, as I added them back we began to experience a weird issue where the guest accounts accessing Arlo through Android would appear one step behind. That is, a camera added and renamed appeared on these android logins as the previous step showing just the camera serial number.
Then, out of pure desperation, I called customer support and after several tries and getting India each time and being unable to understand a word the rep was saying, I finally hit a female Indian rep that at least I could marginally understand. After explaining the issue several times and then being put on hold for five full minutes twice, the woman demanded that I send her a screen shot of the camera showing the serial number.
Why, I innocently asked? She told me that it was critical to being able to identify the issue.
Now, I don't pretend to to be the brightest bulb in the pack, but I can tell stalling BS when I hear it.
Anyway, after hanging up I decided to just go ahead and rename the camera in the guest account to match what I had done during setup and-----magically the issue cleared up after that.
The sorry end to the episode was that I'm still getting random live stream time outs along with outright refusals to connect live often for a half hour or more and to add insult to injury, another of my basic arlos ate a full set of brand new batteries overnight.
The Netgear\Arlo mantra: See no evil, hear no evil, speak nothing but evil.
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Similar issues. Similar recommendations in the past. Arlo support is terrible and their software is worse.
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Flashback once again... I figured must be the same Engineers still working in this company? Wanna' talk about bug fix? Get rid of your Buggy Engineers..
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I deleted videos and now none are being recorded. Help please
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Sorry -- I'm no expert (and neither, apparently, are those who staff Arlo's technical support). Still, you might want to reach out to them.
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My cameras work flawlessly for some time and then for no reason stop recording...like at 7:00 last night.
Or one camera gets something from one angle but the other 2 don't get the same thing wth?.
Anyone out there know a way to bei bring this issue out to the forefront publicly where Arlo is made to address / acknowledge the issue to save face? 🤷♀️
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If the May 2019 firmware disaster is any indication, we may see some relief around Labor Day (here in US that's the beginning of September).
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@Csanchez9584 wrote:
How do you remove activity zones? Im having this problem now wiith my system
Try the web browser (https://my.arlo.com ), as it is a bit simpler.
Swiping left on the image in the camera settings should do it on the app.
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