Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Many Faults Arlo Pro 2 system with app

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So 4 months ago I bought an Arlo pro 2 setup. I have 4 camera's setup outside with a constant power source and motion detection enabled. My system runs on a schedule where between 0000-0600 if motion is detected the alarm will sound and record a video and from 0600- 2359 the cameras are recording and no alarms sound.


Over the past week I have had numerous faults with the system and its performance. I am at the point of returning it and ensuring I discourage anyone else from purchasing Arlo as I have spent over a thousand dollars and the system has caused more grief than peace of mind. 

A list of issues encountered are below and any suggestions/ help would be appreciated. Please note and remember, this has all happened within the last week!!


App- when I try to login to the app I will get a message that says "getting status" and then thats it. I cant actually connect and have to shut the app down all together and continue fighting with it until it eventually works. I have tried logging in on 3 different devices (mine and 2 shared access) and at times the app works fine on some devices and not on others. I dont ever want to be stuck in a situation where i cant view/obtain or monitor my own footage.


Schedule mode just gets forgotten all together. The system sends itself to armed mode and the custom mode that i created is completely gone. This means I then need to recreate/program my custom mode, times and schedule, rules ect... very frustrating 


Login and all the cameras have a message saying " maximum of 5 cameras are supported simultaneously, please stop one stream before starting another stream". I only have 4 camera's setup so straight away i wanted to punch this message in the face and also i wasnt able to stop a stream because the stupid system wouldnt even let me watch one!!!


So... a camera system is pointless if its not recording, and this one just suddenly stops recording all footage. The only way to fix this is to reboot the entire system. Thats just ridiculous to have to do frequently and what happens if the system stops recording, i havnt noticed because i havnt logged in and then something happens that itsnt captured... pretty much a waste of all my money then. Also have had one occourence where all the cameras unsycned from the base. This resulted in me having to reset then entire system and resync all the cameras. Pretty sure im not being unreasonable when i say that this is absolutely absurd to have to go through. 


Not sure if collectively these issues are a software fault and if so an update needs to be released or if something else is going on. Its just strange that the system has worked fine for 4 months and now all of a sudden in the last week its gone completely stupid and all this is happening.


Please help!



You mentioned that your custom modes get deleted.

I have been battling this since January and have a fault case open along with other issues.

Suggest you contact support to raise the priority to get a fix.

The workaround for me is to delete any basic activity zones you may have on your powered cameras. The base station settings get corrupted when motion is detected on these cameras because you have activity zones selected.

Hope this helps.


Thanks will do. That's amazing that they know about such a big fault and there hasn't been an update to fix it yet. I'll raise a fault case. Don't think im gunna be able to delete my activity zones because the cameras get my yard and half the road in the view so everytime a car goes past its going to trigger the siren. Which means ill just use the same mode i use of a daytime, 24/7.
In the end.... another feature that you pay ALOT of money for and then cant use.


I have read on the forum that you can get activity zones working for battery powered cameras but you have to subscribe for the premium package. I do not know if this will fix my issue so will not take the chance of wasting more money.
I have not seen many complaints of the same nature posted here on the forum and unsure if it is a hardware related issue.
It could also be that it is a common issue that is not fully understood and so just gets ignored with the usual comments to reboot, resync and reload of devices.
I made the mistake of placing four of my outstanding issues on the one case number and although the level 2 support response has been sort of great, the case worker is only able to deal with one issue at a time since they have so many customers to manage.
As they say, the squeaky wheel gets the oil.

Guru Guru

@Dannybear wrote:
I have read on the forum that you can get activity zones working for battery powered cameras but you have to subscribe for the premium package.

For the record, you can subscribe to Smart on a camera basis. You don't have to subscribe to Premier or Elite.

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