Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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I just purchased an Arlo Pro 2.  Love the quality of image.

Battery drained in a little more than 24 hours.  I charged it till the blue light was solid (as per instructions) and it drained in approx 20 hours.

I charged it again, put it back up and the next morning it was at 50%.

I spent 34 minutes on a phone call with customer support (most of that was on hold) and tried their recommendations.

Call ended with them telling me I should return it to Best Buy.

Have not decided if I'll try another Pro 2, try a standard Pro or just cut my losses and get a full refund.


Sensei Sensei

My batteries run for a month to six weeks.


Have you checked the mode to ensure that it is not permanently recording something?


Battery life depends on what the thing is doing.


Just another user
Arlo hardware: Q Plus, Pro 2 (X2), Pro 3 (X3), Pro 3 Floodlight, Security Light (X2), Ultra (X2), Doorbell, Chime

It was not recording constantly, as evidenced by checking the library.  I tried changing the video quality but that didn't help.


Glad to hear your's have better battery life.  Perhaps this one was just a lemon.  I may give another unit a chance.


Thanks for the input.


I exchanged the Pro 2 and set the new one up yesterday, at about 2 pm.


I set the motion detection all the way down to 1%, set the video for "optimized".


Checked it last night and the battery showed to be full.


Checked it this morning and the battery is at 30%


There were no videos recorded between installation and this morning.


One thing:  I'm using a Netgear Nighthawk LTE Modem as the base station.  Perhaps there is a glitch between the two?  Unfortunate.  Since both are Netgear, I had hopes they would work together.


Back the camera will go to Best Buy.  So dissappointed.

Sensei Sensei

@BBinAL wrote:
One thing:  I'm using a Netgear Nighthawk LTE Modem as the base station. 

Interesting but by "base station" I assume you mean modem. The Arlo Pro has its own base station.


You may be on to something. Is that the MR1100 modem?


I'd guess that most people connect their Arlo base stations to a DSL or cable modem and/or a standard router.

Just another user
Arlo hardware: Q Plus, Pro 2 (X2), Pro 3 (X3), Pro 3 Floodlight, Security Light (X2), Ultra (X2), Doorbell, Chime

@michaelkenward wrote:

@BBinAL wrote:
One thing:  I'm using a Netgear Nighthawk LTE Modem as the base station. 

Interesting but by "base station" I assume you mean modem. The Arlo Pro has its own base station.


No, I meant it the way I wrote it. The Netgear Nighthawk LTE Modem has a setting to make it ALSO function as an Arlo base station.  It specifically says you can purchase accesory Arlo Pro cameras to add to the Nighthawk.


Frustrating that the first two CS people I talked to did not know this.


I think it is the MR1100 (don't have it with me right now).


I've got another call in to CS.  I'm willing to try the Arlo Pro in case the Pro2 is the culprit.


I really would like the system...if it would work properly.


@AncientGeek wrote:



Assuming it works...



Oh, it works.  It just doesn't keep a charge more than about 1 day.   That's what my issue is all about, the Pro2 eating the battery up in only one day.


How do your settings on your Pro 2 compare to your settings on another model (assuming you have another Arlo camera) ?


Since a Pro 2 has CVR capability and some other added functionality over the previous models, I could see where it would be easy to configure one that would devour a battery powered modem/router like this.


But if the Pro 2 is on battery also and is configured similarly to other Arlo cameras that don't exibit the battery drain problem, then that's a head scratcher.  It could be something unique to how much communication the Pro 2 does with the base compared to other models.


I think some clarity is in order:

1 - The Nighthawk Modem (battery removed) is plugged into a UPS that is plugged into an electrical socket.  The modem is on pretty much all the time.  I don't know how long the UPS will power the modem but I suspect it would be measured in days unless there is a lot of traffic.


I have two Arlo Q cameras in the system.  These are plugged into the electrical sockets of the cabin.


I have 1 Arlo Pro 2 camera.  It is running on its battery.  THIS camers is eating the battery up in about 1 day.


Further contact with higher levels of CS have resulted in the opinion that a new firmware update may fix tthe issue.  Will try that tomorrow.


I hope this thing can be set up to work.  I'd be happy with 2 weeks of battery life even though it is supposed to give 2 months or more.


Got it.

I have Arlo 2 cameras on battery that last for months.  The same as my other Arlo cameras. 
They only eat batteries when there is a lot of activity triggering a ton of recording.  Perhaps there is a firmware issue.   Good luck!
Sensei Sensei

That's the first time I have seen that configuration mentioned here.


The manual for the MR1100 is minimal on Arlo. Just one vague mention. The support pages are even less helpful


As this is the only LTE modem that says anything about Arlo, that is probably what you have.


I'd guess that this is a rare use, with very little experience to compare with.

Just another user
Arlo hardware: Q Plus, Pro 2 (X2), Pro 3 (X3), Pro 3 Floodlight, Security Light (X2), Ultra (X2), Doorbell, Chime
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New Base station firmware has been released that should help resolve the issue being discussed here. Check your base station firmware to be sure you are up to date with the latest available version.


Take a look here for more information on this firmware: Firmware Release Scheduled 6/21 to Address IR Rapid Battery Drain and Modes and Schedules Issues



Sensei Sensei

@JamesC wrote:

New Base station firmware has been released that should help resolve the issue being discussed here.


Will that work when using the setup described by @BBinAL with an LTE MR1100 modem acting as the base station?



Just another user
Arlo hardware: Q Plus, Pro 2 (X2), Pro 3 (X3), Pro 3 Floodlight, Security Light (X2), Ultra (X2), Doorbell, Chime
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Looking into that now...




I've heard nothing further from CS.  The return window on this camera is closing.  I don't think I should keep it if it does not work properly.


Hoping for a resolution in the next couple of days.

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Sorry for the delayed response. I've escalated this topic concerning the MR1100. As the firmware management is different between a standard Arlo Base Station and the MR1100, the update I posted earlier would not have any impact on the functionality of Arlo Pro cameras connected to the MR1100.


I will provide an update as soon as I can, I encourage you to continue working with the support team through your open support case as well.




Thanks, James C.


I really like the system and what it can do for me.  It is installed in our camphouse, 60 miles from our home.


The only downside is that I have to drive down there every other day and charge the camera up.


If it can be fixed to give appropriate battery life, I'll keep and may even add to it.


The Arlo Q cameras (I'm told) are updating their firmware over the Nighthawk modem.  I don't understand why the Nighthawk is not updating its Arlo firmware.


This may be a case of "early adopter problems".


I just ordered an MR1100 to test. It looks interesting. I used similar devices for many years before tethering was readily available. However, the Arlo connection is interesting. I noticed there is an RJ45 port on the MR1100. I would think an Arlo base station could be connected to this, if the battery issues persists. That would offer more reasonalbe use of Arlo Pro 2 cameras until the MR1100 issue is resolved.

Community Manager
Community Manager



All correct. I'm relocating this topic to it's own thread as the original post doesn't reflect the current discussion.




The Nighthawk does have an ethernet port.


CS has advised tha they think using the arlo with a normal base station hooked to the ethernet port would solve the issue.


Trouble is I researched the system and purchased the nighthawk thinking I didn't need the base station.  Adding the base station increases the cost.


Besides, I don't know if I can purchase a base station by itself.  Best Buy doesn't list it without at least one camera.  Looks like I could purchase on Amazon but that further cuts into the days remaining for me to return the (2nd) camera.


I want to purchase locally so returning is less of a hassle if it doesn't work.  I'd really like it to work but current experience has not been favorable.



Yes.  The cost does go up.  Looks like you could get the Arlo Pro (not the Pro 2) with a base station from Best Buy for 193.99.  That’s a $56 premium over just a single Arlo Pro camera.  But the Pro 2 doesn’t appear to be offered as a one camera kit, so it brings you all the way up to $450 for a two camera kit with a base station.  That’s a $90 premium for the base station (and some mounts) over just the two cameras.   If you go all the way to a 4 or  6 camera system, it is cheaper to buy the cameras with a base station than without one.  I’ve done that in the past to get cameras.


Just heard back from CS.  Real nice guy but, unfortunately, does not have a solution.


The firmware on my Nighthawk is the most up to date firmware available.  Netgear can't just change it as they need AT&T approval to do so.


They asked if I would return my camera to them for a replacement and let them compare battery drain between mine and the replacement.


Unfortunately, I can't do that without committing to keeping one or the other, even if it cannot be made to work properly.


The camera I have was purchased at Best Buy.  I have until Monday to return it for a full refund.  Netgear is not willing to agree to a full refund if they are unable to make the system work.  They will only agree to providing warranty service.


I asked about adding an Arlo base station and the tech told me he had approx 50% confidence that would solve the problem.


I let him know that I've got until Monday to return this camera and that I'll be going down to get it Friday.  I asked that he let me know if he can come up with another solution.


I like Netgear and I'd really like to help them out but I can't commit to over $150 to help them investigate an issue they don't know they can solve.


We may be at an impasse.


Too bad.  The picture quality is very good and the app works well, both on my phone and on my computer.  I thought Netgear had a winner here.  I hope they get it worked out.



Hmmm... if he has a 50% confidence a base station would fix the problem, the implication would seem to be that he has a 50% confidence that the problem is actually with your camera.  So returning it would seem to be a reasonable thing to do.  If you wanted to keep testing, couldn’t you purchase a different Arlo Pro 2 camera a day or two later and restart the clock on the return window?  Though that still might not be enough time since there is no way to know how long it will take to fix the problem.  The MR1100 I ordered today will be delivered tomorrow.  I may test a Pro 2 with the system to see if I experience excessive battery drain.


Ancient Greek:


I don't really want to keep testing.  I want to install a system, be amazed at the quality and battery life and march on happily.


I'll be very interested in anything you find as it may encourage me with the proper path:

Return current camera and get another

Return current camera and get system with base station

Return current camera and decide to wait for them to fix the problems before purchasing another (though I don't know how I'll determine if/when they have fixed them)


Standing by and thanks for whatever you can tell me.

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